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Experiences from the Other Side

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  • Experiences from the Other Side

    Seeing as how we are all customers at some point in our regular routine, I've noticed that there are still a lot of us who have to deal with SC's and then turn right around only to be transformed into one once we clock out.

    If NSC hasn't been coined yet, I'd like to do so now.

    NSC = Non Sucky Customer

    I'll explain my reasons for choosing the title of this thread in the following, long-winded rant.

    In the beginning...
    When I was a kid...

    Last month (that's better and you're welcome), the battery on my vehicle rolled over and played dead. At the same time, the starter stopped starting as it was supposed to. Replacing the battery was the first logical step on the path to roadworthiness. One problem.

    I've had an alarm system in my vehicle since the day after I bought it. Part of the security is that the starter will not engage when the system is active. The system is automatically activated if power from the battery is removed and reapplied.

    I'd lost the remote somewhere within the span of 6 years and the hidden "valet" switch used to bypass security had been damaged. For those reasons, I've been running with the system off for quite some time.

    Then, I replaced the battery. The result being that the security system was rearmed and I couldn't start my vehicle.

    A call to the place where I had had it installed (my wife did this for me based on my mixture of embarrassment, frustration and anger at inanimate objects at the time) was smile-provoking. Basically, the first few people trying to help us conveyed something along the lines of, "sucks to be you".


    We were about to leave for vacation in a different vehicle but we wanted to get the ball rolling for our return. One of the techs we talked to provided us with a a temporary workaround that would get it to the shop so they could see what they were dealing with.

    They placed orders for replacement parts, informed me that the parts would arrive while I was out of town and I told them that I would swing by when I got back.

    Several days and one new starter after our return, I swung by. Yes, the parts were there but I didn't have an appointment scheduled. That's ok. I'm mobile for the time being so set me up. Done deal, end of visit.

    I arrived at my scheduled day and time, waited with my kids for two hours (which was by no means unpleasant given the establishment's accommodations) and was informed that the wrong parts had been sent. Ouch.

    Ok, getting angry will have no affect on the outcome. Let's reorder and try again. Deal.

    So, the kids and I show up a little ahead of our appointment, wait for a shorter period of time (I almost had to drag them away from the middle of a show on Cartoon Network before we left) when someone calls my name.

    When I answered, I could see past the smile on his face that there was no-good news behind his teeth. I still don't know how I do that.

    As it turns out, the wrong parts had been sent yet again. After some conversation, we established that it would be yet another 1.5-ish weeks until we give it another go.

    Now, here's where the NSC comes in.

    Most people in my position would have turned over tables and chairs, demanded refunds, cursed or generally just raised their voices in a combative manner.

    The person delivering the news to me had had no dealings with me whatsoever during this month of playing Tag. I very well could have been a Screamer. Fortunately for him, I'm of the Rational sort.

    The awkward conversation went something like this:

    "When we sent the specifications of your system to them the first time, all we could do is let them put their techs on it to find the proper replacements. I've looked at your ticket and see that it's been almost a month since you first came in."

    "A month and four visits but I understand that you can't fix supply problems locally. So, we'll have to reorder and try again in about a week and a half?"

    That's when I saw the look. The eyebrows when up as if to say, "whoah! You get it?"

    After working out the details and callback instructions, he began easing up quite a bit and making comparisons to different types of customers. He related more than a few examples of reactions.

    Guess where my mind went. I'll give you a hint: You're logged on to the forum right now (unless this has been copy/pasted elsewhere when you read it)

    I said, "when you get home and get some free time, sign yourself up with an account at Blow off some steam."

    He actually put his hands to his face in order to stifle laughter. I took him completely off guard.

    I came to realize during my exchange with him that something inside me has crystallized within my mind just by signing up here. I've realized that I made a promise to myself long ago that I would do everything within my power NOT to become an SC. Reading your stories here only serves to magnify that determination.

    So, if you're the guy I spoke with earlier, I welcome you personally and encourage you to sit back, read and get comfortable before you chime in. I also suggest that you chime in on some other thread. Trust me. I'm doing you a favor.

    For everyone else, I'd really like to hear some stories about how you act/react when the shoe's on the other foot. For a while there, I used to be vengeful just because I'd been treated so shitty for 8 hours.

