Ok, I had this HUGE post that was eaten by the server. It really pissed me off. Anyway, this is the Cliffs Notes version...
--I was at the service desk yesterday. Our Dairy Manager was returning a beer keg. We have a 7 day reutrn policy on beer kegs before the customers $25 deposit is forfeited. We make a point of telling every customer this information. I told him he couldn't get his deposit back and he said "Oh yes I can." After I looked at him stunned, he said "If I don't get that deposit back, there will be hell to pay." I gave him his deposit as I had 4 other people in line behind him and wasn't about to make them wait as he made a stink. I went to management on him when I had the chance.
--A "lady" lost her check yesterday, supposedly at the register. We have that automatic debit system in which the customer gets their check back and we electronically debit their account. She calls three times, each time stating that she "knows" she didn't get her check back, and she thinks the cashier kept it. The third time she called, she said "I've put a trace on the check. I have your name, I have the cashier's name, and I have the store's name. If anything happens to that check, you'll be hearing about it." Yeah, lady, you got me. I suppliment my income by stealing voided customer checks. That's how I pay for my mansion and bankroll my servants. Well, guess the jig is up now, huh? You got me.
--I was at the service desk yesterday. Our Dairy Manager was returning a beer keg. We have a 7 day reutrn policy on beer kegs before the customers $25 deposit is forfeited. We make a point of telling every customer this information. I told him he couldn't get his deposit back and he said "Oh yes I can." After I looked at him stunned, he said "If I don't get that deposit back, there will be hell to pay." I gave him his deposit as I had 4 other people in line behind him and wasn't about to make them wait as he made a stink. I went to management on him when I had the chance.
--A "lady" lost her check yesterday, supposedly at the register. We have that automatic debit system in which the customer gets their check back and we electronically debit their account. She calls three times, each time stating that she "knows" she didn't get her check back, and she thinks the cashier kept it. The third time she called, she said "I've put a trace on the check. I have your name, I have the cashier's name, and I have the store's name. If anything happens to that check, you'll be hearing about it." Yeah, lady, you got me. I suppliment my income by stealing voided customer checks. That's how I pay for my mansion and bankroll my servants. Well, guess the jig is up now, huh? You got me.
