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Crazy Western Union Man (long)

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  • Crazy Western Union Man (long)

    A tall fellow from New York came into my grocery store one February evening. He looked to be in his thirties, and he had an ambiguously tan skin tone. He struck me as half black, but I was unsure and also didn't care. The man meant to pick up a Western Union. However, it had been sent incorrectly. Also, while my coworker R and my boss B were trying to make it work, the computer broke, rendering us helpless. So we sent him away. He did not seem angry at us, just angry at the situation.

    A little before eight pm that night, the three of us were relaxing in the office for a spell. It was peaceful as we watched the store cameras and gossiped. Suddenly, the guy came back in, stalking up to Customer Service with ire plain on his features. B went to deal with him, and it was yelling from the start. What I gathered was that the *Rival Chain's* WU had let him get his cash. Whether that came to pass through some kind of computer treachery or by yelling at WU on the phone so much that they fixed it for him is entirely up to speculation. I started to hear threats in his voice, specifically against R.

    "We should get his license number," I said, peering down at R. His expression was pale and still, the visage of a man awaiting his doom. I amended, "Should I go get his license number?"

    "Isn't the cop outside?"

    "I'll go get the cop." And I whirled around to walk out. By this time, the man was literally foaming at the mouth (ew). He raved about things like, "Next time, I'll be the right complexion!" I had to walk past him get to the door. When I was maybe seven feet in front of him, he included me in his shouting.

    "You didn't try hard enough; SHE didn't try hard enough..." he continued, wildly gesturing in my general direction before I - thankfully - skirted past him and calmly strode toward the door. Once outside, I jogged partway to the police car standing sentry in the corner, and I informed him that this man was shouting and cussing and making threats to our employees. The officer caught him as he hoofed out the door. In the end, the officer just warned the loony to stay away and told us to call the cops if we ever saw him again. R was fairly shaken. To be fair, though, I must have been more keyed up than I realized at the time. When I went to get the cop, I did not don a jacket, yet I did not feel the February chill at all.

    It still angers me that a broken machine makes innocent employees racist, probably just because we're white. Or because the man was a maniac.

  • #2
    Quoth Shengirl View Post
    It still angers me that a broken machine makes innocent employees racist, probably just because we're white. Or because the man was a maniac.
    I had a similar experience with a customer at the furniture store. His delivery got mixed up because someone had accidently printed 2 run sheets for one days delivery. His booking was on the duplicate sheet so it never got sent to the warehouse and truck drivers. According to him we didn't just make a mistake, we did it deliberately because he was black and he was going to go to the media. The really sad part is that the guy who was serving him was black too.
    Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


    • #3
      Quoth the lawsmeister View Post
      According to him we didn't just make a mistake, we did it deliberately because he was black and he was going to go to the media. The really sad part is that the guy who was serving him was black too.
      Don't you know that when you work for the man you no longer get to be black. It's in the manual for misusing the race card.
      How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


      • #4
        I hate when someone assumes that because they didn't get what they wanted (no matter how unreasonable it might be), that the people he's dealing with are racist.

        I was going to say that it's the worst kind of racism, but it really isn't... lynching parties top it easily. But it's still pretty bad.


        • #5
          My favortie reply when someone throws out with something to do with how they look or what religion or any other type of "segregation" upon themselves . . .I just look over smile and say - "I only see a human in front of me" usually they have to think about that for a moment - most of the time they will calm down.


          • #6
            Heh, this guy was beyond calming down. When I said that it was yelling from the start between my boss and boss NEVER yells. But the guy just came through the doors and started screaming right away, so I guess B couldn't think of what else to do. He was scary.


            • #7
              My husband got the race card pulled out on him about a week or so ago.

              All he wanted was her credit/debit card to verify the numbers and get an imprint (he's a pizza delivery driver).

              She was an older woman with a dark skin tone. Apparently, by asking her for her card, he was being racist (and she called him so).

              For goodness sakes. All he was doing was his job.
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                I understand the feeling. I was taking passport photos at work when a massive influx of people showed up for passport photos. I was taking one for an Indian family for the Indian embassy and their small children. Mind you, children are hard to photograph and I had been trying for twenty minutes. Well, while trying to hold the little boys' head still, he accidentally bumped him into a wall. He walks away and is gone for nearly twenty minutes. During these twenty minutes, I decide to start taking more passport photos, the first girl I take is white. Well, I print her photo out and the guy comes back and expects to have the next photo taken, though another two groups of Indian families have been in line. I tell him that he has to wait and he calls me a racist. I stare him down with a look of utter revulsion and stupidity. He looks back, defiant, but knowing it isn't a card he can use against me. I look at my arm, then at his, then at the girl's. I am a dark hispanic girl. He lost that particular battle of the wills.


                • #9
                  Quoth Emrld View Post
                  My favortie reply when someone throws out with something to do with how they look or what religion or any other type of "segregation" upon themselves . . .I just look over smile and say -
                  "I'm biased against all humans equally. Now get back in line, Number 4827."
                  "I call murder on that!"