    Show me yours. Showed you mine.
    Last edited by Koliedrus; 08-01-2007, 04:03 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Koliedrus View Post
    For everyone else, I'd really like to hear some stories about how you act/react when the shoe's on the other foot. For a while there, I used to be vengeful just because I'd been treated so shitty for 8 hours.

    Show me yours. Showed you mine.
    Well, I'll just point to my thread about Comcast, and point out that right now, I'm dropping packets so much that if this were a flesh wound, I'd be bleeding to death. I'm still livid, since I've been lied to, "disconnected", given a major run around, and still not gotten even up to the level of service I had last week. BTW, that thread is here:

    Normally, I'm very much a pleasant customer to deal with. More often than not, the person I'm dealing with doesn't get a whole lot of choice in how they deal with me, so there's no point in being upset. Maybe that's the case for me right now, even.

    I'm still pissed. And wishing I could find a way to express this level of displeasure to the president of the company in such a way that he would understand it, and maybe do something to rectify the company itself. And, while I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony, too... *sigh*


    • #3
      I've noticed that since I started working in CS, and moreso, since I joined up on here, I've become a much more rational customer. Granted, I sometimes get annoyed because I'm prone to not put up with bad service AT ALL anymore, but still.

      My example will be brief and somewhat free of details, but here goes. About two years ago, after graduating college, I moved from MI to take a job here in IL. When I moved out, my roomie was still living in the house, and I kept the cable open there, so it overlapped with me moving into my new apartment and getting cable/internet hooked up there, also through Comcast. It took me somewhere around 2-3 weeks, and a total of at least 20 phone calls to get the cable turned off at the old apartment, even though I already had cable at my new place--they didn't seem to want to take "I don't live there anymore and I'm already giving you MORE of my money at a new residence" as a good reason for cancelling. Instead of yelling, I found myself taking detailed notes of everyone I spoke with, making sure I called back to follow up when they requested it of me, and was always polite and civil, as I spoke with different reps each time. I was proud of me.
      "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

      “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


      • #4
        Quoth Pedersen View Post

        I'm still pissed. And wishing I could find a way to express this level of displeasure to the president of the company in such a way that he would understand it, and maybe do something to rectify the company itself. And, while I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony, too... *sigh*
        In my case, after the latest trip for attempted repair was completed, I called my wife with an update.

        She wants to take it there herself when the call comes in. I'm a bit worried about that option. There may be innocent casualties.

        Best of luck with ComCast.

        Your pony is on back-order but it should be here in about 1.5 weeks.


        • #5

          Quoth Koliedrus View Post
          If NSC hasn't been coined yet, I'd like to do so now.
          NSC = Non Sucky Customer
          For everyone else, I'd really like to hear some stories about how you act/react when the shoe's on the other foot. For a while there, I used to be vengeful just because I'd been treated so shitty for 8 hours.
          Show me yours. Showed you mine.
          wow. I was just thinking on this topic the other day. I'm going to scrounge around for an appropriate forum and try to start a "How to be a non-sucky customer" thread.
          (Or two, or three, - different tips for different venues.)

          To address your request - I think just reading here helps enormously, but sometimes just letting your guard down for a minute can nearly make you a SC. The true test is how you handle it. Yesterday the wife and I were in a grocery store. There are two express lanes so I eyeballed the customers purchases and chose one. As I was thanking the cashier for my receipt I noticed her lane light was off. I had just plopped down at a closed register! I made a point of looking at the light again, made eye contact with the cashier and said "I'm sorry - I completely missed that your sign was off." She smiled back rather genuinely (Like your customer service guy's eyebrows going up - OMG, a customer who GETS IT!!!) said no problem, and popped open her till to count down. Reprieved


          • #6
            Quoth Koliedrus View Post
            Your pony is on back-order but it should be here in about 1.5 weeks.
            Let's hope they ship the right pony!


            • #7
              Quoth mrtauntaun View Post
              Let's hope they ship the right pony!
              I hope you weren't set on any particular color...

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                I hope you weren't set on any particular color...

                Well, honestly, I was kinda hoping for a pony of a different color, like the one that drew the carriage in the Emerald City, in Wizard of Oz. I think that would be pretty awesome.


