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Well, it finally happened

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  • Well, it finally happened

    I lost my cool with an asshat tonight and let him have it.

    A little background: Minimum wage has increased twice in Michigan since July of '06. Meijer chose to cut our hours so they wouldn't have to eat the increased costs in labor. Instead of 3-4 people a night, now we only have two people to cover 7 depts on 2nd shift.

    The two of us that are there are busy...very busy. We don't have time to hang around the jewelry counter or outside the fitting rooms waiting with baited breath for SCs who need help. Instead, we have phones in those areas that customers can pick up which will ring directly to yours truly. There's even a sign that says, "Pick up phone for service." (But as we all know, SCs can't read.)

    Tonight I got a call from the greeter telling me that an angry man has been trying to find someone to help him in the men's dept. There are 3 customer service phones in the men's dept. Yet this idiot walks all the way back up front to bitch at the greeter.

    Anyway, I go to the men's dept and this is how our encounter went:

    AH = Asshat
    Me = Sweet little ol' me

    Me: "Did you need some help?"

    AH: "I want to know if you have any of these (men's underwear) in the back. I've been trying to get some for the past month and every time I come in here there are none."

    Me: "The stocking crew works out the stock every morning so, if we had them they would be here. Since we've been out of them for so long, it may be a discontinued item."

    AH: "There's no way these are discontinued. They're a brand new product."

    (Ah, wrong. We've had that brand for quite a while but the packaging changed within the last 6 mos or so.)

    Me: "I can check on the computer to see if they are still a current item and also check to see if we have any on hand."

    AH: Pissed off..."Every time I come here and ask someone about these I get the same run-around. I'm WAY past the point of dealing with you people. I want to speak to corporate!!!"

    Me: * you've got to be kidding's underwear * "I'm afraid I don't know the number for corporate (true) but they may be able to give it to you at the service desk."

    AH: "How about your manager. Maybe your manager would be willing to help me."

    Me: "My manager is gone for the day. I'm not sure who is the closing manager tonight but I can find out for you."

    AH: "Why can't you just order some and get them in here? I've been trying to get them for a month."

    Me: "Our products are all ordered by computer. If there are more on order l can check the system for an estimated shipping date. Or if they are discontiued, it will tell me that also."

    By this time he's completely lost it and whining about how we are just too lazy to do our jobs.

    That's when I said it..."Look. If we had them we would put them out. They DO NOT SELL if they are in the back room and I'm afraid I can't just pull them outta my butt!"


    Me: "I will go look them up on the computer and see what I can find out. I'm afraid that's all I can do at this point."

    So, I go process the request in the computer. It said,
    BOH: 0
    On Replenishment: Yes
    Estimated Shipping Date : no_data

    I go back to tell the asshat and as soon as I reach him he's changed into the sweetest guy you ever want to meet. After giving him the bad news he says, "Thank-you so much for your effort."

    What an idiot!!!

    Gawd I hate this job.

    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.

  • #2
    Who gets that worked up over undies anyway?
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
      Who gets that worked up over undies anyway?
      Someone who's current pair is in a knot.
      "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        Who gets that worked up over undies anyway?
        Rain Man.

        Gotta go to K-Mart.
        Quote Dalesys:
        ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


        • #5
          Quoth Kusanagi View Post
          Someone who's current pair is in a knot.
          That would kind of necessitate pulling them out of one's butt, wouldn't it?

          x 2
          Drive it like it's a county car.


          • #6
            I've always said, some people are genuine assholes and proud of it.

            But most of them forget themselves and just need a little reality check. Then they go "Ah, crap, I really am being a jerk." And they are ashamed and straighten up.


            • #7
              The Sucky Customer is either at your feet or at your throat.




              • #8
                Who gets all wound up over underwear?

                Asshats. It's 'cause their ears are cold...

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Well you gotta figure with such raging tempers and lack of patience, some of these SCs must have some really dirty underpants and it may be a real emergency....
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth draggar View Post
                    Rain Man.

                    Gotta go to K-Mart.
                    Boxer shorts, K-mart.

                    Uh oh, fart.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas87 View Post
                      Well you gotta figure with such raging tempers and lack of patience, some of these SCs must have some really dirty underpants and it may be a real emergency....
                      If it was a *real* emergency, then why that particular brand and color? Unless he did something really, really naughty and didn't want his wife to find out . . .
                      This area is left blank for a reason.


                      • #12
                        That reminds me of certain particular incidents. A sidenote...on here, yeah, I seem like a hothead. And while that's MOSTLY true, I play nice with others. ESPECIALLY when I'm not at work, I'm a nice guy...but don't cross me. See, that's why I'm so happy when I'm not working...I know that at any moment, I can say what the hell I want and probably will.

                        I'm VERY careful at work, but there are times when enough is enough. There are examples I can think of right now and both involve the same area at the same job. This job was at a bus terminal and me as a security officer. Granted, I won't say where, but there's a good chance you already know. Allow me to explain some basic policies and simple reasons behind them.

                        1. When the bus pulls up, please leave single file off the bus once it has stopped. Make sure you take any carry on luggage with you. When you leave the bus, please be sure to STAY BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE. If you have undercarriage luggage, please STAY BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE UNTIL THE BAGGERS ARE DONE UNLOADING THE BUS.


                        You'd think people understood common sense. You'd think that, oh, gee, since BUSES WERE PULLING UP, that they probably ought to stay BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE, back where there's a nice barrier to stand behind, etc. You'd think that SINCE THERE ARE GAS PUMPS IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA that people wouldn't try to light up.'d think. But you'd be wrong.

                        Incident #1...

                        Me: "Sir, SIR. You're going to have to stay back behind the yellow line!"
                        SC: "My bag's right there!"
                        Me: "That may be, but please let the baggers unload ALL the bags before coming up."
                        SC: "Oh fuck this."

                        A BUS WAS PULLING UP. I BULLIED HIM BACK.


                        He did stay back. This was mostly because the bus ALMOST hit him when he tried to dart by me. I actually stepped on his bag to prevent him from picking it up. Needless to say, he didn't cause any problem after that.

                        Incident #2...this actually happened between a bagger and an SC...

                        BG: "Sir, what are you-"

                        CUSTOMER PROCEEDS TO LIGHT UP RIGHT NEXT TO A GAS PUMP. The bagger SLAPS the cigarette and chews out the customer. He even threatened to call the police on his ass! Eventually, the customer service supervisor and a couple of other people had to go back to the offices and break it up. Fun stuff.

                        Good thing we weren't paid much...we got away with a lot. However, it was all for the general safety of the people. So really, I didn't care about "being the bad guy" if it meant that everyone was safe.
                        You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                        • #13
                          You guys are killin' me here. It's a good thing I wasn't drinking my Coke while reading these replies.

                          The man had his teenage son with him. He's the one who needed the underwear. The son is on the wresting team at his school and apparently, these particular underwear are the only kind he can wear during his matches.

                          Can you imagine the phone call with corporate? I'd love to listen in on that one.


                          BTW, "K-Mart sucks!"

                          Retail Haiku:
                          Depression sets in.
                          The hellhole is calling me ~
                          I don't want to go.


                          • #14
                            Bf accidentally bought boxer briefs one day when he was in much too much of a hurry at Wally World.

                            He said the meat and two vegs didn't feel too good all crammed together. I'd hate to think of what that poor young boy has to go through with wrestling.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              I find it amusing when most SC's back down after being pushed back.

                              Rather dumb of him to get this upset over underwear. Just find a new brand if your store doesn't sell your old one. But that would be way too easy.

