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The sign says 99 cents and UP you idiot

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  • The sign says 99 cents and UP you idiot

    Hooray for more liquidation store fun.

    Anywho, my coworker had stepped out for a few minutes to grab some dinner, leaving me to hold down the fort. And I swear that that is always the moment when SC's decide to descend upon the store. They're SC sense alerts them that I'm alone and therefore need to be bothered with their idiocy.

    I was minding my own business, keeping an eye on the few non-evil customers milling around the store when this family walks in. They walk around for a minute and then they approach me.

    SC Wife=SCW
    SC Husband=SCH

    SCW: "Where are your 99 cent movies?"
    Me: (We actually didn't get any from corporate and have been directed just to tell people that we don't have any.) "We don't have anymore, I'm sorry."
    SCH: "But your banner (which also happens to be our huge liquidation store banner) says 99 cent movies. If you don't have any you should take it down because that's false advertising."
    Me: "I'm sorry but we can't take the sign down. It has to stay up."
    SCH: "But that's false advertising and that's against the law!"
    SCW: She was now holding open the door for her family to leave. She also happened to be giving me the dirtiest look that anyone has ever given me.
    SCH: He was about to leave but no, he had a a brilliant spark of an idea. "I'm not going to stand for this! I want the corporate number!"
    Me: I was turning to the computer to start looking for it
    SCH: "Oh nevermind, I'll just find it online!"

    Now let me clarify that this would be a viable complaint except that the guy failed to notice two incredibly obvious things about the sign. First of all, the sign reads "99 cents and UP" and the second thing is that in the corner in huge lettering it also states "For a limited time only, while supplies last." And this sign is huge, it takes up the majority of the window and was sent to us from corporate themselves.

  • #2
    Oh come on now! You expect customers to read everything in big bold letters on a sign in front of them and not just the stuff they want to see?
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      Oh come on now! You expect customers to read everything in big bold letters on a sign in front of them and not just the stuff they want to see?

      You know, I did...until stuff like this started happening. I think the only words people are actually reading on our signs are "sale", "99 cents", and "free". But then, the people in this area also don't seem to even know what the word "Liquidation" means since every other person walks up to my register trying to rent a movie.


      • #4
        I go through the same thing every day, with the bags of old bananas we try to get rid of at store...I swear, we could put up a sign that says 99 cents PER POUND! in big letters, and people would still think it's 99 cents a bag.


        • #5
          Quoth Quickdraw View Post
          I go through the same thing every day, with the bags of old bananas we try to get rid of at store...I swear, we could put up a sign that says 99 cents PER POUND! in big letters, and people would still think it's 99 cents a bag.
          Seriously, it's like with selective hearing except rather then hearing what they want to hear, they see what they want to see, never mind what else the sign may say.

