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What a week (long REALLY LONG)

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  • What a week (long REALLY LONG)

    Mostly just the Highlights of the days
    Monday, generally pretty good until right as I'm loading the car to leave. Get this fellow walking around looking lost and asks for directions to level2 row 6. OK sir right down that way. He wanders off and comes back in a few. Can't find his car.
    So I ask which airline he flew on on. Bing Bing Bing He left on airline Z, it's in another terminal, so I tell him he can walk up to the bus stop and catch the inter-terminal bus and go to the right lot. I have to tell him this 3 times, and finally the night cashier calls the customer assist person to come drive him over to his car.

    Tuesday, I get a real prize winner. Guy pulls up in my lane and looking right at the "NO Checks" sign says "All I have is a check" Grrr so I tell him we can only do cash or credit cards, or he can call someone for a credit card number. He starts writing his check, so again is say we can only do cash or credit cards, or he can call someone for a credit card number. He seems to have heard me this time, "Well, What can I do?" Me: Well you can go inside and see if someone will cash your check for you or you can call someone for a credit card number.
    At this point he whips out a credit card sized paper with all the info I need, (card number, expiration date, type of card, name, address, zip code, and phone number). I run it thru manually and write it up as a credit card by phone. Problem solved. And I think this is going to be my worst for the week. WRONG

    Wednesday, We get a white streatch limo pulling through the lot into a space they are kinda hard to get out of. What idiot want to drive a streacth limo through a maze-type parking garage. And then it unloads and unloads and unloads. I see the guys wander over and stand between a pair of cars that are parked in legal spaces to the side, But when they wander back the guys are doing up the flys and rebuckling belts. YEP they are answering the call of nature right there in the parking lot. OK I understand and at least the boys hide it some what, but then the girls get started. The girls just de-trou and squat right there in front of dog and everybody, one girl even waddles around the back of the limo with her capris at half mast to go grab onto the wheel well of the limo so she wouldn't fall over. So now they all have to reload into the limo. When the driver finally makes it around to check out I notice that he REALLY shouldn't be driveing. And I give him the lecture "You KNOW there are restrooms in the terminal and at the gas station.
    He slurrs "I'm sorry I'm so sorry" . As he leaves I get the plate number and call the office to let them know the cops might want to go play with this clown.

    Thursday, Great day the worst is a guy who gives me US $2 in nickles AFTER I Tell him No I Don't use change.

    Friday. What a nighmare.

    Payday errand running but still leave in plenty of time to make it to work UNTIL
    BIG flashing sign on the highway ACCIDENT AHEAD DETOUR X TO Y. So we take the detour still enough time but five miles from <little town> and ten more mile from work we hit the back up, EVERY single car at the head of the line is having to stop and take the exit back on to the original highway. Me being a nice person realize that this is going to make me a little late and call ahead to let them know, and get well hurry we've had 6 call off. Finally get to the head of the line call work back and let them know I'm ten minutes out will be right there. We pull in drop me off and I clock in 17 minutes late. The girl I normally work with has called off, the girl I usually releave on Fridays at 4 is going to stay and work a 13 hr instead of her usuall 7 and the day lady had to leave at 2 and they pulled someone over to work 2 hours till I got there but he had to leave at 4. So I end up working with a gal that is slow at her best and today isnt going to be it, I'm not in my normal booth and I have to just get through somehow.

    Fortunatly the worst customers ar the two guys who just have to give me change for $2 tickets

    Then we get even more call offs and the manager that closes me out has to do customer assist calls while trying to do close outs. They call and tell me to get ready and the manager calls he's sending over a guy to do an under-ring on (under-ring = figure it out in my head charge the guy and give him a receipt nothing goes on the reg.) cause the guy has an oversize van and has to be let out the roof level entrance.

    And now it's Saturday Happy 40TH Birthday to me

    I'm going to stay home and hide.
    Still missing you, Plaid

  • #2
    I...I don't even know what to say about your Wednesday. O_O

    As to your Friday: Yiiikes! I thought it was bad working with teenagers, as far as callouts go, but it sounds like these problems never actually stop with age! And I bet you called like every other associate you had, and no one could come in to help you. What a nightmare.


    • #3
      Well, Happy Birthday!
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        Am I too modest? I can't imagine ever having to go bad enough to go potty in public.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid

