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Grand Theft Barbie

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  • Grand Theft Barbie

    Thus my work week begins....


    I take it there were fireworks last night? Just judging from the elaborate steel rat maze I had to navigate just to get out of Granville station. A maze which horked me out on Dunsmir, no less. There wasn't even any cheese at the end either. If you're going to run me through that kind of extensive rodent labyrinth, there should at least be a Skytrain guard with a platter of little cheddar wedges waiting at the end.

    Clark Kent

    I had to take my glasses off half way to the office just to stop fireworks tourists from asking me directions. Glasses are the difference between "Hey! I bet that guy knows!" and "Nah, he looks like his parents were siblings. Lets ask someone else."

    A Cunning Plan

    SC: "The parkade said it closed at 11pm, we just got back here before 11pm and our car is locked inside!"

    To be precise, it's 11:16pm. So, sadly, you did not arrive in time and thus the nocturnal parkades of Vancouver have claimed yet another victim. You know what that means, right? We legally own your car now. It, like many before it, will be whisked away in the night to an elaborate chop shop operation where it will be dismantled into easily fence-able components and liquidated through out the lower mainland. A sort of Grand Theft Auto: <my company name>, if you will. We are not without mercy, however. If you want, you can leave your name and address with me and I'll make sure to have them mail you back that little green pine tree air freshener from your rear view mirror.

    A Third Front
    ( Always the same bloody line too! )

    Me: "and what's the problem?"
    SC: "Newfoundland"

    Sigh, look, much as I agree with you on this one I already have my hands full bringing poverty, famine and decay to the prairies. I don't have time to be branching out into the Maritimes. You people on the east coast are going to have to patiently wait your turn for gradual social erosion just like everyone else. Wait, heck, this is Newfoundland. You already have a head start on us anyway. If anything I'm playing catch up with the prairies here.

    Career Options

    Me: "I can only page the person who's carrying the on call pager."
    SC: "What do you mean by that?"
    Me: "I can only send a message to the person who has the on call pager right now."
    SC: "What do you mean by that?"
    Me: "…..well…."

    Alright, seriously, give me a hint here. What the heck is it you need to grasp the concept? A pamphlet? An hour of self study? A flow chart? Do you want me to act it out for you with Barbies? Because I will. Don't test me, damn you. I will. You can be Ken, since he has little more then a trademark stamp and Made in China where his boyjoy monkey should be. I'll b….wait, I guess that makes me Barbie. God dammit. Oh well, at least I'll have far more lucrative career options then you, like "pet doctor" or "magical fairy princess". You'll be sitting at home, lamenting the loss of your man serpent while I'll be having fantastical pony adventures in a sequined blue prom dress.

    Yes, I realize Barbie doesn't really have anything going on downstairs either. But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.

    Where Time and Space have no Meaning

    Me: "The travel agents don't arrive until 8am"
    SC: "What time is it there now?"
    Me: "5am"
    SC: "Oh, so you're on the east coast."

    …yes, that's right. We're on the east coast. Which is 3 hours behind the east coast. Makes perfect sense. If we were living inside some sort of dimensional rift that was bending the flow of space time. Otherwise, no, that doesn't make a shred of sense. Thus you are stupid and I have concluded ( In my vast, unrivaled wisdom ) that you should be smacked with a lightly buttered blueberry Eggo waffle.

    I Has a Flavour

    Me: "Did you see it on TV?"
    SC: "What?! I can't hear you over the TV."

    Ah, irony, thy taste is bittersweet.

    Day One Down...

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

    Yes, I realize Barbie doesn't really have anything going on downstairs either. But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.

    That line right there - THAT is part of what makes your fangirls go

    well, it does me anyways
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

      Clark Kent

      I had to take my glasses off half way to the office just to stop fireworks tourists from asking me directions. Glasses are the difference between "Hey! I bet that guy knows!" and "Nah, he looks like his parents were siblings. Lets ask someone else."
      Why do people automatically assume that glasses = directions??? Is there a neon sign that says information on them? This happens to me all the time!

      BTW - You have a very funny way of presenting things!!!
      I'm just me. I like it. Stop trying to change what I like!


