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we're closing due to the fire, you know, the FIRE??

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  • #16
    As for the Tornado crack, we actually got a tornado warning in our town a couple of years back and it scared the crap out of me. I live in a mobile home (yeah I know the humor in that one). But being in Southern California we don't know how to deal with Tornado's just like other area's don't know how to deal with Earthquakes, and others don't know how to deal with Huricanes.

    Granted California isn't everything you see on the TV, theres some great stuff and some shitty stuff.

    I will agree with Gurndigarn's comment about us panicking about tornado's cause I sure as shit did.

    But we can't fight over this cause hell, people on west coast get the same impressions of folks on the east coast, or people in the midwest. If you've never been there, you don't know. Hell you can get someone from southern california who's never been to northern california and will have a completely distorted view of the bay area. Its just all about what you know, are told, and are used to.
    My Karma ran over your dogma.


    • #17
      People react with what they know, if you're used to tornadoes, hey its a bit of wind, if you live atop a fault line, its only the solid ground beneath my feet shiftin, so what. What I'm trying to say here guys is that everywhere has their foibles and their strengths.

      Good luck to all caught up in the fires, have a whole heap of luck, hope to see you guys back here real soon.
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #18
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        I'm sure it'll be just like Katrina, people like that will just loot during the chaos and then when it's all said and done, claim that no one cared about them to save them and they were left behind and how dare they.

        We've had stories on here before about stores on fire and severe weather and customers refusing to leave. It's nothing new. Sometimes TP and milk are more important than your own safety, ya know?!
        Wow, just... wow. Did you really just say that? Ok, some of the people looting were out to take valuables, and good luck with it being worth something when you dry it out, but a lot of the 'looters' were people taking food, water, toilet paper, etc. from stores. You know who the biggest electronics looter group was? The police. There's one to think on. Oh, and the whole nobody cared about them thing? The government didn't do a damn thing until after the whole country was mobilized, and it had turned into a PR nightmare. Granted, a lot of the people were told (as they've been told regularly for decades) that there would be flooding, and they would receive no help if they stayed, but a lot of them didn't have means to leave the area, and almost none of them were made aware of the whole scope of the impending disaster. *whew*

        If ignorance is bliss, no wonder I'm so unhappy.


        • #19
          Well, I'm originally from California, and I've been thru every form of natural disaster there is except for Volcanoes, and I gotta say, Oklahomans are downright stupid when it comes to not caring about Tornadoes.

          I may have been a bit panicky hiding down in the shelter while natives were out on their third floor balconies watching the funnel cloud approach, but this was during the second biggest tornado in recorded North American history, following the exact same path as the largest one in recorded North American history. A path which included the building all these gawkers were watching out of.

          And Andara Bledin, your brother's friend was BSing you. The eye of a Hurricane is calm, the eye of a Tornado is the most destructive part.


          • #20
            Quoth digilight View Post
            I will agree with Gurndigarn's comment about us panicking about tornado's cause I sure as shit did.

            My post came from an event at university where my Californian friends, after finding out where I came from, asked me "How do you stand the tornados?" in absolutely shocked tones. It was the shocked tones that really puzzled me. I understand the concept of danger you know vs danger you don't... but the biggest day for tornados killed 319 people. That's the combined total for 148 tornados! Compared to a real good earthquake, or flood, or tsunami... I just couldn't understand the thought of how brave I was for being in tornado alley.


            • #21
              well, the one good thing about the fires... I can now openly admit to people that i'm not at the hotel.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #22
                and how many frickin' warning labels for Dihydrogen Monoxide do we need really? IT'S WATER FOR CHRIST SAKES!!!
                wha, where, eh? i must have missed that one, honya, because this bit of idiocy really makes my head hurt. when did this bit of stupidity occur?

                as for this guy, he's in every day, SEVERAL times per day, so there's no way he would have missed the talk about the fire, and i'm not completely sure about the homeless part, just that he hangs out around the area all day long, with nothing to do, except bug for water, tokens and make several calls per day, in between sucking down cigarettes, to include those he picks up off the ground and have long, apparently amusing converstations with himself, chairs and anyone who has the misfortune of being nearby while he roosts the patio.

                with the lock, it was installed by corporate, so i would hope (not fully sure about them sometimes) that they would investigate the legality of it ahead of time; i am glad it is there, since the exposure to human wastes, drug paraphenalia and other hazards has dropped greatly. however, some people are still stymied about the purpose and usage of a trash can.
                look! it's ghengis khan!
                Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                • #23
                  Ah, California. How many signs of the apocalypse has it worked its way through in the last 10 years? Did you get locusts yet?

                  I'm just waiting for the state to just sort of slide off into the ocean.


                  • #24
                    We can't slide off. If we tried, Japan would have to become airborne, and I hate to think of what would happen to the poor Hawaiian islands.

                    No, if the "big one" were to hit, everything on the Pacific edge of the San Andreas would swing northward in a violent manner, everthing on the western edge of the plate would swing southward, and Hawaii would be getting itself another island (over time).

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #25
                      Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                      I'm just waiting for the state to just sort of slide off into the ocean.
                      Don't worry, we would just figure out a way to turn the whole state into a surf board then and ride the impending tsunami....
                      My Karma ran over your dogma.


                      • #26
                        Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                        No, if the "big one" were to hit, everything on the Pacific edge of the San Andreas would swing northward in a violent manner,
                        So California would come closer to Vancouver? Woot! Annexed in the name of Canada! We need some more nice beaches in this country.
                        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                        • #27

                          Actually, the California coast is moving a bit closer to Canada every year.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

