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I am unable to process your request. its been a long day.

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  • I am unable to process your request. its been a long day.

    I am a customer service rep. I work on the phones. People are never so rude as when you can't actually do anything to them. Our business caters to the laziest people on the planet. That’s all I am going to say. Now for the story of the day.

    Our company has a two day seminar. This means they pull all of management to help incase of possible SC's. In person one bad egg can sour a room. Therefore there is no management. Not a problem unless every whiney, gripey, I don’t want to talk to a lowly peon customer decides to call and talk to the manager. Enter the customers

    SC #1-I can't get through to anyone. (while talking to me) "I have a serious problem I mean this is critical and I must talk to the manager."
    Me-Well sir I am sorry we have a seminar and there are no mangers here right now maybe I can help you
    SC-I was charged when I called to cancel and now my account is in overdraft. You need to cancel the charge and pay for my overdraft.
    Me-Let me pull up your account so I can check on this for you.
    *I pull up account and see they were charged the same day they cancelled. Our company has a policy that all cancellations must be submitted in writing.
    me-explain this to SC.
    *I understand over drafting an account sucks and you have to pay extra fines. Whatever I just don’t care. We charge the same day every month this charge came as no surprise.
    -Customer explodes. Well so and so assured me I wouldn’t be charged anymore. The normal for I screwed up but its still your fault.
    -well I am sorry sir your account has been cancelled but there is nothing that we can do about the charge. You need to expect that we will need at least 24 hours to process any changes to your account. however I can turn this over to the manager when he returns on Monday.
    SC-well that’s just not good enough and hangs up WTF

    SC#2-where is my refund. You did not refund my money in June like you were supposed to.
    me-I am sorry I don't see your request made in June. How did you submit that?
    SC-I told someone at a seminar that I was at in June. (Ok we had a seminar in June but this was getting fishy. Refunds at seminar happen right then and there and the customer leaves)
    Me-Ok do you know who you talked to
    Me-Do you remember what they look like?
    this goes on about 10 minutes with her ripping me a new one. Then suddenly she says. OH I called the wrong company.
    She did say she was sorry and was nice after that but still.

    Last one its getting kind of long.

    SC#3-Where is my order. I sent it in over a month ago.
    Me-well I don’t see it in your account how did you pay for that.
    SC-by credit card
    Me-ok did you check your statement to see if you were charged. (possibility of a screw up)
    SC-I wasn’t charged.
    Me-Ok did you send your application by a traceable means?
    Of course not but this is where she turns sucky.
    Me-Ok then we did not receive your application.
    SC-You did to you just didn't process my order, you lost it some where in your office.
    Me-I am sorry your application did not get here but I assure you if we received your application we would have charged you. It is possible your order was lost in the mail. (due to the nature of our business lots of applications don’t arrive. I don’t think they ever made it to the mail. Personal thoughts only)
    This just keeps going on for a long while. Long story shorter. This woman absolutely would not admit it was possible for us to not get her order. We did this to her just to screw her over.

    I get a lot of this, what we sell is limited. We do stop taking peoples money. I can tell you, tell someone they cant by something and they will get pissy. Like I do this to them just to ruin their day. Sir I would love to take your money but I would lose my job for selling you something that we don’t have not to mention you will just call back and gripe because you didn’t get the exact thing you ordered.

    Sorry for the length but its been building for many years and had to blahhhhh
    I before E except after C. We live in a weird society

  • #2
    Listen, it sounds like since I'm not taking as many calls, some of my SC's are overflowing into your call center. Hmm...somehow it doesn't seem right that others should suffer.
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      Unfortunatly we arent a call center. I wish we had one of those. We get anywhere from 200-500 calls per day and people in our customer service 4. They laid off 8 people a few weeks ago and so on top of normal work that just doubled everyone is working their normal job and 2nd one just to keep up. Our customer base is a unique one. We sell hope in a box to the laziest people out there. Most of my day is SC's complaining that the product isnt working while not bothering to read the manual that comes with and tech support to people that cant understand why I giggle when they call a website their email or a satalite or they call and say they cant get it up. I think phone work sucks because customers can't see you so you don't classify as a person.
      I before E except after C. We live in a weird society


      • #4
        Quoth braindead View Post
        We sell hope in a box to the laziest people out there.



        • #5
          Quoth braindead View Post
          I am a customer service rep. I work on the phones. People are never so rude as when you can't actually do anything to them.
          You've definitely come to the right place. There are dozens, if not hundreds of people here who know exactly what you're talking about. We've been yelled at, cursed out and lied to, all because we happened to be the person answering the phone. And these people still expect us to help them...
          Any resemblance between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


          • #6
            Quoth Lehk View Post
            Oh, man. That just made my day, and it's only 1:05 AM.
            Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

            I like big bots and I cannot lie.

