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  • Grabby

    We have a locked case we keep our box sets and tv seasons in. There are about 5 shelves and each shelf has it's own lock. The locks are designed to not come off the key until they are back in place so multiple shelves can't be open at once.

    If someone wants to see something in the case a manager is required as we are the only ones who have keys. We are only supposed to allow one item to be in the customers hands at a time and when they have made their selection(s) WE carry them to the register.

    So, my CSR informs me that some guy wants to see something in the case. So, I ask want he wants to see and he lists off six or seven items. Now, it's rare that anyone wants to see that much stuff at once so, I'm a bit leery. Plus, he just exuded creepiness.

    I open the top set of sliding doors and pull out the first item he listed. Shut the sliding door and hand him the item to look at.

    Him: *pointing* "But I want to see that, that and..."
    Me: "You only get to see one item from the case at a time and I have to hold and carry any selections you make to the register for you."
    Him: *looks pouty/angry*
    Me: *stares uncaringly at him*

    We go through this process several times. Finally, I'm squatted down getting something out of the second to bottom shelf for him to look at when he leans in over/around me, sticks his hand in the case and grabs something.

    1. He is WAY too much in my personal space. His cheek is right next to mine so he's basically wrapped around me from behind. EWWW!
    I somehow quelled my first instinct which was to

    2. He's reaching into the case.

    3. He's grabbing product.

    With one hand I grabbed his hand and lightly smacked it back, with the other hand I shoved the product back where it was.

    Me: "Do. NOT. Reach. In. The. Case. Back up."
    He jumps back suddenly and says, "But I want to see that one to!"
    Me: "One item at a time and I will hand it to you."
    Me: *glares evilly*

    Now, he wound up buying about $200.00 worth of stuff which is great.
    However, if I never see him again it'll be too soon. I don't recall ever smacking a customers hand away from something before- but all in all I REALLY don't feel bad about it. Maybe I should?
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London

  • #2
    I dont' like pushy. I don't like grabby. And I SURE don't like "in my personal space."

    People used to try to take the pen out of my hand at Kinko's. No "May I borrow this?" No "Please, may I ?" No, they'd just reach across the counter and try to take the pen out my hand without so much as an as you please.

    So I just held onto it. Sometimes, I continued to write. Sometimes, they'd persist in pulling, so I would simply tighten my grip and give them the "teacher glare" over the tops of my glasses, one eyebrow cocked.

    Even the die-hards stopped after that, and few would say, as if it were painful, "May I borrow that?" What the hell's so hard about that?

    So many people think they have the run of the place no matter where they are. I hate that.


    • #3
      I blew up at a very annoying regular just before Chesterfield closed for exactly this reason... every time he came into the store, he wanted to write down movie reservation information, but never reserved a damn thing. He never asked "May I borrow that pen?" Or "May I have some reservation slips?" No! Just reached over the counter and grabbed them. I yelled at him one day before we closed because he had just reached right over the counter and it looked to me like his hand was headed for the register drawer.
      We argued back and forth about him just grabbing pens, until the store manager came in from his break, asked me why I was arguing with the guy over a pen, and told me to drop it.

      The guy told me "You should leave a pen on the counter then."
      Yup, but when we do, people tend to walk off with them, plus, they clutter up the counter really quickly, dumbass.
      Last edited by Imogene; 08-09-2006, 08:48 PM.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        You should have pulled out a meat clever and chopped his hand off.
        I drive a hearse. Anyone want to go for a ride? Don't let your first ride be your last!


        • #5
          no, i think you were within your rights; you told him how things work with high dollar items, and he ignored it, resulting in a hand slap (if he had any shame, he should have felt like a five year old caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but something tells me he didn't) he earned.

          what could he complain about; you expained the rules, he ignored them, nearly came in contact with you (unnecessary) and was punished for it. he should be grateful you didn't throw him out (i think you're allowed to do that, right? security issues and all...).
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            This reminds me of one time I smacked a customer's hand away.
            At my old theatre the counter at box office was completely open, and the printer for tickets about halfway between my side and their's. I had already had several people try and grab their tickets by just pulling on them, and if you don't pull correctly, you just start pulling the whole roll of ticket paper out, and it can break the printer.
            Finally, this guy starts reefing on his tickets while I'm trying to get his change, and starts to pull the paper out, instead of ripping his tickets off. So already tired of resetting my printer I just whip smack his hand without even thinking. Just one of those quick slaps that stings because just the fingers hit. He jerked his hand back, I tore them off, and handed them to his girlfriend.
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Heck, corporate America has ENDORSED the hand slap!

