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  • Reciepts

    So I work in a Supermarket, and you know, when you buy something in a supermarket, you get a receipt for what ever you are buying... Well I have always found it comical that whenever I hand someone a receipt, they do one of four things.

    1. The normal thing is to just stuff it in a bag or put it in your pocket, to look at or keep for later if a problem ever aroused.

    2. The study it intently for 5 minutes, talking to themselves about it asking me a question and then answering it themselves by looking just a few inches down the receipt.

    3. They leave it on the counter.

    4. They ask me to throw it out, or just leave with out it.

    Now the funny thing about number three is that whenever I get a chance I always ask them if they merely forgot the receipt, or just want me to throw it out for them. The reply is usually,"I do not want my receipt," or "No Thanks." But I find it quite comical that some people will get embarrassed when I ask them this simple question. Now I do it with extreme politeness, as I do with all area of my job, since Customer service is the main drive of our business, their is no reason to get embarrassed! People will turn bright red, as though they had been caught trying to steal cookies from the cookie jar, as a child, or that they had forgotten to do something important. Most people will just say, "I don't want it", or just keep on walking. Some people have no idea what to say, and I usually solve the problem and I say, "I'll just throw it out for you."

    But the things that I find most comical are the people that are offended by me asking this question, as though I am poking fun at them. But in all honesty I am trying to make their experience better, as it helps us when people wish to return items, and makes for a less frustrating event for the customer.

    Now the people that fall under category four are usually the individuals that attempt to scam us. One individual, who we have a whole book on, will never use her store card and consistently attempts to return items that she brought on sale, in order to make a dollar or two. I usually ask her if she wants her receipt, and she says no, and later, when I go to return an item she bought yesterday while it was on sale, she says that the cashier did not give her the receipt. Now this particular SC is the one we all dread, we all walk away from her once we see her walk into the store, and if I am behind the customer service desk, I will go in the back and hide. Seriously.

    Anyway, we have a whole clipboard dedicated to this customer, all the minor scams she has played on us, and now I actually keep her receipts cause I know I will have to deal with her the next day. I will tell more about my encounters with this SC at a later date, but I merely wanted to create this receipt thread to see if anyone else encounters the same thing that I do, and create a reference point for the type of SC I deal with.

  • #2
    In my Grocery store you can get a coffee or doughnut and pay for it at the bakery or eat/drink it and tell the cashier you had said coffee or doughnut when you check out. As long as t is paid for before you leave, we don't care. Some people will pay for a coffee at the bakery refuse the receipt, and then the cashier will ask to see the receipt up front. Most customers will save the receipt for this reason, epically because I tell them. I had one customer who asked how to pay for the coffee he was getting. I told him the two options, and he said "I DEMAND TO PAY FOR THIS COFFEE RIGHT NOW!! I WILL NOT GET ARRESTED BECAUSE OF YOU IDIOTS!!" He left his receipt behind and when the cashier asked him if he paid he to the cashier "that's you job to find out" He had not receipt and I was on break, the other person in the dept was called up front and said she did not know. He was not happy about this. I was called while on break. Our break room/offices are in the front end as a "2nd floor" I look out the windows and down to see the jerk standing at a register looking really pissed. I recognized the guy but because he was being such a jerk I said no to the head cashier. He paid fro one coffee twice. That is why you save receipts people.


    • #3
      Personally I think even when being dragged out of your break by a moron with bad attitude that was a bad response. One thing is to do the minimal possible effort for morons, another to outright lie which will cause the person to pay twice. In this case even however small and indirect that could be considered thefth or fraud.
      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


      • #4
        I get the same embarrassed response to receipts at my work too. When I ask, some people look at me like I'm stupid or just ignore it completely, and leave. As long as they paid, they're okay, but we still get the callbacks that say "No I don't have my receipt, I never got it!"

        Nevermind the fact that we have a promotion on the back of our receipts that enters you into a thousand-dollar prize contest for taking a survey about your visit to KFC. We're supposed to ask people if they know about it.
        Purveyor of all chickeny goodness, and chicken ninja of the highest grade!
        "With it's indiscriminate slaughter of organic tissue, nothing can survive." - Mongo Skruddgemire


        • #5
          Quoth mattm04 View Post
          I recognized the guy but because he was being such a jerk I said no to the head cashier. He paid fro one coffee twice. That is why you save receipts people.
          Seriously? that's just mean. Sure he was a jerk but he did pay for it. Also, if I was him I would NOT have paid twice but then again I would have kept my receipt.


          • #6
            Has your store ever thought about two kinds of coffee cups?
            Just thinking that if they pay ahead it gets put in a green cup and if they need to pay at checkout it goes in a red cup.
            But then that would take away from the point of this topic for needing the rcpt in the first place.

            I always keep my rcpts. I have a place in my purse that I put them and at the end of the week I go through and sort between cash and card used. When my statement comes I can check my charges.
            Last edited by Emrld; 08-15-2007, 02:57 PM. Reason: week vs work - bad typing


            • #7
              me too, I'm actually kind of anal about keeping receipts. I throw them all in a shoebox, and every now and then, go through and get rid of most of them. I'm also on a self-imposed, very strict budget, and am keeping track of every penny I spend, so i need the receipts to figure out what i spent where, and then to track at the end of each month, when I figure out how much I spent on groceries, eating out, gas, etc. It's amazing to see what you spend in any given time frame when you keep track; I had no idea how much money I spent eating out in a month. pretty shocking!

              Besides, I used to be quite the shopper, the kind everyone in retail hated! (not really...). I would buy stuff, but have no patience to try on, so more often than not, it went back. However, I always had a receipt, and was always pleasant to the associate, and always made sure to return to places that i KNEW I could. if a store has a more restictive policy, I either try on, or don't buy there.


              • #8
                Quoth mattm04 View Post
                I recognized the guy but because he was being such a jerk I said no to the head cashier. He paid fro one coffee twice. That is why you save receipts people.

                There is a difference in them being jerks, and them being jerks and paying and you LYING about it! He paid, yeah he was stupid and didn't keep his receipt, but you had no right to lie about it.


                • #9
                  My store has "paid for" stickers, if they choose not to have their reciept.

                  Makes things easier.
                  Unseen but seeing
                  oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                  There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                  3rd shift needs love, too
                  RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                  • #10
                    I used to have customers who would crumple up their receipt and then toss it in my direction like they expect me to clean up after them. Me and another cashier put up with this for a little while. But then we began telling customers who did this "There's a trash can right behind you."
                    Now I don't mind throwing away their receipts for them, but just don't toss it in my direction and expect me to clean up after them.


                    • #11
                      I hate it when someone leaves their receipt and comes back 5 or 10 minutes later expecting it to still be there.

                      I try to give it to them before they leave, and if they say "no" or just don't respond at all, then I just rip it up because we're told to do that.