                • #9
                  I definitely try not to be an SC, but part of that is because my mother made sure I was brought up with proper manners, so it started young.

                  However, honestly, after a month and three errors I would be very upset. After the first parts screw-up I would not have gone in until it was confirmed that the correct parts had been delivered. I don't have that kind of time or mobility. And if they weren't the correct parts after they were confirmed and I went in, I would have asked to speak to the manager.

                  I don't consider that sucky behavior; I consider that calling the company on its sucky behavior. Someone was not paying attention or slacking off, and I don't support that kind of behavior. Most/all of the people who post on this board give their best in dealing with even the worst customers, and those who don't should not be allowed to continue in this kind of behavior.

                  BTW, my extended family have and do own several small businesses, and they would not tolerate this kind of mistake.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                  Document everything
                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    Normally, Wagegoth, I would have acted differently. For some reason, I'm quite content to be an "active observer".

                    I'll compare my actions/reactions to those of a photographer filming a nature documentary. Sometimes, you have to just let the baby turtles get eaten by pelicans.

                    Meanwhile, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for more stories by other NSC's.

                    Pedersen, I'll be watching for your Horse-Of-Another-Color in case it gets within range. Will that be for here or to go?
                    Last edited by Koliedrus; 08-03-2007, 01:12 AM.


                    • #11
                      I have never been an SC in my entire life. I am polite to everyone, and I try to make other people's jobs as easy as possible. I always make sure to say hi and thank you whenever I am interacting with someone.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pedersen View Post
                        Well, honestly, I was kinda hoping for a pony of a different color, like the one that drew the carriage in the Emerald City, in Wizard of Oz. I think that would be pretty awesome.

                        Ah, well, that horse isn't any particular color at all, so you should be good.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                          Ah, well, that horse isn't any particular color at all, so you should be good.

                          Yeah, but considering the companies involved, I'm likely to get a lime green Great Dane that they try to claim is a pony of a different color


                          • #14
                            When I'm a customer, I try to relate to the people who wait on me. I treat them the same as I would like my customers to treat me.

                            I tip generously for good service from wait staff at the restaurants I visit. However, I won't tip if the service was lousy. Ask the clueless waitress at IHOP who kept me and a coworker waiting 20 minutes before she even got our drinks one slow morning after we got off work at K-Mart. It would have been different if the restaurant was busy, but we were the only ones in the place. I generally clean up after myself and stack my dirty dishes in a neat pile when I'm done eating so that the bussers don't have an awful mess to clean.

                            I make sure to put an unwanted item back where I got it when I'm shopping at the store if I change my mind. I try to make sure I have my money in order before I go to the register to pay for my purchase. I try to make sure I have everything on my list before I go to the checkout. If I forget something, I take the rest of my stuff to the car, then come back and get what I forgot if it's that important. I can be a little absent-minded trying to remember what all I need when I go to the store, but I still speak to the greeters when they greet me.

                            I automatically show ID before the clerk asks when I buy beer, and used to have it ready for cigarettes before I quit smoking. ID has never come up as an issue on anything else I normally purchase.

                            Yes, by all means, I will get a little pissy if I have to wait in a long line, and there are only two lanes open at Wal-Mart or Kroger. I don't take it out on the clerk, though.

                            Yes, I generally get annoyed with the bank on a regular basis because I don't like this bank as well as the other bank where I have an account. The other bank's nearest branch is an hour away, and that's why I bank at my current bank. Even so, I still don't make the teller suffer my annoyance because I know she is just doing her job like I just do my job at work. However, would it really kill them to give me an envelope to neatly contain my deposit receipt and money at the drive-thru when I cash my paycheck? I can understand not getting an envelope if I go inside even though that still seems like a cheapskate business practice. Sorry, that just really annoys me. That, and they're slow about posting any transactions on the internet so that I can confirm my balance with my own records.
                            The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                            Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                            • #15
                              Quoth Pedersen View Post
                              Well, honestly, I was kinda hoping for a pony of a different color, like the one that drew the carriage in the Emerald City, in Wizard of Oz. I think that would be pretty awesome.
                              Didn't they use some sort of food coloring or Jell-O or something? If so, go nuts!!! Make your own!!!
                              Unseen but seeing
                              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                              3rd shift needs love, too
                              RIP, mo bhrionglóid

