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I Hate rude kids!!

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  • I Hate rude kids!!

    At the store that I work in the deli is right next door to the bakery. (I'm in the deli.) The bakery person had stepped out of the department for a minute. This little kid walks behind the counter and yells "HEY!!" to me to get my attention. First of all I am not a dog, and I don't appreciate being called like one. Then he demands that he wants his free cookie. Normally I would just walk over and get him one, but at that moment it didn't quite fit my job description. I told him that I didn't know where the bakery lady was and he'd have to go find her himself. When he asked where she was I pointed in a very loopy sort of way and told him, "I don't know. Maybe somewhere over there." Then I ignored him and walked away. When I was a kid my mother would have smacked me if I ever talked to anyone that way! Where do these parents get off thinking that it's okay for their children to treat employees like their own personal buttler? Do they not understand that this is where they learn to socially interact with the rest of the world? We now refer to these kids as Veruca Children (Veruca from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).
    "I want an oompa loomp daddy! I want one now!"

  • #2
    Man... that's dangerous, yelling "HEY!" when you are using sharp implements, you could lose a finger or something. Dang kids. I hate rude kids too, we had a kid throw bottles of baby shampoo and V-8 on the floor in our Foods dept., they did it 'cause they were bored, of course the parents didn't care. The father said, "hey, you have people paid to clean up so, my kid is just keeping, them from sitting on their lazy a-- all day."
    Kid: Yeah: you guys are lazy, and stupid, that's why you work here.
    father: that's right, son.
    So, parents have a lot to do with the kids' rudeness, sometimes. i think they should teach etiquette, or at least manners in all schools. I was taught social interaction because i have a mild form of autism. Of course some kids are just rude despite anyone's attempts at teaching them manners.


    • #3
      Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
      Kid: Yeah: you guys are lazy, and stupid, that's why you work here.
      father: that's right, son.
      THAT must be the rudest thing i have ever heard of someone doing. Seriously, that takes the biscuit. I would have called for the manager and charged the guy for the bottles, then ban him from the store forever.
      And if you guys really were that lazy and stupid, would the store have been opened that morning? Would there have been any stock on the shelves? Would the floor be so clean? NO. People dont realise how much work goes into running a shop. Yes, most of the work is monotonous and boring, but if it weren't for the people doing these jobs, the shop wouldn't be there. It is these employees that deserve the most respect.
      Last edited by NightAngel; 08-06-2006, 04:33 PM. Reason: EXCESSIVE QUOTING


      • #4
        I don't like rude anybody personally.
        "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

        ~TechSmith 314
        HellGate: London


        • #5
          my parents would have put my butt in the proverbial sling; i'm the same way with my son-you talk to others as you wish to be talked to, and treat them with respect.

          he still needs nudging now and then (i love that teen phase, really i do), but he does pretty good on his own, for the most part.

          kids who demand crap at work get a death glare and NOTHING from me. if another worker wants to humor them, that's their choice; i don't reward rudeness, period. you want something, ask nicely. same with the freebie whores, ask and ye shall recieve, be a rude jackass and get NOTHING.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            I can't stand rude people either. I think having good manners is important when you're out in public.
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            • #7
              Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
              Kid: Yeah: you guys are lazy, and stupid, that's why you work here.
              father: that's right, son.

              So where is a smart arse kid like him going to end up working? Where's worse than retail?
              "Those who do not complain are never pitied." - Jane Austen.


              • #8
                There's only so much crap I can take, but if someone's snot-nose starts piping up it's time to kick some asses out of the store.


                • #9
                  I really do lay most blame on the parents. At one of the last hotels I worked at there was a little boy staying with his parents who would always come down to the lobby, hang out, and treat the staff like his personal slaves. He would always leave messes lying around the lobby, purposely dump the coco mix all over the breakfast counter (and never drink any), move all of the chairs around in the breakfast area, ask the staff to do anything and everything for him, but worst of all tell us how to do our job. He loved saying that he was always right and we had to do whatever he told us too because it was our job to "serve him and his parents." I finally said something to his father eventually getting to his phrase about us serving them, and his dad in all his SC glory said, "Well, he's right isn't he? People who will amount to anything in this world, or do amount to anything won't work at a hotel unless they are the GM or the owner. I see nothing wrong with my son. Are you trying to tell me how to raise my child? I think you are little girl. You know, I know people in high places, and I can make sure that from now on you won't amount to anything more than the next person in the unemployment line." Totally pissed me off. Luckily, my GM at the time heard the whole thing, and kindly escorted the entire family off of our property. But I realized that parents are the cause of the majority of it.
                  My boss has this phrase..."Give 'em the pickle!" but I just seem to want to tell 'em where to stick that pickle....


                  • #10
                    "little girl"?? If that dude made a comment like thast to some of my co-workers he would have had to go off property in order to recover all his teeth. Seriously, though i am glad your manager kicked that family out. Bratty behaviour by children is infuraiting, but the reinforcement of that behaviour by parents is even worse.


                    • #11
                      Working retail made me hate children, now that I don't I like them. I guess that's because they all have their parents with them now.


                      • #12
                        The future SC's of America . . . we'll, more like the World. . .
                        This area is left blank for a reason.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
                          The father said, "hey, you have people paid to clean up so, my kid is just keeping, them from sitting on their lazy a-- all day."
                          Kid: Yeah: you guys are lazy, and stupid, that's why you work here.
                          father: that's right, son.
                          Time for a little father and son togetherness:

                          Oh, and thanks so much for teaching your son to be a rude arsehole, Daddy Dearest. It just brightens the lives of people all over the world, to be treated like dirt. Guess it's true that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
                          Last edited by XCashier; 08-08-2006, 11:51 PM.
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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                          • #14
                            K, I just remembered a story. It was about a year ago, and we used to have these parrots in the story (you know, the big, exotic screechy ones, customers loved to look at them). Well these two little girls (and their mother) came in, these little girls looked like twins, couldn't be much older than about 8, both dressed the same in pretty white dresses with matching pink hats, you're first thought would be "awwwe." I was cleaning glass when the two little girls came up to me and asked if they could hold the birds. . . we'll, no sorry, you can't, they have a habit of biting.
                            "No, sorry . . . You can look at them though"
                            "Pleease, we'll be careful"
                            "Sorry, I can't do that"
                            "Can you ask your manager?"
                            Wha . . .?
                            "I don't think the manager would allow you to . . ."
                            "Can you ask them anyway?"
                            Where the heck did these young girls get the idea to 'go to the manager?'
                            Luckily the owner's wife was standing nearby, apparently she didn't hear the conversation . . .
                            I asked her . . .
                            "No, sorry" she replied.
                            "Awwe," the girls whined.
                            This area is left blank for a reason.


                            • #15
                              I had a brat treat me like crap at my last job. Normally, I love kids, but this little boy was a prick-in-training. I was working on inventory at one of the workstations, merrily oblivious to the goings-on around me. Since I didn't have a customer in front of me, the little jewel decided that I was "doing nothing." So the little stain started talking trash, telling me "get to work," "where's your manager," "you're going to get in trouble," and "I'll have your job." All the while, he was being rewarded by chuckles and a smug grin from his dad. And a death glare from me.

                              Yeah, that's a chip off the old block there, dude. Mind if I use my box cutter to take you both out of the gene pool? Taking crap from an adult is one thing, but I'll be damned if I ever simper to child that needs a good solid ass-kicking.
                              A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran

