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Some Justice and A Little Bit of Spoiled Children

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  • Some Justice and A Little Bit of Spoiled Children

    Long time no post, but I promised someone I would post these weeks ago and here I am (finally). As a reminder, I work in a Sweet Factory and sell mainly bulk candies.

    Little Case of Justice Part 1

    My favorite coworker (who'd quit in March and returned this last month--yay!--and I now dub FCW) and I were ringing customers when she suddenly ditched me with the line, grabbed the phone and ran out the door dialing. Turns out, four teenagers had each grabbed a huge handful and walked out the door eating them. FCW had seen this and called mall security, watching them go.

    Two hours later, the teenagers were caught, their parents called, pictures taken, and all were permanently banned from the mall. I love justice. By the way, this happened the week after security had recieved a new director--finally mall security that has to do it's job! The previous one had hated paperwork, so they never did anything.

    Little Case of Justice Part 2

    A couple weeks later, I come out and valley girl coworker (VCW) is fuming.

    VCW: There you are! OMG this lady came in and totally stole a sour belt and this family, they, like, told her she was stealing and she totally, like, flipped them off and ran outside and then gave this dorky little wave to me when I saw her and the belt while I was ringing up this customer, so I couldn't, like, go get it from her. OMG, she was so rude and smirky about it!
    Me: Did you call security?
    VCW: Well, no, cuz you were like, not out here and it's like, busy.
    Me: Call them. Now.
    VCW: *after two more minutes of arguing, she finally calls them up--she feels guilty calling security on people, even though she knows they were in the wrong and she's supposed to*

    Long story short, she gets caught and banned permanently as well. Since normally we get nada over our calls (they can't find them), two in as many months ain't bad!

    Teen Twits

    Two girls come into the store; I'm working alone and it's semi-busy. I tell them once not to touch the candy without paying--argh, more candy I have to remove!--and they just glare at me and wander about aimlessly. Now, we customers just look around with a verbal warning already on their heads, I watch them. Sure enough, they linger near the door and one fondles some of the wrapped Jolly Ranchers. I move to stand four feet behind her and she decides to leave, two Jolly Ranchers in hand.

    Me: *really loudly--and I've had 7 years of vocal training* Excuse me!
    SC: *sulkily glares at me and tosses the candy back in the bin*
    Me: Thank you. Don't come back.
    SC: *turns around then* What did you say?
    Me: I said don't come back. You were caught stealing; consider yourself banned.
    SC: You can't do that!
    Me: I just did.
    SC: My mother'll have words with your manager! It was just a Jolly Rancher!
    Me: Explain that to your mother when I call security to have you removed from the whole mall for good. You may go now.
    SC: *storms away with her friend, muttering insults*

    The other customers seemed to think I was pretty cool.

    Meany! Poopyhead!

    I wasn't present for all of this, but this is what I saw. Apparently this "child", about 14 or 15, was acting very rude to her mother, grandmother, and two little siblings.

    SK: Sucky kid
    Mom: Awesomest mother of an SC ever! No, seriously, I mean it. Just read.
    NCW: New Coworker
    Me: Obviously

    SK: I want 4 more of these! *holding little packages of Zots! candies*
    Mom: The 3 in your hand, no more.
    SK: But Mom I want 4 more!
    Mom: What you are holding and that's final.
    SK: Fine! *slams the three into her mother's hand*
    Mom: You know what, fine. Put them back, you get nothing. *had already been paying for the other two kids who'd been very well behaved*
    SK: You're so MEAN!!! *screeches at the top of her lungs, her face turning red, and big fat crocodile tears leaking out. She stamps over to the display and slams the candies into it*
    Mom: And I'm about to get a lot meaner because you're obviously spoiled. *completely uncaring to this tantrum* Now pick those up and put them away properly.
    Me & NCW: Go MOM! *highfive each other under the counter*
    SK: *stamps her feet around the store and sobs some more*
    Mom: *thanks us for our trouble and leaves*
    NCW: My mother would have dragged me outside by the ear and whooped me. Especially if I'd been that age.
    Me: No kidding. I couldn't have tried that at age 2!
    Last edited by adarhysenthe; 08-10-2007, 07:06 AM.

  • #2
    1. Good job to security getting a new director who has brains.

    2. I couldn't even try that 14 year olds behavior when I was even 1.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      I couldn't get away with acting like that no matter what my age. My brother couldn't get away with some stuff either, even though he's mentally challenged.

