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Action in Children's Wear

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  • Action in Children's Wear

    So today I was in Children's wear. Being the youngest, yet most experienced (And, according to my supervisor, THE BEST at Customer Service), the younger and newer clerks have kind of attatched themselves to me. I'm closest to their age group (most of the other women are grandmothers/mothers) and stuff, I guess. I help them out when I can.

    Anyways, today in Children's Wear it was hectic in waves... nothing, then ten people at once. And sadly this cashier's desk is not set up the way the others are, so there aren't any nice orderly lines. But we managed.

    Then Brent (Name changed of course), calls over "Hey, Horsetuna! Can this lady use her father's card?"

    My head turns around. Its an older woman with a lot of wrinkles (reminds me of trailer park women. You know the type), short, with her family gathered about her.

    I shake my head "Unless he is here to sign the paper, we can't take the card."

    She starts to protest, I actually OVERTALK her "Its ILLEGAL, sorry!"

    She of course is throwing a fit 'Done it for five years! " "Never had a problem before! " "I'm his legal guardian! I control his money and estates!" "Maybe they should give me my own D*** card!"

    I smile and offer her my name. She says "Yes! I am going to call the complaint line about this!"

    So I write down my first name and my employee number and give it to her "Anne with an E. " I remind her. She mutters something, then goes on about legal guardian ship as well.

    I'm a bit shaky, so I take my lunch then (The others were okay with it, and I was hungry) and head upstairs. I call the ASM to tell her I need to talk to her about the complaintant (I want to head her off at the pass, so to speak! Dont shoot me in the foot!)

    So I tell her what happened. She smiles and tells me I did the right thing! I am VERY relieved at this and relax though I'm still jittery (Stress, hunger and the lady)

    But it felt nice in a way to beat one down you know?

    So after lunch I go back down and tell Brent we did the right thing, etc... he asks if we should have kept the card. I say "Probably, but at the time I dont think we should've aggravated her more."

    She also wrote on our VOID slip about refusing to accept the card (I couldnt' read the writing well). She isnt supposed to do that but inissted when we voided the order out to redo it with another card (or they cancelled it. Dunno. lunch!)

    Anyways, that's my story. Phew.
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

  • #2
    Slightly OT but Meh........

    I had an old fart give me a ration of old-fart-crap when I asked for his ID when he used a credit card. The card didn't have his picture on it and the back was signed "See ID". So I asked for it. You'd think I called his mother a whore or something the way he bitched and moaned.
    Last edited by Jadedcarguy; 09-09-2007, 07:02 AM.
    I know nothing and I can prove it!


    • #3
      Quoth Horsetuna View Post
      Then Brent (Name changed of course), calls over "Hey, Horsetuna! Can this lady use her father's card?"
      Once a guy tried to pay for his McD's with his wife's CC.
      Uhm, sorry, the ATM is that way.
      At least he came back, unlike a lady who ordered a chicken salad, then had to go to the ATM to get money and never came back.
      Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr


      • #4
        I saw the title and thought you were gonna brag about getting some action in children's wear, and I was gonna say, " Go, Horsetuna."
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          She of course is throwing a fit 'Done it for five years! " "Never had a problem before! " "I'm his legal guardian! I control his money and estates!" "Maybe they should give me my own D*** card!"
          That's only because the idiot behind the counter doesn't PAY attention. I get that crap at the bank. I will never understand why cashiers and tellers don't pay attention to what the hell they are doing. I will also never understand how some customers are able to get away with using other people's shit while I get checks returned and chargeoffs in merely a month but yet these idiot customers have been using other people's stuff for YEARS and NOBODY says anything.
          "Never had a problem" , that's YOUR problem not OURS.


          • #6
            *Snicker* My ex-husband used to give me his paycheck to deposit. Then one day he decided to take it to the bank himself. He got pissed when they carded him because he wasn't me, and his signature didn't match mine.


            • #7
              Quoth Horsetuna View Post
              "Maybe they should give me my own D*** card!"
              Hey!! There's a damn good idea!!!!
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Huh. I had a few car repairs that I didn't have the funds to cover, and my mom let me use her credit card for them. I called the shop and they said no problem, and I was able to use it and sign my own name on her card. I've also signed on my SO's card on occasion (we have a joint account, so maybe that's okay anyway).
                "You are loved" - Plaidman.

