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You make me wanna kill people

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  • You make me wanna kill people

    Ok i havent had a new entry because well most of my stuff you people have heard hundards of times...
    But i wanna tell you my last three weeks (btw the job is worth it... i love my job!!)

    Wrong Number
    I get alot of these and most them either realise it right away or dont get too bad but this one amused me

    Me- Thank you for calling <makeup> this ME!!! operatore numberxxx. And may i ask whos calling
    W- Yes Old Lady
    Me- *confirms spelling* and you would you like your collection in A,B,C,D-
    W- Im calling about my bill, i changed my account so im only spending 90 a month and i just got abill for 120. for the last 5 months ive been paying 90 and i wanna know why my bill is so high. Because it should be 90! This isnt right!!! Im an old lady!!! you should be charging me 120!!! why is it so high!!! I changed my account so it would be only 90 but now i got this bill and it says 120 and i want you to fix it and-
    Me- Ma'am (i was looking up customer service info until i realised there no freaking way we where billing her more than 79 a month for our porduct and realised it was a wrong number btw) I believe you have the wrong number. This is <Makeup>. Who where you trying to contact?
    W- This isnt <insurence>?
    Me- No like i said this is <makeuo> you must of miss dialed.
    W- ... oh. Im so sorry! You have a wonderful day sweetheart!

    im sorry the insurence agent who had to deal with her!!!! because man she was loud

    Cancel My Order
    Sigh these ones bug me. Because i go through all that work and tell them so much and then they turn bitchy...
    Heres a few

    Me- Hello this is <Incorpation thing>, who am i speaking with (more or less, i dont have this one memorized yet...)
    C-*gives me all of his/her info and places the order here comes the fun stuff*
    Me- Ok now as you know corpate credit lets buy things you need for your business- explains about another play that will set up the credit line for them-
    C- Cancel my order im not paying more than <price>!
    Me- Ok sir, but just so you know youi dont have to purchase this program. Some customers like it so we just offer it for people who are ordering and might be interested.
    C- I dont care it should be free (normally something that costs about 500 dollars or more) I should have to pay extra for <item that is reallY good>
    Normally these people who are supposedly doing this stuff to make a better life for themselfs dont understand that im offering something that might helo them.
    some times it even has a money back guarantee...

    whats worst is even when the infomercial says something twice or more they still get pissed off

    Me- *confirming order* and in 60 days and every 60 days after that yoou automatically recieve a new-
    C- i dont want to keep getting it. I wanna try it and if i like ill order more but i dont wanna recieve more.
    Me- Well ok we can do that, but just like they said in the program you saw on tv and you are watching now (because i can hear ir in the background) the special price is only with a club subcribition. If you still want to pay the really low price you have to be signed up but you can always call in four days and cancel if you want. If not you still get a discount off the product which does normally sell for $200 but not as much.
    C- Cancel my order, this is false advertising!!! Rip it all up!!!
    Me- Ok, would you be interested in recieving a free broucher that would tell you more about out product and other great deals we have?

    You lost a customer
    One of my least favorite items to sell is really pricey and only old carpy people call in and only for a the price.
    To even tell you information i have to know the persons name to make sure if they do order it i have the right gender.
    According to the script i have before i can even tell them what customer service is. PERIOD
    Enter this guy
    Me- Thank you for calling to order <hair growth thing>. This is me who am i speaking with
    C- Yeah I was wonder the price
    Me- Alright but before i can pull up that information i need your name.
    C- well im not giving you that until i know the price
    Me- I understand your hestation sir but unfortantly without even your first name i am not alloud to give you any information.
    C- look im not giving you my name so whats the price
    Me- Im sorry sir but its the rules, i need your first name at least then ill be happy to tell you anything you want
    C- You know what you just lost a customer *fizz* (i dont get clicks damnit)

    Sigh yeah like you have bought it any ways, if i told you the price you whould have hung up when i said 'two monthly payments of 79.90-'


    im goign to go read my vampire book now thanks

  • #2
    I just thought another

    Shipping and Handeling
    Now to ship most products out it cost money to ship it right. Some of the things i sell weight maybe 60 pounds. Others are liquid. You try shipping fluids or 60 pound items for lest than 10 bucks.
    But its the least annoying of the S/H woos
    The 9.99 for make up one is the most annoying

    Me- Ok so your produce total is XX.XX. There is a tax in your area of X.XX (or maybe nothing) and shipping and handling of 9.99. That brings your total today to-
    C- why is the Shipping and handling so high??? It shouldnt be so high!!!!
    Me- well ma'am you are ordering products that weigh about pound or more and are in a pretty decent size box. We are actually giving you a break on shipping and handling...
    C- Well it shouldn't be so much!!! IT SHOULD BE LESS!!! That aint right.
    Me- Well ma'am im sorry you think that but unfortantly like i said we are giving you a break on the usual shipping charge and-
    C- I don't want it.
    Me- Im sorry we cant finish your order today-
    C- DAMN RIGHT I'M NOT ORDERING!!!!! NOT WITH SHIPPING AND HANDLING THAT HIGH!!! *FIZZ* (I really would love a click....)


    • #3
      Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
      Now to ship most products out it cost money to ship it right. Some of the things i sell weight maybe 60 pounds. Others are liquid. You try shipping fluids or 60 pound items for lest than 10 bucks.
      We got a box of metal latches a while back that cost $8.10 flat rate to ship to us. The box weighed close to 60 lbs. That box is currently $8.95 to ship up to 70 lbs. I about kiled myself trying to lift it because the box itself was fairly compact.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        I don't think I've ever heard a phone *fizz* ... can't quite figure out what that would sound like...doesn't sound very satisfying though...

        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Oh I know the 'fizz' well. It's a delightful sound when the customer is being a dickhead --- and I 'accidentally' <cough cough> hit the 'end' button. Whoops. Guess I just lost that call.
          Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


          • #6
            Quoth SCSlave View Post
            Oh I know the 'fizz' well. It's a delightful sound when the customer is being a dickhead --- and I 'accidentally' <cough cough> hit the 'end' button. Whoops. Guess I just lost that call.
            wish i could do that, but they are all monitored, and they can tell

