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Agghh the insanity!!!!!!

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  • Agghh the insanity!!!!!!

    I just need to vent.This liked to have drove me mad, is it time to go home yet?
    There is this lady who comes in every now and then to fax stuff becasue she doesnt have a fax machine. So we ever so nicely do it free of charge.
    She always comes in with her kid who looks to be about 5 years old. And he gets into EVERYTHING!!!! He doesnt listen to her as she tells him to:
    1. Stop messing with our (expensive) copier while I am in the other room doing her fax for her.
    2. Stop running around screaming
    3. Stop pulling the leaves off of our plant by the door.
    4. Stop messing with the stapler(trying to staple his shirt)
    5. Stop stamping out WALLS with the faxed stamp(red)
    6. Stop pulling on our blinds the just might fall on you!!!

    Aghhh will someone please just stop the insanity!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Sphinx; 08-08-2006, 09:44 PM.
    "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"

  • #2
    While it's nice that she tells him NOT to do those things, maybe she should consider NOT bringing the child with her?
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      I agree, it drives me bonkers when parents are like that. The kids are floating around doing whatever they want, every now and then the parent (who is sooo absorbed into whatever they're doing to watch their own child) will throw a "don't do this" and "come back here" their way and then go back to whatever they're looking at and the child will continue to do whatever they please.

      Just the other day a parent (mother or father, can't remember which) came in with two children, one about 8-9 and a toddler (who could walk/run and was in diapers - nothing else). The child and toddler were running up and down the aisles playing, screaming and laughing. The parent? I didn't really know, probably looking at movies? The kids? on the other side of the store (it's a small store though). Granted you could hear them, but it was a toddler! They were around chainsaws, tools, Lord knows what was on the floor (toddler had no shoes on), either child could have knocked something off a shelf and hurt themselves . . .
      This area is left blank for a reason.


      • #4
        Hrm... How abot a sign, "parents who fail to proprly supervise the children in their care shall be held liable for any damages caused by said children. Dang kid alredy knows there is no consequence to the mothers' warnings, and that is annoying when kids go wild.


        • #5
          Hang on - you're doing this woman a free service, she's being a nuisance, and the free service is still being extended?

          Time for "Ma'am, we're happy to do your faxing for you as a favour, but you must either control the child, or not bring him in future. Otherwise I'm afraid we will have to withdraw the favour."


          • #6
            Quoth Crow The Robot View Post
            Hrm... How abot a sign, "parents who fail to proprly supervise the children in their care shall be held liable for any damages caused by said children."
            Reminds me of "Guitar Shop Carnage"
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Not "guitar shop carnage"!
              Nothing could compare to that horror!
              Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??


              • #8
                In response to 2, 4, and 6, I have a funny story.

                I currently work at a dayschool, and my first class was a group of COMPLETELY unruly 3-year-olds. If you have children or know anything about groups of children, you know that there is usually a "leader" in the "bad behavior" category. Well, the "leader" of this bunch was a little devil: spitting in teacher's faces, yelling at EVERYTHING, destroying toys, etc. One day he was running in circles around the room and screaming, and his teacher on that day had had just about enough of him. She told him ONCE to stop running around the room and then just left it at that (the children know the rules; they have been in this room for months). Sure enough . . . he is running towards the door and WHAM! Somebody opens the door. The boy has a HUGE goose-egg on his head and is screaming for a whole new reason.

                Before anybody reports us to CPS, we nursed his ignorant little head and discussed the situation with him. Then we explained to Mommy why her son had a huge black and blue bump on his head, and she understood completely. Needless to say, he stopped this behavior after this incident.

                Sometimes you just have to let them learn through experience! So go ahead, let the curtains bonk him on his precious li'l noggin; let the little angel staple his spleen. He'll learn why it's a bad idea!
                ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


                • #9
                  Sometimes you just have to let them learn through experience! So go ahead, let the curtains bonk him on his precious li'l noggin; let the little angel staple his spleen. He'll learn why it's a bad idea!
                  So true!!!!
                  I'm so glad my kids (usually) do as I say, but sometimes, after a case of selective hearing, a painful close encounter with a wall, door or floor (etc.) cures it.

