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People do at least see the signs, right?

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  • #16
    Hey look, a sign!

    At my store, we have these small, upright black carts that are only meant to be used inside our liquor department. That, and there are two BOLD-FACED signs stating: BLACK CARTS FOR LIQUOR STORE USE ONLY But, do people pay attention? Nope. They still take those carts into the grocery part, and I've found those carts are twice the price of your regular silver grocery cart. I've even stated this to people...

    ME: 'Just to let you know, these are only meant to be used in the liquor store.'
    SC: 'But they were the only carts there'

    Most customers never pay attention to prompts, signs, et al. That is, until I've woken them up to do so.
    HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®


    • #17
      You know, I never really thought it was true people do not read signs until experiencing it myself. I went to CompUSA tonight to get some networking cable and on my exit. I see the obvious doors that say No Exit, but this lady just walks right into it and I say No Exit. Quite amusing actually to see it happen by my own eyes.
      Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

      Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?


      • #18
        You're kidding right? lmao

        Signs, to customers, are a big waste of time and most just don't put the effort to reading them. I had a sign up one time -ON- my register counter that said, "Register closed, please check out at copy center." Well.... I come back from my bathroom break, and there are -SIX- people standing in line at my register. I was like, ".....oh my god...."


        • #19
          Quoth kylette View Post
          Well, you could always just tell them that the sign is what's free. It would at least get them to look at the sign again to see what it says.

          I mean, you could always make more, since I'm sure that they will all be clamoring to have all their questions answered once and for all.
          or put in huge lettering "FREE" and smaller underneath "information"

          Hobby Twitter.


          • #20
            What you need to do really is just put:

            "You are FREE to read this sign before entering the store!" or "You can freely enter the building after reading this sign" or something stupid like that. Make the free a ridiculous size compared to the rest of the text and you've got a winner.

            Alternatively, just draw a giant arrow with the word FREE underneath, preferably in crayon, towards the sign. People may be forced into reading the free sign. Crayon signs always get the point across.


            • #21
              But if the sign says FREE on it, then they may be tempted to take it...

              I'd go with the it's FREE to read this sign thing. Though they would probably only read that part of it, and not the actually information....

              And then ask you why it says it's free to read.
              3 Basic rules for ordering food.
              - Order from the menu.
              - If you order something that will take some time to cook, then be prepared to wait.
              - Don't talk about Fight Club.

