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Patron made me cry

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  • #16
    while i understand it's public access, the porn idiots should be bounced out, imo; we aren't paying taxes to support your perversions, get a damn computer and DO IT AT HOME, FREAKSHOW.

    gahh to those idiots who harrass library workers; i love libraries and try my best to be a good patron while there (be quiet, neat, respectful, etc.). i want to kick the backsides of those who act like feral children when there; don't ruin it for everyone, jerkoff!
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #17
      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
      gahh to those idiots who harrass library workers; i love libraries and try my best to be a good patron while there (be quiet, neat, respectful, etc.). i want to kick the backsides of those who act like feral children when there; don't ruin it for everyone, jerkoff!
      On behalf of all libraries, everywhere ... thank you. I truly mean it.

      Patrons like you are now the exception to the rule. I just can't get over how people act in the library these days. Standing around loudly chatting with each other, taking/making cell phone calls, eating/drinking, vandalizing books/periodicals, letting their kids run wild while they're on the internet or looking for books/movies or in the rest rooms. Why, it's almost like being in a movie theatre!

      And forget the security guards. The company that supplies them is the one that put in the lowest bid for the contract with the state, so you KNOW that the only requirement to get hired as a security guard is that you're breathing.

      *sigh* Only one more day, and then my weekend begins.
      I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


      • #18
        Your supervisor is a fuckwad. I used to work for supervisors like that---and that's why I don't anymore. Screw that. It's bad enough to put up with jackholes like that guy but for your supervisor not to have your back makes it worse.

        My supervisor is the polar opposite...if the customer bitches about any of us...he always has our backs. ALWAYS. I really think that if you can't stand up to customers, you shouldn't be in management.
        Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


        • #19
          Quoth chainedbarista View Post
          gahh to those idiots who harrass library workers; i love libraries and try my best to be a good patron while there (be quiet, neat, respectful, etc.).
          Thank you so much. Patrons like you make me feel good about what I do and what services my library district provides. You are the ones that keep me going when I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown, which is basically every day.

          In other news, my district is having a seminar on how to deal with angry patrons I shouldn't have to deal with angry patrons period. How people can bitch and complain over a free service is beyond me.

          Quoth SCSlave View Post
          Your supervisor is a fuckwad. I used to work for supervisors like that---and that's why I don't anymore. Screw that. It's bad enough to put up with jackholes like that guy but for your supervisor not to have your back makes it worse.
          Every person in charge is like that. They're completely spineless. We wouldn't have so many problems in our libraries if we showed patrons that we weren't going to tolerate their bad behavior. If they want to behave like assholes, they shouldn't have access to any of the great stuff we have. End of story.
          Last edited by Daphne; 07-29-2007, 01:09 AM.


          • #20
            When I'm at the library I am always courteous to the staff. That guy that was trying to intimidate you Daphne, you should have shoved the keyboard of the computer he was using up his ass. That guy sounds like a real prick. I would have dragged him outside and kicked the shit out of him.
            Boogity, Boogity, Boogity Let's Go Racing Boys