                  I remember one thing from my own childhood (when 7 or 9yo) I was told not to do as it would hurt.... a lot! But did I listen to my parents/uncle? ? Nooo.....
                  I went and pissed on a low voltage electric fence.
                  Want to know more about me ??
                  Then feel free to contact me in the MSN messenger!! I'd be happy to chat with you!
                  Or check


                  • #10
                    Wow, you are one of the few that would hurt . . .because according to MythBusters (), someone's pee would usually break up after a few miliseconds in the air. But I guess at 7-9 you were short enough for it to still work.

                    I ran into one of those once as a kid . . . it's a viscious circle: you hit it and you REALLY want to move, but it has shut down your muscle control so you can't!

                    Oh, and last Spring we also had a CAT hit the one around our pond . . . Mom scared him, he went running, slammed into the fence and FELL INTO THE WATER whihle he was still touching the fence . . . he eventually got out, but Kitty never went near it again . . .
                    Last edited by kerrisan; 08-09-2006, 02:53 PM.
                    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


                    • #11
                      Quoth kebable View Post
                      I went and pissed on a low voltage electric fence.

                      Yeah the office manager and I decided that we are gonna start charging her to use our fax machine since its always so much trouble to do it for her every time she comes in. And it ALWAYS takes at lesat 15-20 minutes to get them to go through!!! Which wastes my time casue at the moment I am up to my eyeballs in paperwork/invoicing/filing, and on top of that I also answer the phones and you know they never stop ringing when you have so much stuff to do!!!!
                      "I want to be a mongoose. Can I be a mongoose dog?"


                      • #12
                        Quoth kerrisan View Post
                        Wow, you are one of the few that would hurt . . .because according to MythBusters (), someone's pee would usually break up after a few miliseconds in the air. But I guess at 7-9 you were short enough for it to still work.
                        Mythbusters !!

                        One of the wires were, if I remember correctly, exactly at the perfect hight, I could've touched it with my mutant shrimp instead of pissing on it.

                        Yeah, this is one of the many not-so-smart ideas I've never repeated.. and opportunities are many when you grow up in rural area close to forests, farms and fields.
                        Want to know more about me ??
                        Then feel free to contact me in the MSN messenger!! I'd be happy to chat with you!
                        Or check


                        • #13
                          Well, they tested that on the "3rd rail myth". As someone who grew up near farms, I can tell you. You can get "shocked" through piss. If you don't believe me, get a full bladder go visit a farm that has a cattle fence shock wire.

                          While, I'm not dumb enough to piss on a shock wire. I have egged on a few buddies to do it. And yes, they felt it. You don't get the full effect like you would if you grabbed the wire.

                          (as for the mythbuster angle, Adam did get shocked when they went to the cattle shock wire)

                          As one of my favorite prank when I was younger was to get the timing of the shock wire down, and grab it when it was off. Then egg the buddy to grab it.
                          Last edited by LostMyMind; 08-09-2006, 04:58 PM.
                          I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                          • #14
                            Quoth kerrisan View Post

                            Oh, and last Spring we also had a CAT hit the one around our pond . . . Mom scared him, he went running, slammed into the fence and FELL INTO THE WATER whihle he was still touching the fence . . . he eventually got out, but Kitty never went near it again . . .

                   grampa put up an electric fence around his koi pond to keep the raccoons and kitties out of it. He got to witness the first time my cat tried to go fishing after he'd set it up. She'd gone under the wire, but she flicked her tail when she was ready to grab a fish, and it hit the wire, sending her catapaulting into the water. On her way out, her tail hit the fence again. She never went fishing again


                            • #15
                              I were never stupid enough to pee on an electric fence but I once, at 12, stepped over one with swimtrunks on. It was a bit high and touched my - uhm -crotch. It hurts a lot! I thought I was castrated for good but everything came down again after a few hours .

