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Frisky Parkade Barbie

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  • Frisky Parkade Barbie

    Day Two....( Language / Disturbing imagery warning. Mainly because I'm not allowed the same level of debauchery in my original reports at work. ) =p

    Mystery Balls

    I'm not entirely sure what that unmarked bag of white frothy mystery balls is in the break room there. But like any rational, intelligent human being my first impulse was "Well, I'll just put one in my mouth and see what happens.". Luckily for me it turned out to be some form of candy and not some form of dissolving toilet bowl cleaner. Least I hope it was candy…..oh well I'll find out soon enough whether or not I'm about to become intimate with one of the operators at Poison Control.


    Me: "Hi, is this Jim? It’s <my company> here-"
    SC: "Oh, hi, dear."
    Me: "….hi."

    Reowr, you can call me Barbie.

    ( For reference its $36 to COD ship anything to the boonies in Nunavut )

    SC: "How come its so expensive to COD here?"

    Because, where you live, there's really only two methods of transporting anything to you from the civilized world: Air drop or dog sled and the dog sled team only has about a 50/50 chance of making it without dying of exposure. That leaves air drop. Its expensive to have a plane fly over head and shove a crate out the door. Then your local "post office" has to get together the hunting dogs and rifles ( to ward off bears and witches ) and make the 3 day round trip into the wilderness to retrieve the crate.

    Of course then there's the event of when you couldn't turn in enough beer bottles to pay for it. In that case we also need to cover the cost if shipping it back. As you know this is a simple process of strapping it to a beaver in a waterproof leather satchel, tying the beavers rear legs together and throwing him in the closest river. Then a team of highly trained Canada Post aquatic beaver interception engineers ( We call them Beavermen for short ) will fish him out down river when he floats within range of a post office.

    So, as you can see, there's quite a few factors involved here that drive up the price. Unlike the majority of other consumer products in your life, clothes cannot be produced by leaving them in an old septic tank out back with some yeast for a fortnight.

    The Parkade Strikes Again
    ( This is the same parkade.... )

    SC: "My car is stuck in the parkade! I didn't see the sign that said when it closed."

    Yeah, actually having to read signs is kind of a pain in the arse, isn't it? Its not like they oft contain vital information or anything that could have prevented you from being stranded down town without a vehicle. We'll take good care of it though. Our team of "client care specialists" ( term from our website, inside joke =p ) will work it over so well you won't even recognize it when its done! Mainly because pieces of it will be spread out across several other vehicles and shady "family" run service stations across the lower mainland.

    Oh, but don't worry, we'll mail you back the fuzzy dice when we're done with it.

    ( On a side note the on calls for the company they keep calling regarding the parkade got so sick and tired of sending someone over to let fuckwits out of the parkade every damn night that they've refused to do it anymore. Which leads me too the next call..... )

    Round 2
    ( Oh, oh, here's Mr Parkade again. )

    SC: "Oh I see! You just don't care! It's not your problem, right? Why should you give a damn?!"

    There's a difference between "Can't" and "Don't". Allow me to illustrate it for you: See, when you called the first time it was "Can't". As in I "can't" do anything to assist you because you being an idiot does not constitute an emergency. But since you decided to call back and act like a 4 year old, you're right, now I "don't" care. However, you're the one that made me this way. Do you see the horror of what you've wrought? Why, before you came along, I was a cheerful, naive, optimistic employee completely untouched by the callous cruelty of the real world. But now I am a dark, bitter, pessimistic shell of my former self. All because you were too much of a dumbass to bother reading a sign. Are you happy now, butt nugget?

    This Guy REEKED of SC.
    ( I seriously think some of you on the frontlines have met this dickhead before. )

    SC: "Yeah, you're attendant here, Tim, should not be working for <client>!!"

    I am intrigued, on what do you base this theory? Do go on.

    SC: "He has no customer service! He's arrogant, egotistical and should not be working here! I'm going to take this to the newspaper, TV stations and anywhere else I can get it!"

    You're inflated, near delusional sense of what actually merits "news" is duly noted. I noticed you don't offer any particular evidence to support why Tim is such a bastard. But none the less you could end right there. I could note your complaint that you think the attendant there seems to have the personality profile of Skeletor, and we could both go on our merry ways.

    SC: "I have two family members that work for <client>!"

    Ok, that….wait, what? Er….ok, but what does that have to do with anything?

    SC: "One of them has worked for <client> for 42 years!"

    You have a family member that worked at a gas station for 42 years? Christ, you must be proud.

    SC: "You better follow up on this! I'll be calling back to follow up on it!"

