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Don't let the door hit you in the butt...

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  • Don't let the door hit you in the butt...

    I am not sure if this counts as a sucky customer or a sighting.

    I play Irish music in an Irish pub here in town. The group has been playing there for probably close to ten years. If you aren't into Irish music, then I'm thinking maybe an Irish pub with the habit of having a live band every sunday night for a decade is not the place for you. At least on Sunday night.

    We are not employees of the pub, nor are we a paid band. 10 years ago, the pub owner arranged to have an open forum for the Irish music scene one night a week in an effort to boost business. Apparently, it worked. The place is usually packed out on Sunday nights. To keep us coming back, we eat and drink anything we want, as much as we want. In addition, the pub prepares us goodies that they don't even make available to the public. So they are clearly happy that we are there.

    So some time back, after we had broken up for the evening, me and another guy, JM were hanging out chatting in the musician's area/dartroom when this guy comes up. Looked to be 50 ish or so, and dressed like Jules and Vinnie in the "Beverly " scene of Pulp Fiction. Which is to say he looked, to paraphrase Quentin Tarentino, "like a dork." He sidles up to us and starts in about how we needed to quit with the music by at least 9pm. 9pm was a long as anyone should have to listen to Irish music, and he was doing us a big favor by telling us we needed to pack it in when he said. He said he'd been coming to this pub for a while, and he was tired of listening to it.

    Now, normally, I would have told him maybe he ought to find another pub to drink in, if he had been coming several weeks and every week didn't like the climate, and then told him to shove off. However, I felt like since I was a guest of the pub, it wouldn't be gracious of me to verbally abuse one of their customers. JM and I just stared at him, then I just said, as contemptuously as I could muster, "Well, why don't you go talk to the owner, if you have a problem with the pub." Then I simply turned my back on him and continued my conversation with JM.

    He stood there awkwardly for a moment, said, "Uh...well, I intend to mention it to the manager."

    I kept on talking to JM as if the dork wasn't even there.

    He stood there a moment more, shuffled uncomfortably, then left.

    The next week, he approached us again while the group was playing (I had told them about him earlier) and addressed our bagpipe guy. I don't remember exactly what he said, but I remember it was some clumsy, passive-aggressive attempt to insult our playing again. Why he chose our piper this time is anyone's guess (these were Irish pipes, not Scottish Greatpipes. So no, it's not like they are loud, obnoxious pipes. I like Greatpipes, just not inside a pub.)

    After that, he never came back again. He badmouthed us to the owner, and the owner showed him the door as a result. The owner was none too pleased to discover some loser was hassling his FREE HOUSE BAND every week. Loser was probably expecting that since he was the Allmighty Customer, and we were the lowly "employees", that we'd get in some trouble. That, unfortunately for him, was very much not the case.

  • #2
    it has some suckiness about it; if it was that big of a deal to him, he could have changed his 'regular' night or went somewhere else, but being a sc, he chose to whine about it.

    smart of the owner to choose you over him; it's easier to replace one random idiot, instead of a band that's boosted turnout.
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


    • #3
      Sound like he needed a few more drinks! Tie a few on and any music will sound good! Hell, I'll even do the chicken dance!.....

      Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


      • #4
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        I play Irish music in an Irish pub here in town. The group has been playing there for probably close to ten years. If you aren't into Irish music, then I'm thinking maybe an Irish pub with the habit of having a live band every sunday night for a decade is not the place for you.
        I am assuming that yours is not the only pub or bar in town. If that is the case, why didn't the idiot just go elsewhere? Oh, that's right, I forgot, he is the Almighty Customer, and the world must be rearranged to suit HIS needs and wants, and to hell with the needs or wants of the management, employees or other customers.

        Smart manager, tossing out the idiot instead of kowtowing to his asinine request.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          Wow! The world needs more managers like him who are not afraid to stand up to SCs.
          "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
          ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


          • #6
            Hmm . . . sounds to me like this loser has been through all the other pubs and bars in town (however many there are) and has gotten himself ousted for being a jerk from all of them. Thus he's 'reduced' to yez guys and the absolutely horrible prospect of listening to a well-seasoned pickup band play great music every Sunday night, in what sounds like a great pub. Quel horreur!

            What a freakin' moron.

            Btw RK, if I may ask, what instrument do you play? Or do you sing? Just curious.


            • #7
              Now that sounds really cool, I wish we had a pub like that here in town I happily sit through the whole performance.

              Was this guy the first to complain? After ten years of doing performances, and he decides he will be the one to change around the schedule? What a dumbass . . .
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                With that group, I mostly play bodhran or spoons and sing. Sometimes, I play a little guitar. Depends how ambitious I feel for dragging a bunch of cases around, or how many people show up. I also play a melodica, but I've never played it with that group.

                Yeah, this loser was the first and only person to ever complain in all those years. There is no stage area in that pub. We play in the dart room, sitting around a table full of beer and munchies. There is a mike, but being acoustic music, it's not loud or intrusive. And in the front of the pub, in the bar area where dorko usually sat, it wasn't easily heard at all. People frequently mistook the music for a CD or something, and expressed happy suprise to find an Irish jam going on in the back.

                I live in a college town, and this pub is on the edge of the main party district downtown. You can't trip without landing in the doorway of a pub, a bar, a dance club, or what have you, all within walking distance. There's even another Irish place down the street. So it's not like this jerk had nowhere else to go to get loaded on a sunday night.

