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This is a great start to a day

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  • This is a great start to a day

    When this is the first phone call you've taken in the day, you know you should just fake sick and go home. Ugh. Damn work ethic keeping me here. Keep in mind, it was about 8:30 a.m. so it's not like they were trying to call me under the wire of publishing or anything.

    Me-of course.
    SC-Wow. Just. Wow.

    Me: "Newsroom."
    SC: "Yes, is this the newsroom?"
    Me: JESUS. "Yes, it is."
    SC: "I have a question."
    Me: "Okay."
    SC: "......"
    Me: ...normally, I would sit here until you spoke but there's a bag of Doritoes with my name on it after I get rid of you, so..."Sir?"
    SC: "Yes?"
    Me: " had a question?"
    SC: "Yes. I have something I'd like to add to today's paper."

    At this point, I must interject that since I discovered my Asperger's, I have begun thinking about what people say. Rather than taking what they say automatically at face value, I remind myself to stop and think, and try to figure out what they might actually be meaning. I make the mistake of using my behavioral correctors here, and assume he must mean that he has something to tell me about one of the stories in the paper, like a side to it we hadn't heard. Like when you have "something to add" to a discussion.

    Me: "Okay, sir, what is it regarding?"
    SC: "It's a classified ad."
    Me: *momentarily knocked off moorings* "Umm...a classifed ad?"
    SC: "Yes. I'd like to add one to today's paper."
    Me: *thought train completely derailed* " mean you have a correction?"
    SC: "No, no. I have an ad I need to get in today's paper."

    Okay, two things here. First of all, we've already established this is the newsroom. We don't handle the classifieds. That's what the classified department is for. Second of all...the papers were printed about seven hours ago. All but the furtherest reaches of our area have received their papers already. Several coffee-stained editions have already made their way into the trash somewhere. I God.

    Me: "'s paper?"
    SC: "Yes. Can you help me with that?"
    Me: *trying desperately* "You don't mean tomorrow's paper, do you? You need something for-,"
    SC: "No, no, tomorrow is too late. I need it in today."
    Me: " need to get an ad into today's paper...which has already been printed and distributed."
    SC: "Yes! Can you help me or not??"
    Me: "............hold on, I'll transfer you." *does so, hits head on desk feels no pain*

    I swear to God...some days I think the asteroid can't get here fast enough...I'll have to go downstairs to classifieds later and see which of the ladies' hair has gone grey...and offer to buy her lunch.

    Only eight hours to go...*sigh*
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    I felt my intelligence drop just reading that. What is it that we must do to make these SCs understand?
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #3
      My husband has Asperger's so I know what you mean when you have to concentrate on people's words. Good for you learning coping methods!

      So much for customers knowing what the heck they're doing. You'll be okay...just don't let this jerk bother you anymore. Hopefully posting about it will help get it off of your chest!
      The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


      • #4
        hmmm someone forgot to call their classified ad in last night - and TOTALLY ignored you when you said "Me: " need to get an ad into today's paper...which has already been printed and distributed." - um hello? How did he expect you to get it in the paper? Did he think it was like Harry Potter or something and you could just "magically" make it appear all of a sudden in the paper???


        • #5
          Well, there's a person (the guy on the phone, not Mysty) who has no business trying to act like a functional member of society.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Hee hee! Don'tcha just love it?

            When I worked in a good-sized public library about 15 or so years ago, it seemed EVERYONE was into geneaology. So, everyday, someone would come it wanting to look up a family member's obituary in the local newspaper on microfilm. I'd help them get set up, and even advance the film to the date they were looking for. Lo and behold, Auntie Gert's obit wasn't in that day's paper! Invariably, my patron would inform me that they were CERTAIN that was the day she died! "Do you know if she had the good graces to pass away before the print deadline?" The blank stares in response were priceless!


            • #7
              Quoth air914 View Post
              Did he think it was like Harry Potter or something and you could just "magically" make it appear all of a sudden in the paper???
              Maybe he watched "Minority Report" (IMDB link) too many times and thought the electronic newspapers from that movie had made it into real life already...?

              Course, I'm just grasping at straws...

              ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
              - Cartman


              • #8
                Awww, come on, you didn't even have a little fun with him? You could have just said, "certainly, that'll be in today's paper tomorrow."
                This area is left blank for a reason.


                • #9
                  Or "Sorry sir your request violates the laws of physics. We could be arrested."

                  Seriously if stupidity was a capital offence, this guy should get 20 years in the electric chair
                  Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.

