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Love being right

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  • Love being right

    One of our scanning stations was down today so we had a lot of people coming up to where it is, look around confused (we can hide the scanner behing the desk) and we tell them to use the other one (other side of desk). My co-worker quickly tired of that so she printed out a sign saying please scan over there with an arrow.

    T: You think this looks ok?

    Me: Looks fine but they're not gonna read it.

    T: Oh I'll make sure to put it somewhere they can see it.

    She precedes to put it about her head height in a VERY easily viewed area. Very next person comes in walks right by it and asks us if the scanner is broken. T then makes 2 more signs on bright orange paper and puts all 3 of them at the desk. Next person comes in, walks right past them and asks where the card scanner is.

    T: How can they not see that?!?

    Me: (trying not to laugh out loud) Told you they wouldn't see them, people never pay attention.

    So yeah not sucky, but I found it highly amusing.
    Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time

  • #2
    Yup, people never do seem to see the signs do they? You'd think bright orange would draw people's attention to the message.

    The store I work in has posters and stuff all over saying that we now sell postage stamps and phone top-ups, but we are still made to ask people when we serve them if they want the afore-mentioned items because we know that the customers won't read the signs.... *sighs*


    • #3
      yah that is amusing, a lot of people dont notice stuff.

      years ago i was working at an out patient drug and alcohol recovery facility. i did the drug testing among other things, and we regularly had problems with our toilet, so we had it replaced.

      a day went by while it was replaced, )we used the other bathroom) and another day went by with out the clients saying anything about it.

      so the next day i would ask them (while in the bathroom since i had to observe the tests)

      only one of them who had been in the bathroom one other time (she was new) realized there was a new toilet
      "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)

