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Ethics Question for all Copy Shop Employees

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  • #16
    Yep...that's what my gaming group would call lawful evil, indeed!
    I once drew a holiday card that featured all of the characters on the Disney cartoon, Darkwing Duck. It was my own art, but on the back of the card, above my 'this artwork copyright Enjis' I put a notice that the characters were all copyright Disney.
    Well, the first shop I went to took the order, but called me back, and told me they were sorry, but since the Disney indicta was on the card, they could not risk copyright violation by printing my personal holiday cards.
    I did not make a fuss about it, as they were pretty much in the right. (even if you are not selling the cards, it is still technically a violation for the shop to make copies.)
    So, I went home, stripped off the notice of Disney copyright mark, and took it to my local Kinko's. They had no problem making my cards, and the man on duty even complimented me on the great cards. "My kids love Darkwing Duck!" he said.
    Huh. They were nice cards. Disney never found out about 'em.
    I no longer fear HELL.
    I work in RETAIL.


    • #17
      Not yet...

      You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


      • #18
        Photofinishing "Policy"

        We've got a self-service kiosk at our store to speed up customer digital orders. If you've got a memory stick, CD, USB drive or a couple of prints to scan, you can enter the order, edit your pictures, add special features, etc. yourself and then send the order to our machine for printing.

        When it comes to the self-service machine at our lab, I generally stand behind the WYSIWYG principle. If the customer didn't adjust the brightness, he shouldn't expect us to. If you're nice about it, I might correct and reprint the picture for free, and I will show you how to do it yourself next time. But don't you dare make the mistake of thinking you are entitled to it because you will be one sorry SC next time if you do.

        Anyway, every now and then, I'll get a customer who just doesn't know what she's doing (and I'll admit; our kiosk is not the easiest to use by a long shot), and I'll help walk her through the ordering process (if it isn't too busy). And if she really seems clueless, I'll often give her pictures a once-over on our computer before we print it.

        The way I see it, if I have a new customer who doesn't know how to use our equipment, she's a little nervous and probably won't try it a second time if the results don't totally blow her away.
        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
        -- The Meteor Principle

        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


        • #19
          If it is a relatively simple error that can be corrected by matching the typestyle and typing up the correction and covering it up with a little cutting and pasting, then I will point out and fix the error (and if we aren't too busy, as I am the only one who really knows how to operate the computer -- or how to spell, for that matter). Oh yeah, and I'll charge a couple of bucks for the fix.

          A lot of times, though, after pointing out the error and offering to make the changes, the customer will say "screw it" and not worry about it. Case in point: A few weeks ago, a movie studio was in town filming a movie, and someone from the crew came in to get copies of handbills advertising the open casting call. The movie had "Santa Claus" in the title, but was misspelled on the flyer as "Santa Clause" ... I asked the guy if he wanted to change it before we ran over 1,000 of these flyers, but he said "nah ... no one's going to notice anyway."


          • #20
            Great, just what the world needs, *another* Santa Clause movie...
            Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


            • #21
              Quoth HYHYBT View Post
              Great, just what the world needs, *another* Santa Clause movie...
              What? You haven't heard about The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause?
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #22
                Santa Clause 4: Insanity Clause.



                • #23
                  Santa Clause 5: Clause & Effect

                  "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"


                  • #24
                    Don't give them any more ideas. The 3rd one is bad enough. I just want the series to die already. Either that or do straight to video, which is like dying, only a longer process.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #25
                      Santa Clause 6: Just 'Clause I Love You!

                      Santa Clause 7: Clauset case!

                      Santa Clause 8: The Clause Are Out!

                      K I'm done... lol

                      As for telling the person it's spelled wrong. I would.


                      • #26
                        This is a bit off topic, but with all the bad Clause puns, couldn't resist bring it up....yesterday, at the bar, myself and four other staff members were kind of congregated by the kitchen/restroom area, discussing who would have what section. A gentleman eased by us on the way to the men's room, saying "Excuse me, just trying to get to MY section." We all laughed, and I quickly shot back, "What is that, Section 8?" He got a kick out of it.

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."

