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Asking the same question multiple times does not change the answer

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  • Asking the same question multiple times does not change the answer

    I get this so many times, every day. Today, the main one was sugar.
    Now, The woman had a thick accent, and the habit of talking without moving her mouth, so I found it hard to understand her ANYWAY.

    SW: Sugar Woman
    Me: Not paid enough for this.

    SW: Cn y shw me yur ruganc sjuugrr? (translation: Can you show me your organic sugar?)
    Me: We don't sell sugar, I'm afraid.
    SW: Ki, cn Ay shee yr othu sjuugrrr dn? (Can I see your other sugar then?)
    Me: I'm sorry, But we don't sell ANY sugar. Just a couple of sugar alternatives- xylitol, fructose, agave syrup...
    Sw: NA! Ay nd sjuuggrrr! (No! I need Sugar!)
    Me: We don't sell sugar. Sorry.
    Sw: Na Sjuugrrr?
    Me: No. Sorry.
    SW: Na Sjuugrrr?
    Me: No.

    There was another one, a few days back, which still makes me laugh.
    A woman wanted to know what strength of Kelp we sell. I told her, she was certain she had a stronger one, I told her that was the only strength we'd sold in my time there, which is true. It was the rest of the conversation that got me.

    KW: Kelp Woman

    Me: Sorry that is the only strength we have sold for at least the last three years.
    KW: Is it? Really?
    Me: Yes.
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes, it is.
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes.
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes.
    KW: Oh. Can I double up my dose, then?
    Me: Yes, In fact you can take three of those tablets a day.
    Kw: Can you? Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Yes
    Kw: Really?
    Me: Definately, yes, it says so on the back, and in all our training literature.
    KW: OH! Thankyou!

    Seriously, did she think there was some magic number of thimes she could say really before I broke down and admitted what she thought was true?
    Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

  • #2
    But no, really? Seriously? Honestly? Truly?


    • #3
      If you ask a customer service provider "Really?" twelve times in a row, their answer to the twelfth question is the truthful response. You can ignore everything they said before that point.

      This is a well-known fact.


      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        Quoth GingerBiscuit View Post
        KW: Kelp Woman
        KW: Oh. Can I double up my dose, then?
        Me: Yes, In fact you can take three of those tablets a day.
        Kw: Can you? Really?
        Me: Yes
        Kw: Really?
        Me: Yes
        Kw: Really?
        Me: Yes
        Kw: Really?
        Me: Yes
        Kw: Really?
        Me: Yes
        Kw: Really?
        Me: Yes
        Kw: Really?
        Me: Yes
        Kw: Really?
        Kw: Re...wha?
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          This always happens, and I hate it. There is always something that the customer wants, that we don't have in stock. After you tell them that you don't have it in stock, they either ask again, say "you don't"?, say "are you sure"?, or just stare. Sometimes they do all of the above, in the order in which I typed....which makes me want to KILL.

          If I say that we do not have something, no amount of asking again or staring is going to make us all of a sudden have it! It will not make me use my magical powers (which all retail employees have, of course) to make it appear for you either!

          "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


          • #6
            I had a co-irker who would *constantly* do that. He would start asking me if I had some paperwork, and if I didn't (or couldn't find it), the same question kept coming up. After telling him that it wasn't here, I finally snapped and said, "What the hell did I just tell you less than 5 minutes ago? I just told you I don't have it, and I don't know where it is. Did you expect the answer to change after the 52nd time? Find it yourself and quit wasting my time."
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              MORE OF THEM.
              I'm beginning to think it's something in the water round here, because nearly every customer I had today involved a conversation like this.

              Customer: *question*
              Me: *Answer*
              Customer: *asks again, in a different way/Really?*
              Me: *Same answer as before*
              Repeat until customer leaves.
              Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.

