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How to do a 2 party sale

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  • How to do a 2 party sale

    Those of you that sell cigarettes or alcohol have probably had to deal with "two party sales", i.e. when an person of age buys a restricted product for an underage person.

    Now I really don't care if some high school kid wants to get drunk. I drank in high school, a lot of people did, its not like doing hard drugs, although sometimes something terrible happens like someone gets killed, MOST of them are fairly harmless.

    I DO care about covering my own ass. As long as I "legally" don't know about its fine, but once I "Legally" know, I have to say no. And then I have to listen to people scream at me. and I hate being screamed at.

    For example, if you are buying beer for a minor...don't ask him, right in front of me, what kind he wants. don't even bring him to the store with you. Do the cash exchange and decision making somewhere far, far away.

    If I deny you for cigs/alcohol because you don't have your ID, do not turn to the guy next to you and say "dude, can you buy this for me?" Go outside where I can't see or hear you and do it there. And if you're the lucky guy who gets to buy the previously refused product...don't get the same exact thing. Underage kids don't care what brand they get anyway, and if some kid just got denied for a 12 pack of Bud Ice and a pack of marlboro ultra lights, and then you come in and get the same thing, guess what? DENIED! Try to be clever so when the cops come to question me I can show them the receipt and the video tape and say "See? This guy bought totally different stuff. I had no idea."

    It's not that complicated, its like people NEED to be showing off in public that they're breaking the law. I don't get it.

  • #2
    Quoth DrFaroohk View Post
    I DO care about covering my own ass. As long as I "legally" don't know about its fine, but once I "Legally" know, I have to say no.
    For a while in Missouri (don't know if it's still so) if someone mentioned pot use in connection with something I couldn't sell it to them. I could TELL THEM not to say anything in front of me! And did. Perhaps it is intrinsic in the consumption:

    "Do you have any papers?"

    "Yes, we stock these (gesture toward the 4,386 different kinds eight inches from prospective customer), but I should warn you, they are for tobacco use only, I cannot sell them to you if you imply anything else."

    "Nah man, we're just gonna twist a couple of fat ones and chong it on outta this 'burg."

    "Sorry - no sale."

    Yep - flat out TOLD them to be clever for the lousy fifteen seconds it takes to ring up their papers. Heck, they didn't even have to do that, just point and pay!


    • #3
      Wow dude, thats terrible. lol....I usually kid around with the people who come in and buy a bunch of papers or a couple of big, fat single cigars. Some of them get paranoid as hell, its funny. I can't imagine if they had that law here. How the hell could they ever enforce it anyway? Well I suppose they could run stings, but even then, what are they gonna do, secretly record you with spycams and shit?


      • #4
        Around here, they send in people to buy papers/blunts while openly talking about using them for pot in a manner no one who'd really be doing that actually would. Most of the people buying them for pot would be like the typical stoner dudes and be all "you got papers, maaaaaaaaaaan?" with a wink wink and a nudge nudge.
        "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes


        • #5
          Yeah, I get people coming in all the time

          "How do I get my neighbor's internet?"

          "Where can I download music for free?"

          They looked so shocked when I say "What makes you think I'm going to tell you?"
          Every Time I help a customer, I feel dirty inside.

          Also cold and wet.

          Sticky, too.


          • #6
            That's always what's funny to me--it's not that hard and it seems pretty blatantly obvious to me that you just have to pretend to obey the law. Most clerks don't give a rat's ass what you're doing, so long as they can't/don't get in trouble as well.

            When I used to buy booze for my brother (before he turned 21, obviously) he would wait in the car. How hard is that? And if he NEEDED to come in and pick stuff out, he never came anywhere near the register with me, and we went to big-ass stores like Meijer, so the clerks would have no way of knowing.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #7
              Quoth DrFaroohk View Post
              Underage kids don't care what brand they get anyway
              Not true, I only smoked Marlboro, and on the lucky occasion my Sevens. Wouldn't smoke anything else. Guess I was just picky over what I wanted to kill me. I don't know why people can't just be smart over buying it. I hated seeing kids who don't look past the age of 15 trying to buy them. It always made me laugh. Also for the "dude can you buy these for me?" How stupid do you have to be to do this one? I mean the cashier is right there.
              It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
              ~~~H.L. Mencken


              • #8
                Personally I don't think it's a good idea to give tips on how to circumvent the law, even if they are common sense.
                This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


                • #9
                  Don't sell to the stupid ones

                  Seems to me that if they don't take care in how they buy it, then they will not take care in how they use it.

                  The ones who carefully plan out how to buy booze without making any kind of fuss, are probably the same ones who will sit down later with some friends to watch bad sf/porn videos while smoking/drinking the crime out of existance.

                  The ones who can't remember to bring their ID or going in as a giggling group while most are under-age, are probably the same people bombing down the road speeding, drunk and throwing out empties. And yes, when the police are lucky enough to pull them over the driver is the one without a valid licence.
                  Last edited by earl colby pottinger; 08-15-2007, 11:56 AM.


                  • #10
                    A whole thread on how to get away with illegal activites is not allowed.

                    What ever made you all think it would be is completely beyond me.

                    Good grief. I guess common sense really isn't common.
                    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                    ~TechSmith 314
                    HellGate: London

