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Chap Stick guy

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  • #16

    Stickycoins, you are now my official hero!

    Probably the most disgusting thing that I've ever had a customer do to me was attempt to hand me a used kleenex when I was in the courtesy booth. I told her that the garbage can was around the corner. She threw it away, while giving me one of the nastiest looks I've ever seen.

    Sorry, lady! I'm not picking up whatever germs you have!
    "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
    ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


    • #17
      For the record, I WAS polite to him. When I reminded him he forgot his trash, I didn't yell or say it with ANY condescending tone of voice. He, on the other hand, assumed I was his maid. All he had to do was ASK me to throw it away for him and I would have. Most people will ask where the trashcan is when they open something in the store. And in my opinion, he DID throw it at me since he didn't just lay it on the counter, he flung it down hard enough for it to bounce. When he bought it, I handed it to him, didn't toss it at him. I am normally VERY nice to customers even though I put up with a tremendous amount of BS from them. This was something I just couldn't put up with. Crucify me if you want.

      Also for the record, he was in his car, I didn't throw it at HIM, just in the cars' general direction. He could have just left it in the parking lot, where I would have gone out, picked it up, and put it in the trash like he should have in the first place. Done.
      USN Retired


      • #18
        Quoth stickycoins View Post
        For the record, I WAS polite to him. When I reminded him he forgot his trash, I didn't yell or say it with ANY condescending tone of voice...

        ...I am normally VERY nice to customers even though I put up with a tremendous amount of BS from them. This was something I just couldn't put up with. Crucify me if you want.
        I have no doubt in my mind that you are probably polite as a general rule, and nobody wants to crucify you at all.
        My point was just that by doing what you did, you sank to his level.

        I didn't dispute that the guy was rude, either. It's just that most of the time, no matter how tempted we are to take the low road, (and I have done that too, so I'm not perfect - just lucky I didn't get caught), we always come across better if we stay on the high road. Then they are the ones who are acting badly.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #19
          I am too, half and half on this situation. You get a kudos for standing up for yourself, but unfortunately, this guy will probably continue throwing his garbage around and cursing at people and life will go on the same. On the other hand, if he does keep doing that, we'll then, you get your kicks out of it and get the pleasure of yelling at him.

          However, sinking to an SC's level should be a last resort, like if he came in continually and treated you that way, well then, he deserves a swift kick in the ass. If he's only a first time offender then maybe its best to just grip about him behind his back . . .

          This area is left blank for a reason.


          • #20
            I've also heard the suggestion one pick up dropped butts and replace them in the hand they came from! One time my grandmother found an extinguished one in her purse behind her seat because that's where it went when she threw it out the window. I loved her, but too bad it wasn't burning, I say.
            I have done just that on several occasions.
            Was out cleaning the lot one night, and this woman drives up, gets out of her car, looks directly at me, and proceeds to throw her butt on the ground, and walk into the store.
            I went and picked it up, walked into the store and handed it to her while she was in line, and said "Ma'am, I think you dropped something outside". The look on her face was priceless, (well, maybe I could put a price on it, but I'm sure she couldn't afford it )
            Last edited by Ree; 08-06-2006, 11:47 PM. Reason: fixing quote tags
            And the sky was full of stars... and every star, an exploding ship, one of ours...


            • #21
              Quoth Ree View Post
              Sorry, but if you were under my supervision, or you worked at the store where I do, you would have been terminated.
              I appreciate your tactful disagreement--oh, and kudos to your dedication during the ice storm [other thread], and your charming avatar...anyway, were you in a position to do so, I know you'd have no problem hearing customers' views and changing with the flow as need be, for while I understand your concerns about the reaction, I don't mind supporting it. Too bad that's easier to do after you fired Sticky , for I'd be reluctant to email or call corporate about saying I liked what an employee did if I thought it might get them into trouble (maybe that's one not-so-obvious reason positive compliments are underrepresented, BTW).

              IMO, more examples of corporate ignorance can be found in phillippbo's story about having to ask a customer FOUR times if she wanted bagging/carryout and in the seemingly universal distaste for addressing customers and employees by name as described in the "tametag" thread.
              I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


              • #22
                Not really sure what you're trying to say here, Mixed Bag.

                I haven't always been in a position of management.
                I have been in retail since I was 18, though, and I am turning 46 in a few months.
                I have seen my share of customers.
                I know how frustrating they can be.
                That's why I stayed when I found this place.

                I just happen to believe that it is the customers who pay my wages, really. If I drive them away, there is no need for my job.

                That may not make me very popular on a site devoted to trashing customers, but that's how I stand.
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                • #23
                  Just a combination of compliments and a consolidation of data questioning management policies--which I know is not your tier, just addressing your call about the action.
                  I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                  • #24
                    *fooof ffffooooffff*

                    Sorry... just trying to blow away the smoke from the mirrors.
                    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                    ~TechSmith 314
                    HellGate: London


                    • #25
                      Quoth Ree View Post
                      Sorry, but if you were under my supervision, or you worked at the store where I do, you would have been terminated.
                      The guy is lucky my boss(the store owner) wasn't working. He would have done worse. I have seen him physically remove people from the store, tell people to hurry up, follow people around, etc. He has run more customers off than I ever have. He doesn't put up with crap from SCs and told me I don't have to either, but I'm a lot nicer about how I deal with them than he is. I have never done anything like this before. I work in a Mom-Pop conv. store, so there is no "corporate" to call and complain to.
                      USN Retired


                      • #26
                        I loved her, but too bad it wasn't burning, I say.
                        Had it been burning, it could easily have killed your grandmother.
                        Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                        • #27
                          Sorry, I assumed people would realize I meant a lesson burn, not a damning inferno. The latter didn't cross my mind.
                          I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.

