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Ai ai aiye.

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  • Ai ai aiye.

    When I got here the room was nice and quiet. Few people on the phones. I sat down, signed in to the network and was pulling up my programs when I hear some disembodied female voice from another part of the room:

    "If you call me a bitch one more time I'm gonna hang up this phone!!"

    The room erupted into laughter.

    Later I got a listen to a woman repeatedly threaten her son with bodily harm for emptying her checking account.

    Some highlights:

    If I break your fingers, you won't be able to place any more orders then.

    You want me to break both of your legs? 'cause I'll do it, boy.

    How about if I break that phone into little pieces and make you eat them? Huh?

    You get your filthy little hands in my purse again and you'll be known as 'flipper boy' for the rest of your natural born life!

    I appreciate the attempt to control your child, Ma'am, but the excessive and repeated threats, all of a physical nature, are a little disturbing. Calm down and take away his phone. Make him mow lawns to pay it back or something.

    On a more positive note, I have design class this morning. I spent all week meticulously sculpting an 8 foot high Victorian Wedding dress out of newspaper mache. It is absolutely glorious. Big dinner plate hat full of ribbons, origami flowers and birds, leg-o-mutton sleeves, long sweeping train with big loops in back, high necked dress with pleats down the front. It's currently on a mannequin a friend lent me for the occasion. I'm gonna get an A out of this for sure! All I have to do now if figure out how to get it to the classroom studio.
    Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.