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Of course, wait till 12:30 pm to tell us you were shorted cash...

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  • Of course, wait till 12:30 pm to tell us you were shorted cash...

    This isn't my story but a fellow coworker had this annoying customer who cashed a check. The CW gave the guy the cash and left. It wasn't until AFTER we closed he comes up to the door telling my store manager that the guy shorted him. Now come on, if the guy shorted you why didn't you come in BEFORE? Mind you, the CW had already left, balanced and probably won't be back (he was covering). His till was all accurate. He even sold me money and I verified it myself and it is ALL there. Thnak god the teller manager didn't take his word over my coworker. She kept telling him that why didn't you check the cash BEFORE you left? She even told the guy that the cw balanced. She did not back down which I am proud of. I think the idiot just dropped the money somewhere and being the pain he was, he figured he would blame it on us. Now really, why do some people wait until 10 minutes later to say we shorted him or her?

    The same thing happened to me once. The business specialist cashed a check for a customer who was closing an account. She verified the money right in front of me and it was fine. the idiot then told her that I shorted her! I don'!

    I am not the one who pretends that i have never shorted anybody but to wait until the next day to say something? Now that's stupid! ( Unless i am really short or over at the end of the day and don't know why)

  • #2
    I also had a similar thing happen a long time ago when I worked at the grocery store.

    We used to cash cheques for people.

    I counted the money back to the guy, and then he thanked me and left the counter.
    I saw him talking to his daughter for a bit, and then he came back and accused me of shorting him.
    I counted the money again, and it was short $20.

    I asked my supervisor what to do, so she called the manager.
    He told the guy to leave his name and number with us, and at the end of the night, if we were over by $20, we would call him.

    The guy started ranting and swearing, saying how did he know that stupid bi*ch wouldn't make the same mistake with somebody else.

    My manager told him to calm down and watch his language.
    He started going on about calling the cops, causing a huge commotion.

    They took the entire cash drawer upstairs right then and there and counted it, and it was only out by 20 cents from the night before. (Which was pretty good, considering that there were about 4 cashiers in that drawer cashing cheques and taking money.)

    That didn't satisfy the guy and she started shouting and swearing again about how could we be sure that stupid bi*ch hadn't given his money to someone else by mistake.
    He went on again about calling the police, so my manager did.

    I found out later that night, as the man and his daughter sat in the back of the police car, the missing $20 suddenly appeared out of nowhere on the floor of the police car and he apologized profusely to them for making such a bad mistake. I never did hear whether charges were pressed or if it was all forgotten.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


    • #3
      Now that is messed up! What an idiot! did he ever apologize to you or the manager? Or did he just apologize to the cops?
      Last edited by MoonChild2007; 07-29-2007, 01:48 AM.


      • #4
        Nope, the guy never apologized to me.
        In fact, I spent the rest of the day, really upset, and not really knowing what had taken place with the police, because I was covering a register on the floor after that, instead of being behind the courtesy counter. (I had only been covering there for the morning.)

        It was only when I was cashing out for the night that the manager casually mentioned that the money had been found. He was laughing about it, so I didn't feel quite so bad.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Quoth Ree View Post
          Nope, the guy never apologized to me.
          In fact, I spent the rest of the day, really upset, and not really knowing what had taken place with the police, because I was covering a register on the floor after that, instead of being behind the courtesy counter. (I had only been covering there for the morning.)

          It was only when I was cashing out for the night that the manager casually mentioned that the money had been found. He was laughing about it, so I didn't feel quite so bad.
          They installed this stupid software call ShrinkTrax and our Store manager says its a piece of crap. Its supposed to monitor transactions on all cash registers and alert corporate if anything weird is going on.

          One of my coworkers got accused of print gas savings tickets*. She was taken to the back office and was basically almost forced to confess by our security manager. A police officer showed up. And when they told her what date the transaction occurred on...SHE WASN'T EVEN WORKING THAT DAY. She was so upset that she had to call in the next couple of days. And the company never apologized...and she didn't even quit.

          If they did that to me and I was innocent I would have probably sued.

          (*we have a gas station...if you buy certain items you save a certain amount on gas, its retarded and annoying because people just bitch and bitch about savings)
          Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


          • #6
            AmericanZero that sounds strangely similar to how the grocery store I worked at functioned. They have gas stations as well...
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              One of my coworkers got accused of print gas savings tickets*. She was taken to the back office and was basically almost forced to confess by our security manager. A police officer showed up. And when they told her what date the transaction occurred on...SHE WASN'T EVEN WORKING THAT DAY. She was so upset that she had to call in the next couple of days. And the company never apologized...and she didn't even quit.
              Why was she accused when she wasn't working? Also, wouldn't have been a great idea to first look at who was working before basically accusing somebody of doing something?


              • #8
                Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                Also, wouldn't have been a great idea to first look at who was working before basically accusing somebody of doing something?
                As is said here (mostly by me, but still)-- If it makes sense, it's not allowed™®©.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Quoth MoonChild2007 View Post
                  Why was she accused when she wasn't working? Also, wouldn't have been a great idea to first look at who was working before basically accusing somebody of doing something?
                  The software tracks you by your cashier number. So when all the tickets were being printed it was done on her number. Apparently someone knew her password and got in and printed them for themselves.
                  Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


                  • #10
                    12:30 as in after midnight or 12:30 as in lunch rush time?


                    • #11
                      12:30 pm as in lunch time. We close at 12:30 and the customer decided to wait until 12:40 pm to say that the teller shorted him.