      Case in point: many, many years ago (I was 11, brother was around 6 1/2) Mom was taking us to Blue Light for school clothes. Baby Brother (BB) was whining for toys, naturally. Mom kept explaining that we were not buying toys that day - he needed clothes for school.

      No sooner did we enter through the doors did my brother start screaming his head off. Mom gave him one warning to stop and then attempted to drag him to the clothing section.

      What does my BB do? He gets away from her, still screaming and falls down into the floor and starts kicking and screaming and crying.

      Mom simply gets him out of the floor, we go straight outside to the truck, get him into the truck and take him back home to Grandma. Mom and I left him, still screaming and crying, and went back to get my school clothes. She took him back on another day.

      Needless to say, I refused to go shopping for school clothes with him again, as he was just too much of a handful and frankly, it was quite embarrassing. So, Mom would take him one week, I'd go the next and it worked out fine.
      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


      • #4
        Quoth DGoddess View Post
        I couldn't get away with acting like that no matter what my age. My brother couldn't get away with some stuff either, even though he's mentally challenged.
        I was thought to be autistic for most of my childhood, and couldn't get away with pulling crap like that (or possibly, it was because I was much smarter than people thought and knew tantrums were stupid).
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          On the tantrums and fits in stores - No way in pluto could I ever have gotten away with that. My parents would have simply removed me from said store and parked my ass in the car (with one parent, usually dad to lecture my stupid behind, while mom finished up). They would have no problem removing me, so that other people around us wouldn't have to listen to the stupid that would have ensue'd.

          I do the same thing with my kids. THey know that if they start acting a fool or pulling the spoiled brat scream-a-thon that I have no problem pulling whichever one is acting up outside and we will wait in the car until the rest of the family is done or they calm down. Once they realize that you aren't bullshiting them, all you have to do is mention it and they calm down.
          My Karma ran over your dogma.


          • #6
            Quoth adarhysenthe View Post
            Mom: And I'm about to get a lot meaner because you're obviously spoiled. *completely uncaring to this tantrum* Now pick those up and put them away properly.
            Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Mom!!!

            Makes me wonder, though, as to who actually spoiled the child.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
              Makes me wonder, though, as to who actually spoiled the child.
              It's entirely possible that the kid tried this stunt because she is now a teenager and thinks Mom won't dare discipline her. Guess she found out otherwise. Good for SuperMom!
              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
              My LiveJournal
              A page we can all agree with!


              • #8


                • #9
                  Quoth XCashier View Post
                  It's entirely possible that the kid tried this stunt because she is now a teenager and thinks Mom won't dare discipline her. Guess she found out otherwise.
                  I didn't think of that. Good one!!!!!
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    I threw plenty of tantrums at home, but never in public... I was out to lunch with my dad one day and there was a little kid at the next table, being, well, a little kid...I said to my dad "I bet you don't miss those days!" and he said that my brother and I were always pretty good when we were out in restaurants and stores and whatnot. (Except the time my brother stole a toy mouse; my mom made him give it back and apologize and he never did it again.)

                    I remember seeing a Dr. Phil show where they were talking about parenting and discipline or whatever. His wife told a story about when she took their older son (around age 4 or 5 I think) to the grocery store, and had collected a cart full of groceries. He was acting up and she threatened to leave if he didn't stop. She could just see him thinking "she's not going to just leave a cart full of stuff" and he didn't stop. So sure enough, she left the cart and took him home, where he spent the rest of the afternoon and evening, not just in his room, but on his bed. He was not allowed off the bed except to go to the bathroom. And that was the last time he pulled a stunt like that. I'm gonna have to remember that one if I ever have kids...
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      My guess

                      Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                      Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Mom!!!

                      Makes me wonder, though, as to who actually spoiled the child.
                      I would say most likely is dad, very likely if the parents are separated or otherwise have to take turns caring for the kids.

                      Less likely but possible is grand-parents. The kid may have just finished a two-three week holiday with them and picked up some bad habits.


                      • #12
                        We had no guesses as to who spoiled her. We were too busy in awe of her mother and in shock at her tantrum.


                        • #13
                          Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
                          I would say most likely is dad, very likely if the parents are separated or otherwise have to take turns caring for the kids.

                          Less likely but possible is grand-parents. The kid may have just finished a two-three week holiday with them and picked up some bad habits.
                          Good points. I thought of them, but they didn't stick around in my head long enough. (Does that make sense?)
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid

