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They don't pay me enough to....

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  • They don't pay me enough to....

    -have customers get upset with me because I can't serve them when they come to my till with my light turned off.

    -have someone in my line tell me how long they waited. "that's nice you've waited 30 minutes", You must love to wait at one till for a long time you sure wouldn't rather have less waiting time at another till.

    -Deal with people reaching over my counter into my personal space.

    -have customers stop and shop somewhere instead of going where they need to go and complain to me how much of a hurry they are in.

    -Have someone bitch and complain about a price and when I try to get someone and is unsuccessful, they said that they should get it for that price by giving me a hard time instead of leaving the item!
    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.