    Wow, what the Hell did Tim do to you anyway to warrant this kind of wrath? Did he scratch your truck? Did he make a pass at your underage daughter? Did he pleasure your dog orally while you were pumping gas? Oh oh! Wait, I know! This all sounds so familiar....don't tell me...ah ha! He carded you for cigarettes didn't he! That FUCKER!


    Me: "Good morning, <company name>-"
    SC: "Friday morning or Friday afternoon?"
    Me: "Pardon?"
    SC: "Is it Friday morning or Friday afternoon?!"
    Me: "…it's Friday morning."
    SC: "Ok, thanks, bye."

    ……right, ok. So there are no clocks, computers, tvs, dvd players, microwaves, stoves, sundials, windows or watches in your house? But there's a phone? Or did you just wake up broke, sticky and confused in a ditch and now you require my guidance? If that's the case I can think of more important questions you should be asking yourself first before "what time of day is it?". Questions like "Where am I?", "Where's my pants?", "What's this taste in my mouth?" or "Why does my butt hurt so much?".


    Me: "and what's your name?"
    SC: "<gives me something that must use at least 3/4th's of the alphabet>"
    Me: "Alright, how do you spell your name?"
    SC: "My name?"
    Me: "Yes."

    …yes, your name. The name we were just discussing. The topic of conversation from approximately 3 seconds ago. Please man, try to retain information at least THAT long or this is going to be a very long, painful experience for both of us. Well, for me anyway. You won't remember any of it long enough for it to actually feel "long" to you. So for you this will be more like an extended series of small, painful moments linked together by a general theme ( In this case the desire for pants. ). Kind of like acupuncture. But no where near as therapeutic.


    Me: "Alright, what's your phone number?"
    SC: "xxx-xxxx"
    Me: "and the area code?"
    SC: "<Give's postal code.>"
    Me: "Ok, but what's the area code on your phone number?"
    SC: "Oh, it's 867."
    Me: "So 867-xxx-xxxx?"
    SC: "No."
    Me: ".....867, correct?"
    SC: "No."
    Me: "Is the area code 867?"
    SC: "No."
    Me: ".....ok, what's your phone number then?"
    SC: "867-xxx-xxxx"
    Me: "......"

    Actually, you know what? I don't blame you. If I accidentally admitted I lived there I'd be back paddling my canoe up a certain river in Egypt too.

    Day Two: Complete

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    Me: "Good morning, <company name>-"
    SC: "Friday morning or Friday afternoon?"
    Me: "Pardon?"
    SC: "Is it Friday morning or Friday afternoon?!"
    Me: "…it's Friday morning."
    SC: "Ok, thanks, bye."

    To be fair, though, I've asked coworkers what day it was before (but NEVER what part of the day it was). Last time was yesterday. I thought it was Wednesday, but it felt like a Friday...and I'm only at the BEGINNING of my three weeks of hell at work.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
      Mystery Balls

      I'm not entirely sure what that unmarked bag of white frothy mystery balls is in the break room there. But like any rational, intelligent human being my first impulse was "Well, I'll just put one in my mouth and see what happens.". Luckily for me it turned out to be some form of candy and not some form of dissolving toilet bowl cleaner. Least I hope it was candy…..oh well I'll find out soon enough whether or not I'm about to become intimate with one of the operators at Poison Control.
      You should do stand-up. I've been laughing for about 5 minutes at this. You've a way with words GK, that I don't think anyone has seen before. BRAVO!
      It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
      ~~~H.L. Mencken


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Mystery Balls

        I'm not entirely sure what that unmarked bag of white frothy mystery balls is in the break room there. But like any rational, intelligent human being my first impulse was "Well, I'll just put one in my mouth and see what happens.". Luckily for me it turned out to be some form of candy and not some form of dissolving toilet bowl cleaner. Least I hope it was candy…..oh well I'll find out soon enough whether or not I'm about to become intimate with one of the operators at Poison Control.
        I tend to sniff at such things, first. then I'll pop one into my mouth and see what happens.

        Did they at least taste good?

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Me: "Hi, is this Jim? It’s <my company> here-"
        SC: "Oh, hi, dear."
        Me: "….hi."
        Since you asked if it was Jim, I will assume that this was a guy you were speaking to. And he called you dear? You've got a nice voice, but in no way do you sound female....

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Do you see the horror of what you've wrought? Why, before you came along, I was a cheerful, naive, optimistic employee completely untouched by the callous cruelty of the real world.

