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Chap Stick guy

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  • Chap Stick guy

    Guy comes in tonight, asks for Chap-Stick. I get it, he pays for it. He opens the package at the counter then FLINGS the empty package down and starts walking toward the door. I said "Excuse me, but you forgot your trash." He said "Oh, YOU can throw it away". I told the next customer to hang on for a sec, picked up the package, walked to the door, then flung it in the direction of his car and walked back inside. He was backing out of the lot but he stopped, got out, came to the door and threw the empty back in the store and yelled "Don't throw ing trash at me". I yelled right back "Don't leave your ing trash on my counter, @sshole!" The other customers that saw this happen from the beginning were laughing and congratulating me for a job well done. If he would have asked me where the trashcan was or if I would throw it away for him instead of being rude, I wouldn't be writing this.
    USN Retired

  • #2
    Oh my god, that is so rude! I HATED people leaving their rubbish around on shelves when I worked at target - but THROWING it at you? That's so disrespectful!
    I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
    another time, this world would fade away
    To find true love, is like no other joy,
    our choice is here
    be happy for today


    • #3
      WAY TO GO!

      Wish I could do the same.

      Unfortunately, I can't. It would probably be an immediate termination.

      I live in the south, and work in a rural area. We get alot, and I mean ALOT of the "Good ol' southern boys" in the store.

      I have no problem with chewing tobacco. I don't use it myself.

      But some of these disgusting slobs feel as if the store is their spittoon.

      I watched a guy spit his chew right out against a shelf upright beam.
      He hurried down the aisle when he saw me watching him.

      Its still gross when they spit in a bottle, but at least I don't have to clean it up.

      Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'

      Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.


      • #4
        What a jerk. But for doing that. Pretty sweet.

        I once had a rich old lady in the parking lot put a used kleenex in my hand while I was gathering carts for me to throw away.

        I would have thrown it back at her, or at least chucked it back into that extravagant car of hers with a "No thanks!", but I had only been there for a week, and didn't want to get fired. I was speechless, anyway.
        Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


        • #5
          I draw the line with anything that has bodily fluids on it. NO WAY. Put it in the trash yourself.
          USN Retired


          • #6
            Recently parking on a side street I saw an older couple opposite me getting ready to drive off when I went to the window to point out the driver dropped some Kleenex (was cleaning the windows, I think.) At first he acted like I was pointing out he'd lost something he didn't care about, then I told him it was littering and illegal. He got out to pick them up and seemed to have some difficulty bending over--I didn't care, he could have tossed them in his Olds if trashing them was too hard.

            I've also heard the suggestion one pick up dropped butts and replace them in the hand they came from! One time my grandmother found an extinguished one in her purse behind her seat because that's where it went when she threw it out the window. I loved her, but too bad it wasn't burning, I say.
            I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


            • #7
              It was rude of him to just fling the garbage on the counter as if you were the maid hired to clean up after him, rather than asking you if you had a garbage can to dispose of it for him, but I think it was out line to go to the door and throw the garbage back at him.

              Those customers watching may have been laughing and congratulating you to your face, but I have a hunch they left and repeated the story to others, "You will never believe what I just saw some cashier do today" and in at least some of their minds, you will come off as having behaved very badly.
              Had you not thrown it at him, he wouldn't have thrown it back at you.

              You may have felt better, but it made you and your business look bad.
              Sorry, but if you were under my supervision, or you worked at the store where I do, you would have been terminated.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #8
                I like seeing people stand up for themselves. Not enough people do it. I ever see a cashier doing this, I'm buying them a treat!


                • #9
                  Wish I could stick up to some of the jerks I get but I'm stuck in VIP or suite and these folks all have some connection to each other. Good job standing up to that jackass.
                  The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                  • #10
                    ROCK! You kick ass. I wish I could do that but all my calls are recorded. Oh, and people don't fling trash at me over the phone. They make loud toilet noises instead. :-(
                    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


                    • #11
                      Im half and half on this post, while I whole heartedly congradulate you on standing up for yourself (more people on this forum need to start doing that) I cant emphasises enough how important it is that you remain polite and professional.

