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PSA: My counter is not a trash bin!

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  • PSA: My counter is not a trash bin!

    I will call you back in front of everyone and make you look like a 2 year old for littering.

    * DO NOT leave your soda cans on my counter or any of our counters.

    * DO NOT leave it there assuming that I'm going to throw it away for you.

    * DO NOT look at me like I'm crazy when I ask you to dispose of your own trash when there is *gasp* a trash bin not less then 4 feet away.

    * DO NOT get mad at me when I chase you down to hand you back your Starbucks coffee cup. I assumed you still wanted it.

    * DO NOT just throw your crap at me like I'm your personal maid.

    * DO NOT think for one second that I'm obligated to throw your shit away. If I say no, get over it.

    And most importantly:

    * NEVER EVER EVER EVER leave your nasty snot tissue on my counter. I will rip you a new one!

    That is all.

  • #2
    Do NOT hide your mostly empty (and extremely sticky, most likely because you don't f*cking know HOW to properly eat a Blizzard!) Dairy Queen cup between two of the Jack Skellington off-white pillows! Particularly when I saw you come in with the damn cup in your hand. I saw you leave without it, so I knew it was time to start hunting, first for your cup, then for your balls!
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      I have to ask . . .how do you respond when a customer (who doesn't know the store layout . . .like a first timer) is holding a tissue, can, or cup and asks politely - "do you have a trash can I may use to throw this away?"
      If you point to the one that is in plain sight that they didn't see or even nicely say back "you may use this one" or "there is one right there" or jokingly say something about its location - then great no problem.
      But from the customer who is trying to do the right thing . . .when we get the eye roll or rude reply or attitude about its location - even if to you it is in plain sight - it doesn't make us want to be nice.


      • #4
        I'm never rude to nice people. That doesn't make sense to me. If someone has a soda can and want to throw it away, I'll either point out the trash can or throw it away myself. If it's a tissue then I will simply point out the trash bin. I refuse to touch that.


        • #5
          Quoth Emrld View Post
          I have to ask . . .how do you respond when a customer (who doesn't know the store layout . . .like a first timer) is holding a tissue, can, or cup and asks politely - "do you have a trash can I may use to throw this away?"
          If you point to the one that is in plain sight that they didn't see or even nicely say back "you may use this one" or "there is one right there" or jokingly say something about its location - then great no problem.
          But from the customer who is trying to do the right thing . . .when we get the eye roll or rude reply or attitude about its location - even if to you it is in plain sight - it doesn't make us want to be nice.
          I don't think she was talking about the customers who ask/are trying to do the right thing. She was probably talking about the grown-up babies who want everyone to do everything for them, including pick up after their nasty selves.


          • #6
            What's even worse is when the customers leave their food garbage (ice cream containers, coffee cups, soda bottles, etc) in their shopping cart outside.

            This is the time of the year when yellow jackets are out. Yellow Jackets are stinging insects who sting for the sheer joy of causing pain and sometimes death--it doesn't take much to rile them up. And that food garbage attracts them.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              When people wanted me to throw stuff away and asked nicely I would just take it and toss it, as long as there was no liquid in it. If there was liquid I would tell them to throw it in the can in the vestibule or outside the front door (sturdier trash bags). If it was something icky (tissues, gum) I would pull out my trash can and hold it up for them to throw it out themselves.

              I always loved the people who didn't want their receipt and would say "You can throw that out"...gee, can I really?
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

