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Two weeks ago it didn't work either

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  • Two weeks ago it didn't work either

    I work as 2nd level tech support for a Major networking company in the Pre-sales support for partners and I got a call from my first level tech that was too good not to post.

    1LT= 1rst Level Tech
    SC= you guessed it aka Stupid Partner Tech
    2LT= Yours truly

    SC: Hey I was wondering if I could use an RJ45 connector in an RJ48c port? Will that work? It looks like the pinouts are different.
    (Aside: RJ45 and RJ48c are actually the same plug. The only difference is the RJ45 is usually used for 10/100 Ethernet and RJ48c is usually used for T1s and the pinouts are different of course. Different interfaces= Different wires used in the cable)
    1LT: Let me check with my 2LT....
    (calls 2LT for help while customer is on hold)
    2LT: This is Bright...
    1LT: Hey my customer wants to know if an rj45 plug will work in an rj48c port on his router.
    2LT: (Laughing) .....Sure it will. It'll fit perfectly. Just understand that the pinouts for a T1 are different than the ones for ethernet. Let him know if he tries to use an ethernet patch (crossover) cable to connect his T1 card in his router to the T1 port on the wall it won't work. Have fun!!
    (hangs up)

    1LT: Thanks for holding. My 2LT says that it will fit just fine. However if you use an ethernet crossover cable instead of a T1 or ethernet straight-through cable with RJ45 ends it won't work. The Pinouts are different for a T1 cable .
    SC: But what's the "REAL REASON" it won't work? When I tried this 2 weeks ago this didn't work then either.

    WTF? Hmmm.... (Sarcasm on) well the "REAL REASON" it won't work is because the equipment doesn't like you. You don't coddle it enough or give it a nice biscuit and a blankie to keep it warm at night. You know the whole world is out to get you and that includes your networking equipment. Heck Let's just keep trying to plug that ethernet crossover cable into the T1 port on the wall and in the router until it works(/Sarcasm)

    It's like trying to put diesel fuel into a Gasoline powered VW JETTA.
    SC: It won't start.
    Mechanic: Well Duh.....

    I think somebody has a signature that says, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing every time under the same conditions with the same equipment and expecting a different result each time."


    (Yes, that will void your warranty if you throw your computer out your front window )

    I guess there's something to be learned from the customer who doesn't believe the answer and thinks that the result will change if he just waits 2 weeks. What that something is though... I still haven't figured out. He's a patient insane idjut I guess.

    BTW, This is a partner's TECH. He SHOULD already know the answer to the question he asked. I honestly don't believe he chose the best career.
    You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take,and statistically speaking, 99% of the shots you do take.

    Pirates Vs. Ninjas. Which would you choose?

  • #2
    Quoth Brightglaive View Post
    It's like trying to put diesel fuel into a Gasoline powered VW JETTA.
    SC: It won't start.
    Mechanic: Well Duh.....
    This is totally off-topic, but I squee'd when reading that. I just bought an '04 VW Jetta and I love it. (I totaled my Saturn baby last week when I tried to dodge an unsecured board flying off the truck in front of me. I lost control, went across four lanes of 65 mph Interstate traffic and smashed into the Jersey barrier.... and walked away with just a small strawberry on one knee and a minor bruise on the other. Insurance wrote me a check, which became a down payment on my pretty little Jetta.)

    I think somebody has a signature that says, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing every time under the same conditions with the same equipment and expecting a different result each time."

    (Yes, that will void your warranty if you throw your computer out your front window )
    Or thinking that arguing enough or throwing a big enough tantrum will get you your way.
    A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


    • #3
      MadRocketScientists brain has slipped a gear.

      MadRocketScientist will be unable to engage in any intelligent conversation for at least two hours while his braincase is opened and the slipped gear is fixed.

      MadRocketScientist will be available for incoherent babbling and intermittent drooling until repairs are complete.


      • #4
        i'm guessing he's the one back in kindergarten who thought that if you force the round peg hard enough, it will fit into the square hole...oO
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

