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Stupid: It's Not Just a Condition, It's a Way of Life...

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  • #16
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    At least you don't have the actual ones coming to your city in 2010. I can only imagine the raging asshattery I will endure when every country on Earth descends upon me in 3 years. ><

    You seriously need to yell Objection! at one of these people. I know I'm going to if I ever get even half a chance.... <cough>

    ..what? I don't know about down there but up here the only "store" smaller then a full sized mall that actually has public washrooms are gas stations. At least once a week I see some dumbass wander into 7/11 and ask if they have a bathroom. Even though they have a SIGN that says no public bathroom and taking 2 seconds to turn your head and look around the store will reveal absolutely no possible doors that look like or lead to bathrooms. The only door in the store is "Stock Room" -.-

    Not to mention its directly across the street from Burger King, which does in fact have public bathrooms.
    you actually kinda surprised me with that. In SLC most 7-11s have public restrooms, for that matter most gas stations do... as do small stores and restaurants. So in fairness, depending on where the person is from, they might not even look at the sign because they "know" all 7-11s have restrooms... then again, when I first moved to SLC I was surprised the first time I went to a Burger King that required that you pay to use the bathroom (and for parking for that matter).
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #17
      2/3 of the gas stations I worked at had publicly open restrooms. One did not, but only during third shift. Actually, that might also be wrong...I don't remember if there was a customer restroom for that one, but I know there was an employee one. Of course, in that kind of neighborhood, if you had to piss, well, there's the wall...side of building...SIDE OF BATHROOM DOOR...whatever (yes, I've done it too in my absolute laziness).

      There are plenty of businesses, especially if they're hole-in-the-wall stores, that don't have public restrooms. By the way, there is a PROBLEM with public restrooms at gas stations: cleaning them. Normally, you know what to expect...and then there's situations like this one...

      The second gas station I worked at had public restrooms. The GROSSEST thing I can recall actually takes a little backstory. One day I came into the men's room, cleaned the toilet, cleaned the sink, picked up the trash bag...and found discarded clothes under them. Why? I wasn't sure, but I sure as hell wasn't touching them.

      I told my manager and assistant manager. Later I found out that one of our "regulars" was recently homeless. The point? Well, she dropped off those clothes so she could get them later. Why? Because they were dirty...DIRTY. You don't want to know with what. But just in case you do, all you need to know is that apparently someone found her WASHING HER ASS IN THE SINK.

      She was promptly kicked out. In fact, she attempted to come back later when someone else was on duty...who also kicked her out. Eventually, when she started turning herself around, she was allowed back in, but MAN that was gross. I refused to clean the bathroom for a while after that.
      You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


      • #18
        Quoth gunsage View Post
        Eventually, when she started turning herself around, she was allowed back in, but MAN that was gross. I refused to clean the bathroom for a while after that.
        Ok, I'm a little confused. You were ok with cleaning the toilet before that point? You do know what people do in toilets, right?

        From what I can find, each state in the US has it's own version of the Unified Construction Code, with specifics on how stores should behave as regards the availability of public restrooms.

        One thing that is consistent is that buildings that were built before a certain date are exempt until they are renovated.

        Otherwise, what should be available varies by store type, location, and size.

        In the state of New Jersey, for example, all public buildings built or substantially renovated after 1977 are required to have public access toilet facilities.

        California code requires that if a business has a public restroom, they are not allowed to charge for it. (the other relevant codes don't appear to be available online, but can be viewed at libraries that carry such things)

        Doing a quick search, I have found that it is also illegal to charge for public restroom use in British Columbia.

        In fact, HERE is an excellent site on the subject with a breakdown of which states follow which particular codes. There's lots of good stuff there, including breakouts of how many of each (toilets, showers, & water fountains) must be maintained based on occupancy and type of facility.

        From what I gather, there is not enough actual verbiage in the books requiring the allowance of the public to use the facilities in commercial locations, but the regulations are intended to ensure that the restrooms are accessible to everyone who has access to the buildings, employee and public alike.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #19
          Seen Mythbusters? The toilet is actually one of the most sanitary locations in a home, shop, or what have you. Honestly, when it came to the toilet, sure, I knew what to expect (especially in the men's room). But the SINK? That's like catching someone pissing in the icee maker. Gah!

          AND it wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't a GIRL. That means she was using the female restroom mostly, but clearly ALSO the men's restroom, as that's where she left her "discount" clothing. I guess what I'm trying to say is if I expect it to be a mess (men's, I've even found stuff on the WALL in there), I don't care.

          HOWEVER, clearly there are exceptions to the rule. As a final note (and I still have this pic on my cell phone), before we moved to the new building, somebody went into the handicapped stall and SMEARED FECES ON THE WALL. That's right...SOMEBODY LEFT A VERTICAL "OFF-ROAD TRAGEDY." Ugh. Never found out who did it, but our janitor considered quitting, obviously.
          You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube

