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Airport Security

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  • #31
    I've heard a lot of different things from different sources abotu what will and won't be allowed. I'm actually flying out of Washington DC to Amsterdam ON September 11th and while I dont fear that anything will actually happen, I do fear the hysteria and idiocy that the 5 year aniversary coupled with recent events will lead to concerning international events. I've already told my fiancee that I expect my flight to be delayed/canceled at least once due to all this. And you can bet your tail I'll be at the airport a good 5-6 hours before my flight leaves because I know security will be through the roof.

    ie sucky airport customers, I flew from Virginia to Ohio (only about 2 states away) in December of 2001 and airport security was amazing lax considering it was only 2 months post 9/11. ofc, I marveled at it silently. The moron behind me feels the need to say VERY loudly "damn, security here is almost nothing, I bet I could walk on this plane with a bag full of weapons!"..... he did not make the flight.


    • #32
      Quoth Kiwi View Post

      What I dont understand are the reports of waterbottles and the like being confiscated when they are sold PAST the security checkpoints, surely if you have been screened you should be able to buy water/ sweets/magazines in what they consider to be a sterile area?
      The way I heard is that the liquid/gel had to be combined with a crystallized powder or gel to form the explosive, and that could be done with any water bottle not neccesarily one that was prepared before hand.


      • #33
        Quoth FastFoodFlunky View Post
        Now, if they were planning on using explosives, they probably would have needed a timer or a detonator to trigger them.

        My understanding was that they had the seperate liquid components in different containers, and upon mixing them, the liquid would become unstable enough that if enough energy was introduced into the system, perhaps by throwing the bottle against the wall, that it would explode.


        • #34
          Quoth AFpheonix View Post
          My understanding was that they had the seperate liquid components in different containers, and upon mixing them, the liquid would become unstable enough that if enough energy was introduced into the system, perhaps by throwing the bottle against the wall, that it would explode.
          Oh. That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

          And about the whole idea of the terrorists winning, I would have to agree. Security is getting more and more extensive and uptight, simply because it has to due to the threats. The airport closest to me even has a new machine where a passenger stands in a transparent box sort of thing, and the machine spits air from all directions at the passenger to see what is on the person. Pretty neat but know there's a problem when new technology must be invented to keep us safe.

          What's the world coming to?


          • #35
            Quoth AFpheonix View Post
            I can understand why the girl was peeved about the makeup...
            ...An entire collection of liquid makeup can get pretty spendy...
            ...anywhere from $50 to $300 or more worth of product there.
            Yes, but it can be replaced. The plane blows up and crashes over the Atlantic, how do replace all of those people?

            I'm leaving for Scotland on 9 Sept for two week. Going, no problem, just gotta rethink how I'm packing everything. Coming back, I really hope I can bring a book. 12-18 hours with nothing to do but poke my butt? I'll be completely batty by the time we get back to Albuquerque!

            A little off-topic: I'm kinda glad we won't be in the US for the 5th anniversary of 9/11. We have a tendency to get a little maudlin.
            Last edited by Ree; 08-13-2006, 01:55 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting
            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


            • #36
              "Well, my US$900 suit is worth more than your Canuck$1,200."

              "Sir, please sit here instead--I don't think the Canadian will want to let you look at his porn now anyway."

              I don't know about having to activate the bottle manually, but basically I agree, I don't see how making people put things in an inconvenient part of the plane helps if they can be remotely detonated.

              People have to be checked, might as well focus on probabilities--though I didn't resonate with a new survey saying people wanted extra security for Muslims specifically, as that's too hard to define or easy to find a loophole for; either going by set criteria or letting screeners use their judgment would be better.

              Guess now we can only wonder what Madge really had her clients' hands soaking in...
              I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


              • #37
                Quoth Mixed Bag View Post
                I don't know about having to activate the bottle manually, but basically I agree, I don't see how making people put things in an inconvenient part of the plane helps if they can be remotely detonated.
                If they can be remotely detonated, then they have to be set up for detonation... which runs the risk of being caught because it's set up for detonation.

                Also-- and I may be wrong on this-- aren't the cargo spaces unpressurized? In that case, it will be harder to puncture the skin of the airplane and it would do less damage if the body of the plane was ruptured, anyway. Assuming you were lucky enough to gave your suitcase by the edge of the plane, any way.


                • #38
                  Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                  ...I saw people bringing practically full-sized suitcases, then spending minutes trying to wiggle the things (in the end, using force) into the overhead bin. While I was behind them, waiting patiently to get to my seat.
                  Did anyone else think of Meet the Parents when you read this? I know I did.