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        But now I am a dark, bitter, pessimistic shell of my former self. All because you were too much of a dumbass to bother reading a sign. Are you happy now, butt nugget?
        Ah... just the way we like you, GK.

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        Oh oh! Wait, I know! This all sounds so familiar....don't tell me...ah ha! He carded you for cigarettes didn't he! That FUCKER!
        Ha! That's my guess, too. And that bastard Tim wouldn't sell them without ID that this guy didn't have even though he drove there and drove away.

        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        I can think of more important questions you should be asking yourself first before "what time of day is it?". Questions like "Where am I?", "Where's my pants?", "What's this taste in my mouth?" or "Why does my butt hurt so much?".
        And the worst part is that the answer to #4 also, horrifically, leads to the answer for #3...

        Quoth Aldous View Post
        You should do stand-up. I've been laughing for about 5 minutes at this. You've a way with words GK, that I don't think anyone has seen before. BRAVO!
        Sshhh! Don't give him any ideas that would lead to his departure from the call center.

        Well, unless that career means that he will be traveling and that those travels will bring him closer to his fangirls.... Yeah... GK, you should do stand-up!

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
          Day Two....( Language / Disturbing imagery warning. Mainly because I'm not allowed the same level of debauchery in my original reports at work. ) =p

          This Guy REEKED of SC.
          ( I seriously think some of you on the frontlines have met this dickhead before. )

          SC: "Yeah, you're attendant here, Tim, should not be working for <client>!!"

          I am intrigued, on what do you base this theory? Do go on.

          SC: "He has no customer service! He's arrogant, egotistical and should not be working here! I'm going to take this to the newspaper, TV stations and anywhere else I can get it!"

          You're inflated, near delusional sense of what actually merits "news" is duly noted. I noticed you don't offer any particular evidence to support why Tim is such a bastard. But none the less you could end right there. I could note your complaint that you think the attendant there seems to have the personality profile of Skeletor, and we could both go on our merry ways.

          SC: "I have two family members that work for <client>!"

          Ok, that….wait, what? Er….ok, but what does that have to do with anything?

          SC: "One of them has worked for <client> for 42 years!"

          You have a family member that worked at a gas station for 42 years? Christ, you must be proud.

          SC: "You better follow up on this! I'll be calling back to follow up on it!"

          Wow, what the Hell did Tim do to you anyway to warrant this kind of wrath? Did he scratch your truck? Did he make a pass at your underage daughter? Did he pleasure your dog orally while you were pumping gas? Oh oh! Wait, I know! This all sounds so familiar....don't tell me...ah ha! He carded you for cigarettes didn't he! That FUCKER!
          Anyone who has ever worked ANYWHERE that sells cigarettes has met Tim. In fact, Tim has produced numerous clones of himself, of all different shapes, sizes and genders, so that he may strike multiple locations at the same time, and the same location multiple times. It is for this reason that cigarettes are carcinogenic. Not due to any inherent properties, but because the tobacco companies are waging a desperate war against all of the cloned Tims in an effort to wipe them from the face of the earth.

          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

          Me: "Alright, what's your phone number?"
          SC: "xxx-xxxx"
          Me: "and the area code?"
          SC: "<Give's postal code.>"
          Me: "Ok, but what's the area code on your phone number?"
          SC: "Oh, it's 867."
          Me: "So 867-xxx-xxxx?"
          SC: "No."
          Me: ".....867, correct?"
          SC: "No."
          Me: "Is the area code 867?"
          SC: "No."
          Me: ".....ok, what's your phone number then?"
          SC: "867-xxx-xxxx"
          Me: "......"

          Actually, you know what? I don't blame you. If I accidentally admitted I lived there I'd be back paddling my canoe up a certain river in Egypt too.

          Day Two: Complete
          To be fair GK, the whole concept of 'area code' seems to reside somewhere north of the average caller's conceptual grasp. When I worked in phone support, I think I had maybe 5 calls over 2 years where I asked this question and DIDN'T get their zip code, or username, or password, or credit card number or something. The whole concept of 'code' I think flips a switch in their brains that this is secret information they shouldn't know.

          After all, if you know the code, the terrorists win!
          Check out my webcomic!


          • #6
            I tend to sniff at such things, first. then I'll pop one into my mouth and see what happens.

            Did they at least taste good?
            They were.....creamy..and sort of crunchy in the middle, but not with any really defined flavour. I still have no idea what they are. But they're still sitting on the counter in the break room far as I know. Tempting others with their elusive mystery.


