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Line jumping.

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  • Line jumping.

    Today, I was working at the membership desk, and there is a line for refunds. There is only one girl working the refunds desk and I cannot help in any way for 2 reasons:

    1. I am not yet trained for that area.
    2. Someone else on the second register for refunds was on that till and on break.

    The refunds area and the membership area are two different sides of one big counter, and we have BIG HUGE SIGNS of where you need to go.

    The line was about 4-5 people long, if you've ever been to my store, it literally only takes 5 min to wait in our lines.

    An SC approaches me.

    SC: I'd like to return this.
    Me: I'm sorry, I cannot do refunds, you have to go over there.
    (points at the line)
    Me: Yes...
    (points at refunds clerk)(I turn around at this point, and I see the refund clerk looking at the woman with a big look of absolute disgust.)
    (RC leans to me and says "I'll help her in a minute")

    Turns out the woman was a big fat liar and just skipped the line, according to the refunds clerk. It's really hard to call people out on it unless we see it right out, we try, but we know if we call a sup or manager, they just process them anyway.

    This one happened yesterday too, I had a big line clusterf^#* at my desk, and I was just so busy, I couldn't see who was next, so I didn't see this rude customer butt in front of the whole line.

    Another lady yelled out, "THERE'S A LINE, YOU KNOW", and the SC at my desk got this look: Argh! She knew she skipped the line, that jerk.

    The lady in the line came up to me and seemed mad until I asked her if the lady I just helped got in front of her. When she said yes, I told her I was sorry, that if I had saw it, if I knew, her butt would had been to the back of the line, and that it's so hard lately to catch rude people like that. The lady smiled, told me I was doing a good job, and not to worry, because it's not my job to teach rude people manners, I'm not their mother. This lady was awesome, I guess she's worked retail.

    Anyone have any line jumpers?
    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey

  • #2
    i hate that!!!!! last week, the front register called for help, since there was a line. i called a few people over to my register in man came over, and checked out, and jsut as we were finishing, i watched another customer walk towards us with her cart. now some background. in front of my register, is what we call the tables. they aren't regular tables, or regular shelves. its where we put our cosmetic displays. since my store is small, they are only about four feet directly in front of my register, although they are longer than my register.

    so the lady that was walking with her cart,coming to my register, she was right by the table, and clsoe to my register. she left about a foot between her and the table. she was about four feet from my register. all of a sudden, another creature that is sometimes considered a woman, pushes past in the foot of space, and plops all her stuff down on my counter. i was jus t like .before i could say anything, the non-rude customer turned around to go to the other register. i barely spoke to the rude one, only to give her the total. then i went up front, and saw the one customer waiting. i asked her if she would like to try to come back over to cosmetics. she did, and we went on about how rude the other woman was.


    • #3
      When I was a manager at Arbys I was helping out on the drive through one late shift and we had some jackass cut in the drive through line. There was a long line at the order box so he jumped in so he could order at the window. I refused and told him to go back around like everyone else.


      • #4
        Don't even get me started on line jumpers. They are the worst kind of SC out there. Three episodes I remember are these:

        * Old fart at Eckard Drugs at the pharmacy. I went to get a prescription, and when they said next (which was me), he jumped ahead and slammed his check book down on the counter, writing out a check. I told him I was next, and it was "Oh, you're a young man and can wait." The nerve of some people, although the clerk helped me anyhow and told the old man to get to the back of the line, which was behind me!

        * Old lady at JCPenney, with expensive clothes, jewelry, high heel shoes, make up, etc. standing behind me in the pick up line for on-line orders. My number was called, and she proceeded to dart around me, saying "Oh, I'll only be a minute." I ripped her a new one for sure, but instead of saying anything, she never even looked at me, and just left. What the hell was she even there for?

        * Nasty lady in a beat up car, mad look on her face and looking like she had a nasty temper, pulled right in front of me at the McDonald's drive-in window because they cheated her on her french fries. With the look of this lady, I did not dare say or do anything for fear of my life.

        These three examples show how rude society is. They have no place in this world.


        • #5
          One day after work i was i line buying a few things, not in uniform, and as I was loading my stuff on the belt, about 10 items, a middle aged woman physically pushes me aside, pushes my things back on the belt and puts her things down and throws her store loyalty card at the cashier, who was also the MOD/FEM. The MOD/FEM/Cashier asks me if I was ok, I was. The MOD/FEM then tells the lady that she has assaulted another customer(me), it was recorded on video and and that she will not be served and to leave the store. She say "what if i don't, you can't make me." The MOD says that this is her last warning before the police are called, and pulls out his phone, hits 9(outside line) 9 again, she then runs as fast as she can out of the store. She left her card behind and she was banned from our store, via a restraining order. All this over less than $5 of groceries.


          • #6
            What pisses me off the most is when cashiers will actually serve a line-jumper like there's nothing wrong. I had that happen to me at Denny's. I was gonna go off on the idiot and ask him how come he sees nothing wrong with people cutting in line until a manager served me right away and seated us.


