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Fresh Fries Fiasco

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  • Fresh Fries Fiasco

    It's ten minutes to closing, do you really believe that those fries are fresh? No we will not throw in another batch "just for you" because that would be a waste of material. Yes, you're right, I don't care, it's 10 minutes until closing, and I'm busy cleaning the store, and getting it ready for the morning people. My manager isn't gonna make a new batch just for you either. Fine, I'll get her. See, I told you she wouldn't. You want my name? Learn to read, it's on this little pin on my shirt. Go ahead, complain to corporate. I'm sure you do know the president of this god-forsaken store. You'll have my job? THANK GOD!!!! Please take it, I no longer wish to have it. I've ruined your night? Wonderful, because you've had a hand in ruining mine. Eye for an eye. Of course the fries are cold now, you've spent the last 5 minutes bitching and complaining. No you're not getting new fries, we just shut the fryer down, and we are not spending another wasted 20 minutes to start it up, shut it off, re-clean it, just so you can have your fries. If you were getting a size bigger than small, I might consider it. You know what, you can burn in hell too. You might not want to peel out and take a left, when it says in big letters "No Left Turn" and at this hour, the cop just got his coffee and is chilling waiting for easy arrests. Give the Capt. my finest, and you might not want to yell at him about your food being cold. Just a warning.
    It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
    ~~~H.L. Mencken

  • #2
    Bad night, huh? You have my sympathy.
    "But I don't want to be among mad people."
    You can't help that. We're all mad here. Every fucking one of us.


    • #3
      Did that happen last night?
      I had someone show up 10 minutes before close, wanting lasagna, which takes 45 minutes to cook because we were out.
      One of my friends at a different resturaunt had someone yelling for some obscure baked item 5 minutes before close.

      For some reason, a lot of us have peple showing up late last night
      I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
      less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


      • #4
        There is a difference between:




        "Technically still open, but pretty much closing up now, so if you're a high-maintenance dickhead you should have been here earlier."

        The third scenario is just sadly too complicated for the addled brain of an SC to grasp.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          Wow. Your place is obviously not a 24/7; otherwise it would not matter what time of the night I come in for fresh fries!

          That reminds me of the time I was driving late at night from Jacksonville to Orlando, and halfway there, I stopped at a 24/7 Taco Bell. I needed a cup of coffee, and I had to wait for them to brew some because they had none on hand. The guy got annoyed with me at the drive-thru for requesting it, and I told him since they're 24/7, shouldn't they expect people like me to pass through requesting coffee for the road? To me, it was safer than stopping off at a 7-11 at 11pm.


          • #6
            What the Hell is wrong with five-minute old fries? Why does everyone have to have everything made just for them? Does it make them feel important or something?
            You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


            • #7
              when i worked at mcd's, we had some regulars who were like that, except they didn't show up a the last minute, but usually around lunch or dinner when we were constantly bringing up new batches every couple minutes. They would wait for the newest batch to come up, but they were always nice about it and were patient.

              BUT... then there was the one jerk who didn't want ANY salt on his fries and he always came in at odd times. This meant we had to cook up new ones, grab the spare scooper that wasn't caked in salt & oil, take the basket and carefully dump some of the fries from the still-dripping-with-hot-oil fry basket into the scooper, just for one small fry order, and not get burned in the process. I did get burned on my hand once, 2nd degree actually, and I still have the scar, from the oil that splattered on my wrist. I cursed the guy out for it. I can't remember what I said exactly, but it was something about him and his damn salt-free order... the store manager then finally implemented a 'no salt-free fries' rule from then out because I ended up in the ER because the burn was starting to move to 3rd degree. My dad wanted to sue the guy who ordered it, but I said no.
              "We go through our careers and things happen to us. Those experiences made me what I am."-Thomas Keller


              • #8
                I totally feel your pain, Aldous. I don't know what it is, but everyone and and their grandma gets a bug up their asses at about 8:50PM and suddenly realize:

                "HOLY SCHNIKIES! BEST BUY IS CLOSING AND I HAVEN'T GOTTEN MY LAPTOP, FOR WHICH I ALSO WANT A SERVICE PLAN! I ALSO WANT A REWARD ZONE CARD! GGAAAHHH!!!" and they run headlong into my store, grab a laptop, and expect to be in and out in 5 minutes. Nope. Ain't gonna happen. OH! And the best part: They only have cash!