                  I enjoy seeing more security at airports. I don't care about what is searched. Last time I was on a place, my bag was searched. What's wrong with that? A lil security could save a lotta lives.

                  And as for the liquids ban and people whining about losing really expensive makeup, oh well. Why the hell are you spending so much money on makeup in the first place? Women...I'll never understand them. I have nearly $200 in my wallet and I can't think of anything to spend it on. I know girls that could blow that on one or two items of clothing. Why buy stuff you aren't going to wear a lot? But as for the makeup and such, leave it at home. I can't think of many places in the civilized world wear you can't find a store that sells makeup.
                  Last edited by Ree; 08-13-2006, 01:56 AM. Reason: Excessive quoting
                  "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                  • #39
                    Quoth ShoresKoC View Post
                    ie sucky airport customers, I flew from Virginia to Ohio (only about 2 states away) in December of 2001 and airport security was amazing lax considering it was only 2 months post 9/11. ofc, I marveled at it silently. The moron behind me feels the need to say VERY loudly "damn, security here is almost nothing, I bet I could walk on this plane with a bag full of weapons!"..... he did not make the flight.
                    Well I think it would be hilarious if we could toss out people from the grocery store who made silly comments about counterfeits, for example.

                    Me: *checks bills*
                    Them: "I just made it, hyuk hyuk"
                    Me: "I'm sorry sir, since you've admitted to counterfeiting these notes, I cannot accept them as payment, and I will be contacting the police."
                    Them: "Whaddayamean?"



                    • #40
                      Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                      If they can be remotely detonated, then they have to be set up for detonation... which runs the risk of being caught
                      I'd think they'd do it beforehand, but maybe. Just weighing the actual risk against letting the terrorists know they've affected lifestyles.

                      Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                      aren't the cargo spaces unpressurized? In that case, it will be harder to puncture the skin of the airplane
                      I don't see how pets could ride there if there wasn't reasonable oxygen; even without animals, might not lack of air might wreak havoc with too many kinds of cargo?
                      I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                      • #41
                        Quoth Greenday View Post
                        Women...I'll never understand them.
                        You are not supposed to be able to understand us, we can be complicated little creatures
                        I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
                        another time, this world would fade away
                        To find true love, is like no other joy,
                        our choice is here
                        be happy for today


                        • #42
                          I've never set foot on a plane before, and now with all this stuff that's going on, i'm not sure that I want to. Well I do want to at some stage, but it would be scary and intimidating, and i'd be so nervous! I don't wana get blown up!
                          I ride the time, it unfolds a new day,
                          another time, this world would fade away
                          To find true love, is like no other joy,
                          our choice is here
                          be happy for today


                          • #43
                            It's a bit sucky but it will blow over. Lets just be thankful they found them, think of how many other plots have been foiled. yes it IS scary but so is crossing the road. You could be killed by a mugger stepping out of your front door, pushed in front of a train by a lunatic is too short Most pax seem to be ok with it and understand why we have such strict security measures.
                            No longer a flight atttendant!


                            • #44
                              The liquid explosives were held in the bottles and then they were going to detonate them with modified iPods and other personal electronics, from what I understand. I'm sure more details will be made known as they become available.

                              The whole point was to have a bomb you could assemble on a plane. Down in the cargo area, you wouldn't be able to assemble anything and NOTHING that even remotely looks like a bomb gets through security anymore. They put out a very distinct signature on the X-ray, I have had my baggage rifled through, every single time I fly, someone in the back opens my bag.

                              Since I do theatre prop construction and the like, granted, my bags do get screened because the items within raise some red flags. But I don't get mad because I know they did everything they could to make the flights safer.

                              I believe that all airlines have a pressurized cargo area, since pets are allowed to transit in the cargo hold as well...could be wrong though.
                              "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                              • #45
                                this is the current situation as regards carry on

                                when you check in at an Uk airport everything must be int he suitcase apart from passport/medicine/etc which must be in a clear plastic bag. There are shops available to buy items from, but these are not allowed.

                                You go through security which is now more complex and will take longer, this includes the plastic bag

                                now you are in the duty free area and the gates provided the flight is not to the US then you can go to the shops and take anything you buy on the plane including drinks. however if you are going to the US a secondry search takes place before you get on the plane and no items not allowed in the plastic bag will not be allowed on.

                                hope that clears things up