            • #7
              The thing is that some companies will PUNISH you for not serving a customer because of it, and sometimes saying something makes the person have a hissy fit, and the whole ordeal takes even longer to deal with. When you have a HUGE line, taking longer is not a good thing (which makes me sigh, yes, because just taking them is not the right thing to do). Usually, in my case, I can't do anything about it unless it happens physically in front of my eyes. If I look down, then look up and see a different person, unless a customer complains to ME and no matter how much it pains me, I cannot do anything, because it's by assumption, and I didn't witness it.

              If I see it though, oh boy, I point to the real next person and ask "Can I help whoever was NEXT IN LINE?", and when the SC gets mad, I tell them to get to back of the line or out the door, take their pick.
              "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


              • #8
                The hardest part is penalizing line jumpers with a crowded store and a belt at your register. I always found it easier to chase them back when I was at the CS desk. And don't dare try to line jump around Christmas time.....if someone declares you a line jumper loud enough, the whole line will physically rip you a new one.
       do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                Chickens are Asexual!


                • #9
                  Because of how the Sears lines are set up at work, its quite common to have unintentional line jumpers.

                  We have those belts like at the bank, but because the cashier desks are a wrap-around horseshoe shape with three cashes in the middle of the store, you can't always see the signs.

                  Most of the time, people are okay and laugh it off, as does everyone else in line.

                  But one time it was busy, and right next to the line in between two dummies and racks of clothes some young girls were standing, backs to me, talking. I kept calling customers over when they suddenly turned around and tossed their stuff down.

                  Now, because they WERE standing there and 'waiting' in a way, even if I didnt know it, I WAS going to let them go, and I was saying "The line is over there, so you know, but this time i'll let it go." cause I'm nice.

                  Well, I didnt' get past 'so you know' when the girl huffed, threw down her stuffed bra and stalked out.

                  I shrugged, tossed it in the 'hangup' bin and served the next customer.

                  One lady wrote a comment card about the line setup. this is what it said:

                  The way your lines are set up is very bad! It causes a lot of embarassement for customers because they can't see it, as well as undue stress on the rest of the people waiting in line!"
                  Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                  • #10
                    This is truly sad. People are supposed to learn to wait their turn in KINDERGARTEN.


                    • #11
                      Quoth ditchdj View Post
                      What pisses me off the most is when cashiers will actually serve a line-jumper like there's nothing wrong.
                      You know if the cashier said anything to the line jumper, the SC would complain to a manager and get their way anyway. It's a lose/lose.


                      • #12
                        The set up in my theatre was pretty bad, and the way I operated didn't help any.
                        The box office was a crescent shape, and there was no form of line control at all, just open lobby, so customers had to make their own lines in front of open cashiers. The way I operated was I looked up to say hi and check if they were holding passes of some kind, ask them what movie they wanted to see, and then I'd look down for the rest of the transaction until it was time to hand them their tickets, then I look down again to put cash/passes away, and look up and say hi to the next customer. Lots of room for people to line jump when I'm looking down that long. (I justify my looking down that much because I was bascially the fastest, most accurate cashier we had). I really didn't have that many issues simply because I was that fast. It would take about 45 seconds to get a transaction through. A couple of times people mentioned it to me that the person I'd just served jumped the line, I apologized, saying I wasn't looking, and then got them their tickets.

                        The one that really killed me was there was another cashier open besides me, it was pretty slow, and there were some people about 15ft, 20ft back, who looked like they were looking at the showtimes (as people are prone to do) who I thought would come forward when they'd decided. Someone comes in from outside, and I serve them, when the lady standing way back goes off on me for serving them instead of her, as she was in line. I told her two things: 1. You were WAY back, so how could I know if you were in line or not and 2. The other cashier and I had SEPERATE lines right up to before then, so again, you standing way back, with no one in any kind of line as it was now just that slow (we'd finished the rush just then), technically, you were in HER line, lady, so back the hell off, and what show do you want to see? She went and complained to a manager, but seeing as earlier that day I'd gotten a customer compliment, the whole thing was a bit of a wash.
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #13
                          To me it depends on the circumstances, if I have a customer standing at the counter doing the "um, i'll have an ummm, no wait an ummm, aah maybe an ummm" performance, I will ignore them and serve other people until they make up their damn mind.

                          Because I'm not an asshole (and always buy the same pack of cigarettes and bottle of drink) the stores I frequent tend to do the same thing for me, for example if someone is there attempting to count out $3 from $0.05 coins
                          It is better to be the hammer than the nail.


                          • #14
                            I know that it's not a good idea to refuse service to line jumpers at CVS, for reasons stated on here already. The Almighty Customer (TM) is god, and one nasty phone call to corporate, unless you're an actual pharmacist, could cost you your job.

                            Better safe than sorry. Serving them is not right, but it usually makes things move faster and without squabbling. It's always fun bitching with the next customer about how rude the line jumper was, though


                            • #15
                              I'm sure that some people do it simply because they know they can get away with it. They know how the system works. If the store allows it, that means the only way to rectify the situation is to take matters into your own hands and physically push the jerkoff out of the way. Putting your hands on someone without consent is considered "assault". Hell you can even get in trouble for simply showing body language that says you wanna do something to them. It's called "menacing". The said asshole can simply just run to the cops, say you "beat them up for no reason" and have you thrown in jail.

