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They all came out today...(long.)

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  • They all came out today...(long.)

    I usually don't even work during the week, but I was being nice and covering for someone. Anyway, it was a slow day, but full of moronic and sucky customers which I feel the need to rant about:

    Spring wha?!

    A woman called quite early in the morning to ask if we had a certain discontinued fabric left in stock. But the home furnishings department is busy...let me take a message and pass it on...and what fabric is it you're after?

    "Spring Crocus."

    I pass the message on and thus began the hunt for the mysterious fabric known as "Spring Crocus", hidden somewhere in the depths of our basement. Later in the day, my lovely co-worker and sufferer of home furnishings hell finds me and tells me the end of the story. Apparently, after looking through catalogues dating back to 1991(!!), it's now mid afternoon and she still could not find any fabric called Spring Crocus. Just as she was going to call the customer (hence known as SC) a lady appears saying...

    SC:"I rang this morning and nobody called me back so I thought I'll come here myself and do it."
    So lovely co-worker (LCW) explains "I'm sorry...I don't think Spring Crocus exists?"
    SC: "Yes it's in your catalogue..."
    LCW: "It's not...I've looked..."
    SC: "It does!" *whips out catalogue* "It's that one. Right there!"
    LCW: *blinks* *reads catalogue*...That's called Buxton. The colour is crocus."
    SC: "OH."

    We didn't have enough fabric for her. Shame. The lesson? Next time...please READ the ACTUAL name of the fabric that is printed next to the little picture, and don't just make it up as you go along. Things will go much smoother and not take all day kthanx.

    "How much?"

    So, my other co-worker serves a customer that I helped in the fitting room. She was friendly and all that and spent £111.00 exactly. Off she went. Later on, I get a phone call. It's the lady...she's got home and doesn't think she actually spent that much money!

    Me: "oh."
    Her: "It just doesn't seem right! I only bought 4 things!"

    Cue me spending the next half an hour asking her for barcode numbers and things to clarify prices with my little calculator out next to the till, tip tapping away. To make things even more complex, she'd used vouchers to help save her money and there was the 20% off the trousers because of the Bank Holiday event...bla...bla...

    Me: "And that should come to.....£111.00"
    Her: "Really? Well...I...erm...if you say that's right then I must be wrong. I just didn't see how it could make that much!"
    Me: "Errmm...well it can."

    Not so much sucky...just...strange. To be fair, I can't do maths in my head either, but first I'd get my own calculator out before ringing the shop and moaning down the phone.

    Don't try and fool me...featuring Will she take long?

    This customer is, and has been a nightmare! She ordered LOADS of stuff from us and left it with us for months...then turned up randomly on a Sunday twenty minutes before closing time and then expected us to bring her ten or so heavy boxes up from the basement chop chop!! Then, she asked "And how do I get them out to my car?!" And so, against all better judgement and insurance policies and whatnot...I helped her. You'd think she'd be gushingly grateful considering it's now ten minutes after closing time. Nope.

    Unhappy with many of her items she returned them at a later date. Today...she was bringing back paint. Me and lovely co-worker exchanged a glance. You know when you can just tell...?
    Me: "So that's £xx.xx going back on your card..."
    SC: "I want to exchange them for this other paint? Will I still get my 20% off?"
    LCW: "Sadly no... that paint is excluded from this offer, but they were in another offer when you bought them."
    SC: "'s wasn't an offer. It was...shareholder's discount."
    Me: *blink* "...really?"
    SC: " I still get 20% off these?"
    LCW (aka hero of the day): "Did you have a leaflet?"
    SC: "I did..."
    LCW: "Well the manager would have that, and he would have authorised that... and he's not in today. Without him we can't do anything sorry."
    Me: "We could put these to one side? He'll be back tomorrow...?"
    SC: "Erm...No I need them now much is that now then?"

    Now, she may or may not have actually had the discount leaflet...but alarm bells rang when she suddenly remembered it was shareholder's discount. Also, not wanting to see the manager who could have given her the 20% off suggests perhaps someone was LYING. *sigh*

    Oh and then I had to go get more of her stuff...all the time she kept saying to LCW "Is she going to take long? I have to be going..."
    Honestly. If you have a frillion bags of cushions and paint and bedding...please please can you just be patient whilst I cart it up 2 flights of stairs?

    And I have to go back there tomorrow.*weeps*
    ~a lass unparallel'd~