      • #4
        Well, since I'm not wearing mine they stopped bugging me...
        Melody Gardot


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          If you're going to run me through that kind of extensive rodent labyrinth, there should at least be a Skytrain guard with a platter of little cheddar wedges waiting at the end.
          Sharp, medium, extra sharp or...?

          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          If you want, you can leave your name and address with me and I'll make sure to have them mail you back that little green pine tree air freshener from your rear view mirror.
          But mine was lilac, which is VERY hard to find.

          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          Me: "and what's the problem?"
          SC: "Newfoundland"

          Sigh, look, much as I agree with you on this one I already have my hands full bringing poverty, famine and decay to the prairies. I don't have time to be branching out into the Maritimes. You people on the east coast are going to have to patiently wait your turn for gradual social erosion just like everyone else. Wait, heck, this is Newfoundland. You already have a head start on us anyway. If anything I'm playing catch up with the prairies here.
          Need an assistant?

          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          You'll be sitting at home, lamenting the loss of your man serpent while I'll be having fantastical pony adventures in a sequined blue prom dress.
          Even better was the sparkly glow-in-the-dark dress from about 15 or so years ago.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            A Third Front
            Sigh, look, much as I agree with you on this one I already have my hands full bringing poverty, famine and decay to the prairies. I don't have time to be branching out into the Maritimes. You people on the east coast are going to have to patiently wait your turn for gradual social erosion just like everyone else. Wait, heck, this is Newfoundland. You already have a head start on us anyway. If anything I'm playing catch up with the prairies here.
            I think it'll be easier to just lay waste to all of Canada at once. Put Quebec on the list, stupid snotty french speaking frog lickers. (The part about the frogs may not necessaseraly be true.)

            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            Where Time and Space have no Meaning
            …yes, that's right. We're on the east coast. Which is 3 hours behind the east coast. Makes perfect sense. If we were living inside some sort of dimensional rift that was bending the flow of space time. Otherwise, no, that doesn't make a shred of sense. Thus you are stupid and I have concluded ( In my vast, unrivaled wisdom ) that you should be smacked with a lightly buttered blueberry Eggo waffle.
            Why did you move Vancouver again? You should've gone with Quebec, about 5000km upwards should be good. Nah they don't need air, I'm sure whatever plants that have been transposed along with the rest of them have some. Probably. Maybe. Alright that's a lie but let's send them anyway.

            On a completly different note horses are so much cooler than ponies, especially those descended from war horses who still like to live out the glory days of trampling the small squishy things. Camels are also a good choice, all of them hate everyone and have learnt the complicated maths of trajectory to better aim their spit.
            Last edited by Soulstealer; 07-26-2007, 07:06 PM.
            How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


            • #7
              I can't stand getting asked directions. I'm one of those people who couldn't find their ass without a map, a compass, an Alpaca, and Edmund Hillary. Asking me directions is not a good idea, since I don't know where I am half the time.
              It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
              ~~~H.L. Mencken


              • #8
                Quoth Aldous View Post
                I'm one of those people who couldn't find their ass without a map, a compass, an Alpaca, and Edmund Hillary.
                I'm pretty much the same. One night, working at Food Kitty, i accidentally gave someone wrong directions to a gas station. The guy actually called the cops over this.
                Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                • #9

                  After listening to the audio on a previous post, I know that I have spoken with you. I pray I never end up in one of your posts, or on your "annoying customers I'd like to drop off the top level of the Skytrain" list.