                • #9
                  Quoth FuzzyKitten99 View Post
                  BUT... then there was the one jerk who didn't want ANY salt on his fries...
                  I had a friend like this once. He wouldn't get salted fries because (and I swear I'm not making this up) salt is BAD for you.
                  Yeah, dude. And without salt, those fries are nothin' but Golden Sticks O' Nutrition.
                  That friendship didn't last.

                  "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


                  • #10
                    at a 24 hr place, sure, expect it, but when a place has an actual closing time, hell no, jackass, get your butt in at a reasonable time.

                    a reasonable time doesn't = <10 min to close. no, they won't be happy to see you; would you be happy to see a customer <10 minutes before YOU leave? didn't think so.

                    empathy, sc's; learn about it. oh wait, there i go, being unreasonable again, silly me.
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      The only times I've run somewhere before closing were:

                      a) place was closing early for some reason and I didn't know.
                      b) absolute emergency.
                      c) honestly though place was open later.

                      In all cases, I have apologized profusely, and conducted my business as quickly as possible.

                      On the flip side, there was always the rare occasion at my gas station when I stayed open a few minutes extra b/c I saw some poor schmuck stuck on the wrong side of the timer waiting for the lights to change. One time it was a guy who desperately needed diapers and children's Tylenol, and the next closest open place was half way across town. That one gave me warm fuzzies for helping him.

                      (And yes, he was extremely grateful)
                      Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sofar View Post
                        What the Hell is wrong with five-minute old fries? Why does everyone have to have everything made just for them? Does it make them feel important or something?

                        Because nothing but ordering around unfortunate fast food clerks can make them feel special.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          When I worked at McD's, and we'd get people who wanted their fries with no salt, I'd just get a plastic tray, left the paper placemat on it and would dump the fresh, salt-free fries onto it, then I'd scoop up the person's order with the unsalted scooper.

                          If no one else wanted any salt free orders, the fries would get tossed in with all the salty ones and the tray would get washed.

                          It was easier than trying to maneuver those blazing hot baskets over my unprotected hands.

                          Oh...and I've got a lovely scar from the Big Mac bun toaster. I was pulling the crowns off the top of the toaster with the big metal thing that we used to slide them off the toaster when the big metal thing came off the toaster and whacked me in the side of my left arm. I had a nice 3rd degree burn and had to go to the Quack-in-a-Box emergent care to get it treated and get a nice big tube of burn creme.

                          Spent about two weeks slathering burn creme on it and wrapping it in gauze. Got me out of doing the dishes or working on the fry station.

                          Stupid assistant manager didnt want to do the paperwork to pay for it, but finally did.


                          • #14
                            We often have costomers comming just minutes before we close who require a lot of time in our paint and carpeting departments. No specific social-economic backgrounds about them them.. Maybe they are simply procrastionators.

                            But I often feel they are robbing store associates of their personal time and don't give a damn about us.


                            • #15
                              I just want to bitchslap anyone who comes up and snots "Are your fries fresh?" Whenever they do that I usually say, "No, not really," just so that they go away and that makes one less person that I have to serve.

                              I eat plenty of fries myself, and I know it's nice to luck out and chance upon a batch of fries straight out of the frier. But I also understand that that is not always going to happen. I cannot understand the thought process of people who have the nerve to ask if we will make a fresh batch of fries when we have a full bin of them sitting right there. Um, no. Take what we have or else go away.

                              You know, I do feel kind of bad for people who come up to order 5-20 minutes before close. I know that when most people leave amusement parks the last thing they usually do is grab a snack on their way out. But closing time is the time we actually close, and our friers and grill will be shut down a half hour before close so that dishes can be done. We may also run out of one thing or another because it's too late to bother with making a fresh batch of anything. And I do feel bad having to tell people that we're out of something and watching their faces fall. I guess it isn't really their fault that they don't realize the last minute isn't the best time to order something.

