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They taught you that in driver's ed?

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  • They taught you that in driver's ed?

    Not sucky... I think... but weird:

    I was at one of my work stops today. It's a decent sized theater, which means that I'm usually there for three or four hours. Which was convenient today. Partway through the day I head out to my van to grab a snack. And found that there was a car parked less than a meter in front of me. And there was a car about a meter and a half behind me. But I wasn't parked anywhere that you would expect to have to parallel park. The doofus behind me parked in the middle of the lane you drive up and down.

    I looked at it, the location managers looked at it, and the guy selling tickets looked at it. Nobody could figure out how someone could be quite so clueless.

    We ended up leaving him there. His movie was sure to be over before I was finished, and it was a real slow day. Still...

  • #2
    Some people and their (lack of) driving skills.

    Aren't they WONDERFUL?!?!?!?
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Had that happened to me also. Was on a date a few years back. And the asshat parked behind me, just as I was about to back out. I yelled at him to move it, and he said F*(k you. I called the cops right then, and they had him towed.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Something similar happens at my parents house on a daily basis. They live in a cul-de-sac and the amount of people that block their drive is crazy. There's the house, with a drive in front of it andcars parked on the drive. The amount of times we've had to go knocking on every door in the street to ask the eejit to move their car is shocking.
        Idiot-proofing myself since 1997


        • #5
          Look out, site NSFW
          Thought of that pic when I read the title.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            Quoth Moonlight View Post
            The amount of times we've had to go knocking on every door in the street to ask the eejit to move their car is shocking.
            Screw that. I'd simply call the cops, and tow the bastard

            I live on a one-way street which turns back on itself. There's a nice loop down there. About halfway around, there's an elementary school. Granted, the parking there sucks...but I've heard stories of people parking on *both* sides of the loop, and occasionally even in the driveways! Needless to say, we simply tow the bastards. I went one step further though--all along my yard, I put large rocks to keep the cars off the grass. Someone ran over a rock the other day, and I'm sure his car was damaged. Serves him right!
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              I once parked at the supermarket, and there was an SUV parked in the facing spot. Their back end was about a foot over the line into my spot, but since I drive a fairly small car it wasn't a problem for me, though I was less than a foot from back of the other car. The woman was just coming back to her car, and wanted me to move because she couldn't get into her trunk. I wanted to tell her to learn to park in her own spot and she wouldn't have a problem. (I didn't )

              Had a customer come back into the bookstore after they had checked out and ask us to page the owner of a certain vehicle. They person had parked so close to her she couldn't even get to her door, let alone open it and get in the car...
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                I've got a parking story (sorry, no threadjacking intentions here!).

                We were on vacation about a month ago, the only vehicle we (my husband and I) was a motorcycle - he drove, obviously. My husband is very, for lack of a better word, anal, about his motorcycle. It is his BABY. He frets if someone even gets too close to it. I laugh at him for it, but I understand. He's never owned a motorcycle before in his life, so he's very proud of it.

                We were at a motel and my husband always worries about cars parking next to him and knocking their doors against his bike ('cause some people are like that). So, he parks it in the last space, near the hotel, next to some decorative planters, fairly close the edge of the spot.

                A fellow motorcyclist sees this and parks in the space next to my husbands bike and parks on the edge of his spot (on the opposite side - I'm not sure if this was done on purpose or not). Let me add, that when you're on a motorcycle, and someone opts to park partially in your spot, it can be difficult at times to even get on, or pack up the bike.

                |M | M|

                (Kind of like that, 'M' obviously being motorcycle and the '|' being the lines of the parking spaces).

                Some douche of a lady thought it was O.K. to park her big ass of a car IN THE MIDDLE of the space, OVER THE LINES and BETWEEN the two bikes. She was an older woman, you'd think she know better, but she didn't. It pissed me off to no end, I was about ready to go out there and vandalize her car (I didn't - but I wanted to). The other biker didn't really seem to mind and didn't do, or say anything about it.

                We were going to tell management, but figured to just let it be. My husband just went out there, manuvered his bike out of the spot the best he could and moved it to a different spot.

                The audacity of some people though . . .
                This area is left blank for a reason.


                • #9
                  That does seem to be the attitude these days, though, doesn't it? If the car fits there, more or less, then it's obviously a parking spot.

                  I refuse to pay for a covered spot at my complex, simply because people steal them all the time, and when their cars have been towed, people have been known to vandalize the car that actually paid for the spot. And sadly, our complex hasn't done anything about it when it's been reported.
                  "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                  “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                  • #10
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    The woman was just coming back to her car, and wanted me to move because she couldn't get into her trunk. I wanted to tell her to learn to park in her own spot and she wouldn't have a problem. (I didn't )

                    Had a customer come back into the bookstore after they had checked out and ask us to page the owner of a certain vehicle. They person had parked so close to her she couldn't even get to her door, let alone open it and get in the car...
                    I would have just told her to pull her damn SUV up and then there'd be no problem! I swear, the older I get the bigger my mouth gets and it's gonna get me in trouble.

                    I've had the problem with someone parked to close to the driver side. Wound up having to crawl over from the passenger side. FUN! I'm beginning to think that there should be sectioned parking. Regular size cars and then all the big-ass SUVs and the big-ass trucks (nobody needs them, but they have them) we have around here. Of course, then the soccer moms that come with them would complain about having to walk out of their way. That's if they can get off their damn cell phones long enough.
                    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                    • #11
                      Quoth myswtghst View Post
                      If the car fits there, more or less, then it's obviously a parking spot.
                      Hello? See the slanted yellow lines under your car? You're not in a f*cking parking spot! You're in the excess space left over by whomever painted the lines for the parking lot/the area left for handicap ramps. Dumbass!
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        I saw one guy, as I was leaving the parking lot of my old job, park in a driving lane that had that line painted on the lane that said STOP right before it crosses another lane... granted it was a very short lane, and it was on the end of a row of parking spaces, but you'd think that you'd see the STOP, and you know, realize it wasn't a space. He got out of his car and went to walk away, I leaned out my window and told him that wasn't a parking space. He looked at me like "It's not!?!? "

                        Ah, the wonders of cluelessness.
                        Confirmed altoholic.


                        • #13
                          When I worked at the movie theatre, we had a whole LINE of people TRIPLE PARKED. nobody in one row could get out. The couple were all dressed up and had to cancel reservations. sadly, the tow company couldn't do much either since they coudlnt' tell WHERE the lines were. Not sure exactly the details. They got free popcorn, soft drinks and tickets for another movie for their troubles, even if it wasn't our fault. I felt bad for them
                          Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                          • #14
                            When I worked at the movie theater, every winter, as soon as the snow covered the lines in the parking lot, people would begin to park like complete morons. We had angled parking, so people would pull up exatly even with the car next to them and, as a result, the lines of cars would bend sharply. Also, you would have two cars parked nose to nose, and someone would invariably park behind one of the two cars, thus blocking in the car in the middle.

                            Our box office overlooked the parking lot, so it was a lot of fun watching the idiots park.


                            • #15
                              Quoth hecubus View Post
                              When I worked at the movie theater, every winter, as soon as the snow covered the lines in the parking lot, people would begin to park like complete morons.
                              It's like that here too. Nearly *every* mall has that happen. People will park in the aisles, on the sidewalk, around the access roads, and some will even box other cars in. Usually, those cars *do* get messed with. Usually, it's just a note on the wiper reading "learn to park, asshole." But I've seen cars with their tires flattened, keyed up, broken glass, etc.
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

