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Well then who SHOULD have to wait?

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  • Well then who SHOULD have to wait?

    Had a great one today. I've done quite a few jobs in my store, one of which was store host. You see a lot of stupid things - some funny and some tragic. Some are just in another category... our host today greeted a woman who had something she wanted to return. He asked her her name so he could add her into our Virtual Queue, our waiting list.

    CS = Dumb Bitch
    Host = ...
    Me = ...

    CS: So what I have to wait just to return something?
    Host: Yes ma'am, you're fourth on the list.
    CS: Those three people get to go before me? I just want to return something.
    Host: Ok, just be patient we'll be with you soon.
    CS: Do you have a manager here?
    [I'd been standing right beside our host... figuring this might go some place.]
    Me: How can I help you?
    CS: Are you the manager? Is ***** here?
    Me: ***** no longer works with us, and I'm the manager on duty yes.
    CS: Are you going to tell me I need to wait to return something?
    Me: Yes, thats what I'm telling you.
    CS: I shouldn't have to wait to return something.
    Me: Okay well I won't skip those three people that have been waiting patiently to be helped.
    CS: Thats ridiculous, it only takes a minute to return something I don't think I should have to wait.
    Me: Ma'am, I've done the job of the host here, and I can tell you from experience that everyone thinks they shouldn't have to wait for whatever they are here to do.
    CS: Huh?
    Me: Customers that want to buy a new phone, drop a phone off for service and repair, pay their bill, change their plan - they all think they should jump ahead of the line.
    CS: I want your name, your manager's name, and your district manager's name.
    Me: I'll even give you my business card - just ask whoever calls your name to assist you and they can get them for you.

    She waited less than 5 minutes to be helped.

    One of those dumb 20-something year old bitches that think because they have a few curves they are the center of the universe, and will name drop insult or threaten to get their way. I'm thinking of making a new set of business card's for these customers with "Know Buddy Cares" at the top.
    Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.

  • #2
    What's so damn difficult about waiting several minutes to be helped?


    • #3
      ok... If it only takes 1 min to return something, and there are 4 people ahead of you... 1 min per person.... well, that would be 4 whole minutes that she might have to wait. I bet she actually took longer than that to argue with you.


      • #4
        Let's see... let the refund person, which is COSTING the store money jump ahead of the paying customers who are MAKING money for the store. Makes sense to me NOT!
        There's no such thing as a stupid question... just stupid people.


        • #5
          Sounds like the customer I wanted to tell "f-off" yesterday, but I know exactly who you are talking about.
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            I find the bigger problem here is the other customers who were ahead of her but didn't stand up to demand she shut up, they were here first. If she somehow did get served first, then they'd almost deserve to wait longer for service; after all they're the ones who can't possibly get in trouble for speaking back to her.
            Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


            • #7
              Quoth Bright_Star View Post
              What's so damn difficult about waiting several minutes to be helped?
              What I don't understand is: What business do you go to that prioritizes like that? I mean businesses for the vast majority run on a first come first serve basis - you have to WAIT to be assisted if everyone is occupied with a customer. Best Buy, Target, a utility company, restaurant... you name it.

              Quoth It's me View Post
              Let's see... let the refund person, which is COSTING the store money jump ahead of the paying customers who are MAKING money for the store. Makes sense to me NOT!
              You don't understand how badly I WANTED to say that. She was returning an accessory and one thing on the list was an accessory SALE. I could make money on the sale or loose money to do her return... hrm... I wonder what my company would say to take first even IF we "prioritized" our customers?

              Quoth allniter View Post
              I find the bigger problem here is the other customers who were ahead of her but didn't stand up to demand she shut up, they were here first. If she somehow did get served first, then they'd almost deserve to wait longer for service; after all they're the ones who can't possibly get in trouble for speaking back to her.
              Actually after I was done putting her in her place, I called up the next customer while the little tart was still standing there glaring at me (I LOVE the intimidation game!) and actually said right in front of me and the bitch that she was "Very pleased with how I handled her" and thought she should "shut the hell up and wait her turn like everyone else."

              It's true though, the other 3 people in line were waiting right there. They should have told her to fuck off and wait their turn like everyone else. What makes you so damn special? So she hates my company, so the fuck what? Doesn't make her the most important person on the planet.
              Last edited by Talonetc; 08-13-2007, 02:39 PM. Reason: Spelling, grammar, spacing, etc.
              Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.


              • #8
                Had that happen days ago; "I want a pricecheck! I shouldn't have to wait in line for a pricecheck!"

                Understandable, sure, but is it possible to be just a little less grouchy about it?
                "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                • #9
                  You work in a cell store, don't you? My carrier does that, having you sign in, and I think it's great. I don't care whether or not you have a return, purchase, problem, we ALL have to wait.

