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As much as we talk about SCs; at my job the customers are about the only GOOD part.

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  • As much as we talk about SCs; at my job the customers are about the only GOOD part.

    The rest of you may find this wierd, but at my retailer job, I personally only get a minimum of SCs (the really dishonest/abusive kind anyway); like maybe one every six weeks or so (on average). In fact, as much as I one day would prefer a 9 to 5 job where I work alone in an office, at my current job I do enjoy (on most days) to help customers out and save them money (like offer to get extra 12/24 packs of soda on days we do free ones as a promo when you buy a certain quanitity). After all, the majority of them are just like me in that sense; living on a limited income and need to save all the money they can. One customer even took my suggestion and does his store brand stuff on our credit card so he can get free groceries the fastest way possible on it (every $200 worth of store brand stuff (or $500 of our non-store brand stuff) gets you a $10 check for free groceries every quarter).

    At least as far as I'm concerned, the sucky ones aren't really the customers (with rare exceptions). It's corproate and management who seemingly don't care about us wage-slaves and to a slightly lesser extent, don't care that much about the customers either (such as forcing them to have a loyality card just to get the sale prices; which screws over out of town customers who don't have one of our stores and don't want to bother with the card).

    Am I the only one in this congregation in this kind of situation? Where the supposed SCs don't bother me nearly as much as the sucky corporate who hogs billions in profits and won't share it with us, who are 1/2 responsible for making that profit (the customers being the other 1/2)?

  • #2
    I feel the same way you do. I get dumb and grumpy customers on every shift, but I only get a customer nasty enough to make me write about on here maybe once a month. I think most people just want to buy their shit and go home.

    And yes, you're right about corporate hogging the profits and not sharing them with employees. I work for Kmart and we are forced to push customers to apply for Sears credit cards, although we only get a very small commission (after your 5th application, you get $1.00 per application.. it is VERY difficult to get people to apply b/c Sears cards suck). The reason they push so hard is because they will make a greater profit from people using Sears cards. But do the STORE ASSOCIATES really get anything out of it besides a few extra dollars on their paycheck? Of course not.

    I don't think the head honchos of big corporations have any appreciation for the blood, sweat and tears their little store associate minions go through to pull in profits.
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    • #3
      I'm in agreement with both of you of the things I dislike about working at Macy's is the focus on credit applications, and corporate policies bother me more than the actual customers do. (I know I've posted about a few major SC's on here, but I don't encounter them too often)


      • #4
        When I worked in the call center, I got about 100x more SC's there than I do at the jewelry kiosk. I guess people are more inclined to be twat monkeys when they don't have to look you in the eye.

        “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” Philip K. Dick

