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I'm irresponsible!

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  • I'm irresponsible!

    There is this new trend with my clients that I don't like one bit - parents and spawn calling me to bitch at me for the arrangements that I made for their children or parents. Now, in both examples - the people booking the arrangements are fully grown, lucid adults.

    example 1:
    Dad calls to tell me I'm "irresponsible" because I booked a legal connection (meaning the airline has determined that 50 min is plenty of time to get from gate A to gate B) - his son's flight was 2 hrs late and he has to wait 24hr for the next one. (it happens, heck it happened to me just last weekend - 10hrs in JFK - not fun) The son is a full grown responsible adult who was actually great to work with because he was a well informed traveler - he had done his research before coming in. Bonus - he was traveling to a South American country. So the Dad is yelling about an airline misconnect when his kid is going to be traveling around a small country that he somehow thinks won't have any kind of transportation problems - seriously?! If South American buses are anything like Latin American buses then I would say there is more to worry about there - but I wan't going to feed the fire (or poke the bear) by mentioning that.

    example 2:
    A couple is going back East to a state I know well (most of my family is there). The prices are redunkulous so I suggest flying into another airport (one I use most often when going back myself) - the price is much much better and the airport is easier to use and just a freeway hop to the town in question. Lucid grown adults purchase the tickets and are on their merry way.
    Then the phone calls start from their spawn about how difficult this is going to be for them blah blah blah. Seriously? You don't trust your parents - who seemed intelligent to me - to rent a car, follow road maps and directions? They somehow managed to do just fine in the functioning department seeing as how you reached a mature age in order to call me muliple times about the same issue.

    The ones I don't mind are the parents that call because their kid has been robbed or something (thank goodness for electronic tickets and embassies) - they are understandably freaked out. But the thing is, as long as their kid is safe and in contact - they just need help trying to get home earlier or whatnot - they are pretty much of the "it goes with the territory" attitude.

  • #2
    OK, in the first story, until you said the "kid" was a full-grown responsible adult I was thinking maybe he was an actual KID, like unaccompanied why is daddy calling to bitch to you (especially since the "kid" seems like a reasonable sort who can take care of himself)? Geez, talk about helicopter parents...
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      "helecopter parent" - thank-you it was driving me crazy I couldn't remember that phrase. Yes, the "kid" is like 28yrs old. When did this all start? It is new to me just this year - I've never had to deal with so many parents of grown ups before in this job (9yrs at it).
      And mind you - I don't blame the kid at all - he was wonderfully responsible about budgeting for and purchasing the ticket and planning the trip.
      By these parents are now making me miss the "Trustifarian" kids in their 20's who would book outrageously expensive itineraries to the ends of the globe and their parents would call with a credit card and take care of everything - no questions asked.


      • #4
        Yeah, I think I first heard that phrase in the past year or 2. I guess it's what comes out of giving every kid a trophy whether they win or not, and all that rah rah my kid can do no wrong mentality...then when things DO go wrong, Not-so-little Johnny doesn't know WHAT to do...
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

