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Where's Superman when you need him

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  • Where's Superman when you need him

    I can't figure out why the other people who witness these events involving SC's invariably tend to just stand around with their hands in their pockets while they go on. They're just as bad for letting it go on as the loser is for causing the problem. Whenever I've been in that situation, I make it my pleasure to step up and begin ridiculing those awful wastes of human life. By that point, at least in my view, I consider anything done against them as fair game.
    One day I'll tell you some of the stories that've come from doing that, cause boy they're something else. But so far I've always had a good outcome from them, and usually been thanked for it by the person who's ass I saved from a reaming and sometimes even from their manager (after of course the person's been escorted off the premises). Once, and no I'm not surprised, a loser finally hit me in the face for all the remarks I was making against them. Well, I charged that person with assault. Next, she threatened to sue me for defamation but when I responded that I would be gladly willing to pay for a lawyer to represent the cashier to sue her back for the same thing, plus the fact that I would sue her for assault, you better believe she shut up fast then.

    Come on people, be a b*tch for once in your life and cuss these losers out, or remain forever as just another one of their victims.

    I know not all of you will agree with what I do, believe me I'm ok with differences of opinion, but what are some thoughts to reading my statement?
    Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*

  • #2
    Sometimes you just have to sit back and let Karma do its job.

    Giving SCs their own crap right back to them is only sinking to their level and can be considered "revenge," something does not condone.
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      I can understand the sentiment allniter, but in many situations, especially ones where the SC is over the top, most people are so taken aback they have no idea how to respond. I've been in a couple of situations like that, and I was literally frozen in place trying to decide if what I thought I saw and heard was what I actually saw and heard.

      Most of the time, especially with over-the-top SC's, the best course of action is to alert someone with authority and allow them to step in. When someone is that unstable, you have no way of knowing what they are carrying or what they are capable of. Being able to sue someone is of little comfort if you're in a hospital bed, or even worse, the morgue.
      ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
      - Cartman


      • #4
        I think that if done properly, and in the right spirit, telling other people's sucky customers to stuff it can be a good thing. On the rare occassion that someone tells one of my ruder customers to act like a grown up, I appreciate it sooo much, but when they get violent and/or combative, well, now I have two violent and/or combative people in my store instead of one. Not that I don't appreciate the attempt to help, but it's really not helping. Especially since as an experienced retail employee, I can probably handle this jerk a heck of a lot faster than one of my customers.

        I can say, there have been times where I have spoken up for the cashier or clerk, but in all fairness it was either because a)the SC's stupid problem was taking up my time (i.e. "take these bazillion fraudulent internet coupons or I'll have your job"), or b) I was right there, and what was just said was so amazingly rude that I felt duty bound to tell the SC that I was offended on behalf of the employee. If there is anything going on that looks violent or particularly belligerent, I will generally find a manager and tell them they should probably get their butt over there, but that's about the extent of my involvement.

        I much prefer letting the employee handle it, and then letting them know I'm sympathetic afterwards, along the lines of, "That guy was a real ****er, but you did a great job handling it." Mainly because that is how I prefer my non-SC's handle it when I'm the employee. Of course, if I witnessed anyone being assaulted, or pushed to the point of loss of emotional control, I would certainly step in at least enough to defuse the situation and get proper authorities involved.
        Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


        • #5
          I tend to take a more passive-agressive approach. Examples include:

          1. If the SC's transaction is finished and they are just standing around grumbling and holding up the line, I'll step up and try to start my transaction. If the employee doesn't want me to I'll back off, but most are grateful to have a valid excuse to get rid of the SC.

          2. If there is a dispute over a trivial amount of money or a coupon, I'll offer the SC some money to cover it plus a few cents.

          3. I also will tell the employee I think he handled things very well and offer to be a witness to his superiors. As a bonus, the SC is sometimes within hearing when I do this.

          The idea is to defuse the situation, re-assure the employee and, if possible, have a nice teaching moment for the SC (on the off chance his skull isn't too thick to take the lesson).

          I don't think the passive-agressive approach would work with a very abusive SC, though. If I ever saw something like that and it looked safe, I'd probably step up and calmly ask if there was anything I could do to help. [I haven't done that in a store, but I have done it in other public places where a person looks like he is being bullied.] The question would be addressed to both parties, but would give the SC a chance to pause a moment and realize that other people are watching. If the SC doesn't back off, I would go get a manager and then stick around to make sure the manager does the right thing (e.g. throw the bum out and/or call the police).
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.


          • #6
            Quoth allniter View Post
            I know not all of you will agree with what I do, believe me I'm ok with differences of opinion, but what are some thoughts to reading my statement?
            I agree with you to some degree. If I witnessed an employee being unnecesarily harassed by an SC I would speak up if I knew what the situation was. If the customer was being abusive by calling them names or something like that I would speak up immediately and tell them that it was not appropriate to do that. Luckily, I'm a girl so the chances of some guy hitting me is slim, although a woman might. My husband is pretty big, so he'd probably prevent someone from hitting me since I'm with him most of the time. It basically depends on the situation and my mood that day.


            • #7
              Quoth kerrisan View Post
              Sometimes you just have to sit back and let Karma do its job.

              Giving SCs their own crap right back to them is only sinking to their level and can be considered "revenge," something does not condone.
              Is it considered "revenge" if you aren't on the clock/you've never seen this person at your job? I don't think it is. At some point, we are all customers and I don't think it's out of line to call someone on their behavior especially if the person they are abusing cannot defend themselves.


              • #8
                I think the best thing in my arsenal is just telling someone to 'grow up'--it has worked 100% of the time, and seemingly there's no comeback for it..even if they did say something back, they're kinda just proving my point...then again, it could be the rather large wrench I have in my pocket (I have it to tighten loose bolts on my bike every so often..never leave home without tools!)


                • #9
                  Defending a helpless person is not revenge. Sure, there's no reason to sink to their level by being..well...sucky...about it, but firmly calling someone into line is something more people ought to do.

                  What's the quote, all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Or something like that.


                  • #10
                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                    What's the quote, all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Or something like that.
                    I prefer this quote:

                    "First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me." - Pastor Martin Niemöller

                    While I am not even remotely attempting to compare SC behavior to the Holocaust, I think that the spirit of the OP was that it's okay to speak up in defense of people (in this case, fellow CS victims) who are being treated badly, because to do nothing only allows the mistreatment to continue.

                    Sorry for the heavy moment there. Back to the general levity and merriment of this forum...
                    Not all who wander are lost.


                    • #11
                      The only reason I said the word "revenge" is because I suggested a section to the admins a while back and made the mistake of actually calling it a revenge section, when in reality all I mean was "a section where people get what they deserve." Just wanted to give a warning.

                      I think Ree or somebody said they have actually considered a Karma section . . .

                      And I'm all for giving SCs an earful when you are a customer yourself (done it a few times myself!), just . . . not when you're on the clock.
                      ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


                      • #12
                        It is something we're looking at for the front pages - stories where the actions of SCs result in their comeuppance. It will be defined as being karma, and we won't be putting any tales of revenge in there.

                        Protecting the guilty and all that.