                  And by doing it that way, it ensures that people are helped in the order they came in, so its not a free for all. If i see there are a lot of people waiting, I may come back, if there are only a few, i wander about, and wait my turn.

                  Of course, there are always those who manage to bypass the greeter, and then bitch and moan about how they should be next. Sit down, and shut up and follow the rules.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                    You work in a cell store, don't you? My carrier does that, having you sign in, and I think it's great. I don't care whether or not you have a return, purchase, problem, we ALL have to wait.
                    I guess you haven't seen my other posts, but yea I work in retail for a cell phone carrier . Most carriers are going in the direction of a queue just because with the amount of traffic through those stores it would be a mob scene without it.

                    Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                    And by doing it that way, it ensures that people are helped in the order they came in, so its not a free for all. If i see there are a lot of people waiting, I may come back, if there are only a few, i wander about, and wait my turn.
                    Most people agree with you, most people understand the concept that you have to wait to be helped... but others... oh the others... and a lot of people do the same as you - okay only 3 people thats like 10 minutes I have time.

                    Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                    Of course, there are always those who manage to bypass the greeter, and then bitch and moan about how they should be next. Sit down, and shut up and follow the rules.
                    Hey, if they ignore the signs as they walk past the white podium and the guy standing there to sign people in an miss the huge ass TV monitor hanging above the reps at the counters with all the pretty names on them they deserve to wait a little longer.
                    Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Talonetc View Post

                      Most people agree with you, most people understand the concept that you have to wait to be helped... but others... oh the others... and a lot of people do the same as you - okay only 3 people thats like 10 minutes I have time.

                      Hey, if they ignore the signs as they walk past the white podium and the guy standing there to sign people in an miss the huge ass TV monitor hanging above the reps at the counters with all the pretty names on them they deserve to wait a little longer.
                      Exactly! you will wait as punishment for being impatient!


                      • #12
                        I saw the former-manager in our store she name dropped yesterday at the start of our little tussle, and his words were "Yea that broad is a BITCH."
                        Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Talonetc View Post
                          I guess you haven't seen my other posts, but yea I work in retail for a cell phone carrier . Most carriers are going in the direction of a queue just because with the amount of traffic through those stores it would be a mob scene without it.
                          We did at Cingular. The funniest things were when people would bitch about having to wait 30 minutes to "just" pay a bill. I would kindly point out the pay station by the door, to which they would complain that they didn't want to use the machine. They wanted to talk to A Person!

                          Well, you'll just have to wait, won't you? If you had used the pay station, you'd be done and out of here by now!

                          In all fairness, half of the customers were coming to the store because their phone was cut off due to non-payment and they were hoping to get in an employee's face and intimidate them into giving them a credit or turning the phone back on without paying the bill. The employees were pretty unflappable in that regard, so the SCs didn't get very far.
                          A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


                          • #14
                            Quoth Bloodsoul View Post
                            Had that happen days ago; "I want a pricecheck! I shouldn't have to wait in line for a pricecheck!"
                            "Well madam, I guess I could charge you whatever I feel is a fair price for this, but it will most likely be $50 over what the shelf tag said...."

                            She's most likely the same kind of idiot who comes to the pharmacy 3 days after she was due to get a new pack of birth control and complain loudly when I tell her it will be a 20 minute wait.
                            She most likely then gets even more pissed when, after she whines that "it's in a package already", I explain that other people's prescriptions are in line ahead of hers.


                            • #15
                              I have seen that at the Customer Service desk at the grocery store where I work. The desk is about 15-20 feet long with one door to get into the area on one end(for employees to get behind the counter) . some customers will park their carriage in front of the door, ignoring the sign telling them to keep the area around the door clear. They get mad when a employee asks them to move their carriage so they can get behind the counter to help people.

                              In front of the desk are several of those poles with the retractable ropes to keep the line in a orderly manner. Each end has a big 8.5" X 11" sign sign that says either ENTER ONLY or EXIT only. It amazes me how many people see a big line and go in the EXIT, blocking the other customers in. The person(s) behind the counter tells them they have to wait in line, unless it is to report a spill or jammed bottle machine. In that case all the employee has to do is make a quick page. So many think that they will get helped quicker if they just stand there even though they have to go to the end of the line to be helped. People in the line will be helped first and when the clerk says next they will try to barge in, the clerk will tell them to wait in line and point to the end. After a few attempts they usually yell "I DEMAND TO SEE A MANAGER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" The Mgr. will usually call the desk, the CSR will explain the situation, MGR comes down listens to customer whine. 99.99 percent of the time repeat they you must wait in line, customer bitches and moans for a few (5-10)minutes. In the end they usually walk out, threaten that they will get people fired OR eventually get in line and get served. This is usually after they spent more time complaining and standing in the exit than they would have spent in line. Idiots.