                      There are two main reasons for this, 1. you retain the higher upper ground and 2. you will make him look like more of a jerk if you had remained polite when he was rude.

                      A better responce might have been "of course I will, when you use the magic word" still tounge and cheek but not resorting to foul language.

                      So good for you for having a spine, just try and make the execution a little more professional next time.
                      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                      • #12

                        Hell ya! Remmber, he threw it down first. You didn't throw it at him first. He also used foul language first. You were only communicationg with him in the best way he would understand. When they act like spoiled children, it makes no sense to treat them like adults.

                        Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                        • #13
                          Quoth batmoody View Post

                          Hell ya! Remmber, he threw it down first. You didn't throw it at him first.
                          I beg to differ on that point, actually
                          He opens the package at the counter then FLINGS the empty package down and starts walking toward the door.
                          stickycoins has only stated that the customer flung it down. To me, that could mean on the floor or on the counter, or stickycoins would have said, "...then FLINGS the empty package at me."
                          That was immediately before this comment:
                          I told the next customer to hang on for a sec, picked up the package, walked to the door, then flung it in the direction of his car and walked back inside.
                          So, stickycoins did, in fact, throw the empty package at the customer first.
                          In my opinion, just because the customer threw it down and had an attitude that someone would clean it up, he didn't deserve to have it thrown at him.
                          Last edited by Ree; 08-06-2006, 05:52 PM.
                          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                          • #14
                            Back in 1987, after working for a Parking Co for almost three years, I moved to a new location, this being my first Management position. Of course, I was wanting to make a good impression on not only my bosses, but Building Management as well. That was very important, as our Co operated Garages in several of their buildings.

                            It was always important to me, even as an attendant at other locations, to keep the Garage as clean as a Parking Garage can be. This, of course meant sweeping up cigarette butts, and other litter, as well as tending to oil spots.

                            One of my first days at the new location, maybe even the first, I found a medium to large paper bag filled with trash on one of the floors of the Garage. Since it didn't squirm as I picked it up, and didn't stink, I decided to brave taking a peek inside. I saw assorted stuff, including different papers with the same person's name on them, some of those indicating he was a Service Tech for, I believe, a Copier Repair Co.

                            Now, it was no big deal for me to have just tossed it in one of the garbage cans, but, I couldn't get this thought out of my mind, what if I had just walked through with the broom and dustpan, and minutes later this guy dumps his bag o' crap on the ground, and minutes after that, my DM and/or the bigshots from the Bldg Management Co walk through to see how things look.

                            I phoned my immediate Supervisor, and told him I had enough incriminating evidence to point to this one guy, and would it be okay for me to call his Office and (politely) express my displeasure. Boss said "OK" so I called, and asked the receptionist:

                            Me:"Does XXXXX XXXXXXX work there?"
                            R:"Yes he does."
                            Me:"Well, I if he's not available, I'd like to leave a message".
                            Me:"Woud you please let him know that Mike, the Manager at the XXX Garage called to let him know that there are trash cans on every floor of the Garage?'


                            • #15
                              Quoth batmoody View Post

                              Hell ya! Remmber, he threw it down first. You didn't throw it at him first. He also used foul language first. You were only communicationg with him in the best way he would understand. When they act like spoiled children, it makes no sense to treat them like adults.
                              It doesn't matter IMO. Just because a customer acts like a spoiled child doesn't mean we have to resort to behaving the same.

                              Sometimes it's better to take the high road and let it roll off you rather than to react in a similar manner. In other words, it's not worth getting your panties in a knot over.

                              Kill them with kindness. It makes you look like the better person and your company as well. Like it or not, when we are on the clock, we represent that company to the customer.

                              Just my
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