              This made me think, for the first time in years, of a commercial for an electronic toy with four flashing coloured buttons (are you remembering the Simon craze like I am for the first time this decade ?). The commercial was for a knockoff called Einstein and the product spokesperson was the small nasally moustache guy recently famous for beer commercials ("You can call me Ray, or you call call me Jay..."). Well, spokesperson slapped a player's hand away, saying "But don't touch Einstein until it tells you to." (These games would flash lights in a random sequence, adding one to the prior sequence each time (and speeding up?), until you couldn't play them back correctly fast enough.)
              I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


              • #8
                I had the chance today to tell my SM what happened in case he complians at any time. (You know how some people twist the truth so I wanted her to know.)

                She said he deserved it as he had reached into the case after I had told him the rules. She's as protective of the high dollar stuff as I am- if not more.
                Plus, she was as creeped out as I was by the fact that he got all up in my space like that to begin with.

                We've been working together for several years now. She knows me all too well- she laughingly said, "You wanted to punch him in the face didn't you?"
                "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                ~TechSmith 314
                HellGate: London


                • #9
                  Quoth NightAngel View Post
                  We've been working together for several years now. She knows me all too well- she laughingly said, "You wanted to punch him in the face didn't you?"
                  "Ooooo! Can I the next time?"
                  I AM the evil bastard!
                  A+ Certified IT Technician


                  • #10
                    I think a few stategically-placed snap traps would cure grabby behavior.
                    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                    The stupid is strong with this one.


                    • #11
                      Some people just don't get it when it comes to off-limits areas of a store!

                      I work in a KNIFE SHOP, we have all the sporting and Swiss Army knives displayed on magnet boards in locked cabinets. We have a very strict rule that no more than 3 blades can be out of the cabinet at a time for a customer. And we get each knife out for the person to see. This is for safety as well as to prevent grab-and-dash, because if you're not used to it you can easily cut yourself if you stick your hand in there. Amazing how many people just try to grab stuff down for themselves, or try to grab the knife out of your hand before you can set it down for them. We have to get really firm with them sometimes.

                      I'll have one knife out for them, lock the door again, and they will commence pushing on the locked door to get a second knife out for themselves...and look comically puzzled when the magic door with all the shiny purties behind it won't open for them!

                      It can also be funny to watch how certain types of people (usually "tough guy types" ) react the first time they walk into our store. They're visibly excited, thinking that they're about to get to play with lots of knives, they ignore me and my staff when we greet them, they stumble upon the sport knife case...and then their faces just fall in disappointment when they realize that they're going to HAVE to acknowledge us if they want to touch or buy any knives, because we're the holders of the keys! WTF did you think, guys, that any reputable store would have sharp, dangerous, EXPENSIVE items just stacked up in a pyramid like cans of soup??


                      • #12
                        I was sorting my drawer once, with the cash part behind a large divider, partially resting on the drawer, and my hand on it.

                        A kid, who had caused other Problems at the store (and was later found to be the brother of a coworker) decided to reach for the money, as a "joke."

                        I nearly slammed the door on his hands, I shut it up so quickly. Then he had the balls to complain to the manager, who told him that if he pulled another stunt like that, he'd be banned. Thankfully, he eventually was.


                        • #13
                          I think I see the problem with your system, you need to put the DVDs on the shelf and put the customer in the locked cabinet.
                          "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                          • #14
                            Quoth Cygnata View Post
                            I nearly slammed the door on his hands, I shut it up so quickly. Then he had the balls to complain to the manager, who told him that if he pulled another stunt like that, he'd be banned. Thankfully, he eventually was.
                            Good job, both you and your manager! That little brat needed to be taught a lesson. Too bad he didn't retain that lesson...

                            Quoth Dark Psion View Post
                            I think I see the problem with your system, you need to put the DVDs on the shelf and put the customer in the locked cabinet.
                            "Aw, why not, Boss, it's a great idea!"
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!