            • #7
              Your posts just always make my day less sucky ... and you're such a talented writer. Thank you
              I love mankind ... it's people I can't stand. -- Linus Van Pelt


              • #8
                Quoth Polenicus View Post
                Anyone who has ever worked ANYWHERE that sells cigarettes has met Tim. In fact, Tim has produced numerous clones of himself, of all different shapes, sizes and genders, so that he may strike multiple locations at the same time, and the same location multiple times. It is for this reason that cigarettes are carcinogenic. Not due to any inherent properties, but because the tobacco companies are waging a desperate war against all of the cloned Tims in an effort to wipe them from the face of the earth.
                Hey! I have a Tim at home! Although . . . he doesn't work in a convenience store anymore . . . he's more like a "Vintage Tim."

                (Tim is my husband's name, by the way)
                This area is left blank for a reason.


                • #9
                  Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

                  Mystery Balls

                  I'm not entirely sure what that unmarked bag of white frothy mystery balls is in the break room there. But like any rational, intelligent human being my first impulse was "Well, I'll just put one in my mouth and see what happens.". Luckily for me it turned out to be some form of candy and not some form of dissolving toilet bowl cleaner. Least I hope it was candy…..oh well I'll find out soon enough whether or not I'm about to become intimate with one of the operators at Poison Control.

                  I always break open the offending item, squish it, sniff then try one...
                  Btw it sounds like a yogurt ball.


                  • #10
                    Unless I know the source of "mystery treats" that surface in our lunchroom, I don't touch them. Clients occasionally like to give us goodies and I don't trust them one bit.

                    I have certainly met Tims at my job. The worst Tims are the ones that actually work for the newspapers. They write editorials about their "bad" experience, while social injustices run rampant in the city and the world is being torn by war and disease. Really, Tim, who cares?
                    -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                    -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                    • #11

                      I absolutely love your posts. I bet you're a riot to work with.
                      Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        Sshhh! Don't give him any ideas that would lead to his departure from the call center.

                        Well, unless that career means that he will be traveling and that those travels will bring him closer to his fangirls.... Yeah... GK, you should do stand-up!

                        There's some good places in my general vicinity...

                        Me: "and the area code?"
                        OK, most places are using 10-digit-dialing by this point I don't even think of the area code as being 'separate' from the rest of the phone number...even taking orders when I worked in the store it's been years since most people have started giving me a phone number without the area code...

                        (Does that make sense? It's late and I'm tired. I think that makes sense. Ah, you know what I mean.)

                        But then this is 867 we're talking about. I don't know much about the geography and demographics of Canada but I think it's safe to say they have a slightly lower population density than the state of New Jersey (most densely populated state in the US). But Nunavut probably owns more pants.

                        PS, GK, I like your new cat He looks like he's telling a particularly funny secret...
                        Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 07-28-2007, 04:33 AM.
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Quoth Polenicus View Post
                          Anyone who has ever worked ANYWHERE that sells cigarettes has met Tim. In fact, Tim has produced numerous clones of himself, of all different shapes, sizes and genders, so that he may strike multiple locations at the same time, and the same location multiple times. It is for this reason that cigarettes are carcinogenic. Not due to any inherent properties, but because the tobacco companies are waging a desperate war against all of the cloned Tims in an effort to wipe them from the face of the earth.
                          TIM: There are some who call me... 'Tim'?
                          ARTHUR: Greetings, Tim the Enchanter.

                          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                          OK, most places are using 10-digit-dialing by this point I don't even think of the area code as being 'separate' from the rest of the phone number...even taking orders when I worked in the store it's been years since most people have started giving me a phone number without the area code...
                          You can tell the new transplants here. When you ask for a phone number, they'll start with the area code. Which really isn't necessary since all of New Mexico has the same area code (for now).
                          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Pagan View Post
                            You can tell the new transplants here. When you ask for a phone number, they'll start with the area code. Which really isn't necessary since all of New Mexico has the same area code (for now).
                            I guess there's just so many people here...I can't imagine a whole state having the same area code! (Well, maybe Rhode Island, I guess...) Hell, my whole county probably doesn't have the same area code any more...
                            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                            • #15
                              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post

                              To be fair, though, I've asked coworkers what day it was before (but NEVER what part of the day it was). Last time was yesterday. I thought it was Wednesday, but it felt like a Friday...and I'm only at the BEGINNING of my three weeks of hell at work.
                              I tend to do that at work. Hell, I'll even ask customers which day it is. Mainly just to see if the day is Sunday. If so, I can't server beer until noon. Otherwise, I don't care what day it is. I just know I have to work four days in a row, then I have off three in a row.
                              "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House

