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There was just no need to freak out like this.....

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  • There was just no need to freak out like this.....

    Other day I am alone in the Books and Ents department (as usual) and this lady (B for bitch) comes up with her daughter. She brings me a Dr. Who dummy box (for those not in-the-know, dummy boxes are fake DVD/CD boxes that we put on the shelves. Customers bring the dummy box to us and then we get the real one from our locked cabinet. Security reasons....). I open the cabinet and can't find the real DVD.

    -----this happens a lot, as our stupid company policy states that we must keep all dummy boxes out on the shelf, even if we do not have the real one in stock. They want it to look full. We are to put these black "out of stock" stickers in the allocated space under the DVD/CD that is out of stock. This is not a good system, as we only have one person a day on Ents, we do not have time to check what is in stock everyday, so we only find that something is out of stock when a person brings us the dummy box and we can't find the real one. Usually, people are ok with this, but sometimes it causes problems-------

    I inform B that we are out of stock. She gets a bit huffy, but is ok. She walks away and comes back about 5 minutes later. She asks if we can order it for her. I say "yes, we should be able to, but just to let you know, it may be more expensive than it is in store". She says "never mind then, if it is more expensive". I say "I am not certain it will be, I just thought that I would tell you it might be, I can check for you". She says that she doesn't want me to check and leaves.

    About 2 minutes later she comes back and starts going off at me. I am still alone and have a queue building. She wants to know why we have them on the shelf if we do not have them in stock. I explain to her why we do it, company tells us to. I say that I agree that it is stupid, but that is what we have to do. She wants to speak to the manager. I inform her that the manager is not here, and that it will do no good telling me or him as we do not dictate policy. I told her that she should write or call Head Office as they make the rules. She says that she still wants to speak to someone. I go and get Ann the supervisor.

    I inform Ann about what is going on. Ann walks downstairs and introduces herself to B. B says "I suppose you got to hear all about the situation" in a very sarcastic voice. Ann says "Jaime told me what happened, yes". "What can I do for you"? B tells Ann that she thinks it is stupid and that she wanted the DVD for her little girl, who was "in tears" because we didn't have it.

    ----SHE DID NOT SHED A TEAR.....she laughed and smiled the entire time.----

    B continues on about how we are tricking customers and blah blah blah......I try to explain that with the exception of this one DVD, we have all the other out of stock DVD’s marked with the black sticker. B says that that is stupid too. Then she starts telling Ann how she asked to order the DVD and I told her that it was "a lot more money" and refused to order it for her. I interrupted here and told her she was lying. I explained to Ann that I offered to check for her, but just informed her that it might be more money. Ann then explained to B that our order site was more expensive in most cases, and that there was nothing we could do about it. B then said how stupid that was. Ann eventually said to B "there is nothing more I can do for you, I am sorry and apologize, but all we can do is try to order it for you". B says "ok" and Ann went to go upstairs.

    I had just brought the DVD up on the ordering screen and saw it was indeed more expensive. So, B gets this HUGE grin on her face and yells to Ann to come back down. B then goes into a rant about how it is unfair and she wants the DVD for the same price as the shop. Ann tells her that she can't do that. B starts to yell at Ann saying that she "just walked away from her while she was speaking" Ann says that she didn't, that she told B that there was nothing else she could do for her and then left because there wasn’t anything else she could do. They argue back and forth and B asks if we could order it from another store. We explain that all we could do was check if another store had one and she could pick it up there. B says that that would be inconvenient and kind of whines. I tell her that either we do that or nothing. She agrees, but doesn't know what shop she wants to go to, as none are close to her. Ann says that maybe we can see if the other shop can mail it to our shop and B can pick it up here. Fine. We settle on one shop and I start trying to call.

    B asks Ann why she is not doing it and leaving it to me. Ann says that I know exactly what I am doing and can handle my job. B says that I can't handle my job as I did not know that another shop mailing it out was an option. This was said in laughing, sarcastic AH HA! way...if you know what I mean. Like B had finally "got me" and had triumphed over something. I got very angry and told her that I DO know how to do my job and that the reason I did not mention that is that we do not do that, it was just a suggestion by Ann. I can't actually ask another shop to do that without the approval of a manager or supervisor. I know how to do my job. Ann explains that I am right, we do not normally do that, we are trying to help B.

    I call the other shop, they do not have it. B gets very angry and insists on getting my name and Ann's name. I happily oblige, until she demands our last names. I tell her I am not allowed to give out that information because of privacy. She asks why...yadda yadda yadda...she finally leaves with her embarrassed daughter and a whole queue of laughing and confused customers. They thought she was ridiculous.

    I mean, yeah the whole system of our DVD/CD department sucks, but that is head office's problem. And she must have been there for almost an hour. Over something so stupid and trivial. Just go to another shop, jackass!!!!!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    Wow. What a cow.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      That is awful. Doesn't she have anything else to do with her day

      Why not just order the DVD off Amazon if it's such a big deal?

      And as for 'demanding' your surnames...urgh what an utter cow!
      No longer a flight atttendant!


      • #4
        Well, I suppose on the other hand it was something tasteful like Dr. Who.
        Random conversation:
        Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
        DDD: Cuz it's cool

        So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


        • #5
          She sure wasted a lot of time, hers, yours, Ann's, and the other customer's, with that fit! I was waiting for the old "bait and switch" line though.
          Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.

          Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.
          ~Oscar Wilde


          • #6
            I never understand the point of demanding last names just to make a complaint. If corporate is going to reprimand someone in the store, they'll be able to figure out who they need by the store # and a first name. (In my case, I guarantee you're not going to find someone else with the same first name.) Even if there were 2 Anns in the store if they describe the situation I'm sure the employees can figure out which one...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              If I was in her shoes, I would have understood; that something might be out. But then again, I am not a bitch
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                I have customers make fusses about "Why do you have a laptop on display if it's out of stock". Do they not realize what a security risk it is to have laptops laying around loose to get lost or stolen, instead of in locking bar mechanism thingies? That's why God made ASSOCIATES to tell you if it's out of stock or not, genius.


                • #9
                  What a complete and utter BITCH. Hell, even eBay would probably have the damn thing cheap enough to buy, if it was OMGSo Important...

                  I hope she winds up having to pay more than she wants to for said item. 'Twould serve her right for acting like such a snotty cow.
                  ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~