                  And how do you keep your sanity? Obviously, part of it is letting your imagination run free and posting for our enjoyment. But, how do you manage to not join a special anti-SC terrorist unit specializing in locating SCs by their phone numbers, and sending them small, explosive packages designed to render them, at the least, unable to reproduce, at the best, unable to use a phone, computer, car or public transit?
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    Quoth wagegoth View Post
                    ...................a special anti-SC terrorist unit specializing in locating SCs by their phone numbers, and sending them small, explosive packages designed to render them, at the least, unable to reproduce, at the best, unable to use a phone, computer, car or public transit?
                    There is an easier way. A buddy of mine that worked with me at the To-Be-Unnamed-Discount-Outlet-for-Go-Fast-Parts had an SC that was abusive, nasty and condescending on the phone and bought nothing after wasting 20 minutes. Note to all SC's: DO NOT DO THIS WHEN YOU CALL AN 800 NUMBER. We have call ID that gets your number even if you try to block us. My friend wrote down SC's phone number and then drove around from payphone to payphone at 3am with a bag of quarters calling this guy over and over. He told the SC that he would stop calling if he would simply say "I thought I was clever and smart but I'm really just an asshole." It took over an hour of this before SC relented and admitted what we already knew. Childish? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely!
                    I know nothing and I can prove it!


                    • #11
                      After listening to the audio on a previous post, I know that I have spoken with you. I pray I never end up in one of your posts, or on your "annoying customers I'd like to drop off the top level of the Skytrain" list.
                      Oh? What were you calling? Its quite possible. In fact I'd be surprised if no one on this had never unknowingly spoken with my company before....

                      I'm still waiting for the day someone goes "Hey wait, that was me! Yoy $@$@^!" after one of my posts. =p


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Thus my work week begins....
                        Yay! ... oh, wait... I'm not supposed to cheer about that, am I?

                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        A Third Front
                        ( Always the same bloody line too! )

                        Me: "and what's the problem?"
                        SC: "Newfoundland"
                        Where will it end, I ask!

                        Actually, what I really want to know, is what the heck line this is that they have so much trouble with whole regions that they feel the need to call you about it.

                        ... I don't know what it is about Newfoundland, but it's been coming up in my recreational reading a lot, lately... Two different books, and now here.

                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Career OptionsYou'll be sitting at home, lamenting the loss of your man serpent while I'll be having fantastical pony adventures in a sequined blue prom dress.

                        Yes, I realize Barbie doesn't really have anything going on downstairs either. But I don't need a vagina. I have a pony.
                        First off... "lamenting the loss of your man serpent" ... bwahahaha! You crack me up.

                        Second, Barbie's also got a Ferrari and a Jeep, and a Dream House, a wardrobe the envy of every clothes horse, ever, and no need to actually work, even though she can have any job she wants.

                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Thus you are stupid and I have concluded ( In my vast, unrivaled wisdom ) that you should be smacked with a lightly buttered blueberry Eggo waffle.
                        *nods* For your wisdom is vast and unrivaled.

                        And that should be a non-toasted, possibly even sill frozen Eggo waffle.

                        Not that I'm trying to rival your wisdom, or anything....

                        Quoth wagegoth View Post
                        After listening to the audio on a previous post, I know that I have spoken with you.
                        *is jealous*

                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        I'm still waiting for the day someone goes "Hey wait, that was me! Yoy $@$@^!" after one of my posts. =p
                        But that would be a lurker, not a regular poster, I'm sure.

                        Not that that would necessarily stop them from piping up, but I suspect they would be rather less contrite and rather more irate.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          I take it there were fireworks last night? Just judging from the elaborate steel rat maze I had to navigate just to get out of Granville station.
                          I saw someone at Granville & Georgia this morning about 6:30 AM and went, "That guy looks just like the guy in Gravekeeper's photo. I wonder if...nah, couldn't be..."

                          Did I just miss the change for an autograph??


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            I'm still waiting for the day someone goes "Hey wait, that was me! Yoy $@$@^!" after one of my posts. =p
                            Hey wait, that was me! Yoy $@$@^!

                            Just fulfilling your dream/nightmare/whatever. I'm good/evil/undecided like that.
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mango View Post
                              I saw someone at Granville & Georgia this morning about 6:30 AM and went, "That guy looks just like the guy in Gravekeeper's photo. I wonder if...nah, couldn't be..."

                              Did I just miss the change for an autograph??
                              Nope, I get off at 7am. Then I make my way towards Granville station. I'm still trapped in my office at 6:30. ><

                              Look for the most unattractive man with glasses you can find and see if he has a look on his face like someone just drowned his puppy. That should be me right after work.

