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Appearently My Mom runs DVD commentary....

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  • Appearently My Mom runs DVD commentary....

    Ah that time of year is upon us. On my side of town we keep in close contact with customer service people at competing stores...just something nice we do to warn others of scams. So anytime someone comes in that is fishy, I immediately call the other store across the street and the one a mile away. And they return the courtesy...I guess we can all relate to the pain.

    Well the major scam this time of year is fraudulent Payroll checks that people cleverly print off their computer. Then they try to cash them with fake IDs. I may have just graduated college...but the last time I tried Fakes were about $50 a pop. So the cost of a ink cartridge, fake id, and blank checks...probably would have helped them pay bills...but I digress.

    Last night my mom calls with computer I'm helping her when the SC comes up. And this guy is talking a mile a minute.

    Me: Hi, can I help you?
    SC: see I came in here monday and cashed these checks with no problem. Your manager said it was okay. I can cash these because I did it monday right.
    Me: Well we only allow one payroll check per seven days.
    SC: But your manager (name) said it was okay.

    ***Great now we have a name dropper, I know something isn't right. Also mind you my mom can hear what this guy is saying and I'm not trying to laugh as she comments back***

    Me: Well I need to see your check and ID.
    SC: Oh okay...could you call ryan up here too.
    Mom: What the fuck is this guys deal?
    SC: Oh and here are the two stubs from the checks (name) let me cash, Monday.
    Mom: why does he keep saying your managers name?

    ***I look down and the first no-no is noticed...this guy's ID address and his address on the check are different***

    Me: Sorry I cannot take this...
    SC: Call (name), Call him!
    Mom: Tell this guy to go away!
    Me: He is not in the building.
    Mom: Whoa...are you serious?
    Me: It doesn't matter...I won't accept the check unless he is here in person.
    Mom: *laughing*
    SC: They accepted them on Monday.
    Me: I don't care if they did or not...I'm not accepting it. You can come in here tomorrow and speak with (name).

    ***At this time my mom is dead silent on the phone...I can tell she has put me on speaker now***

    SC: Well don't worry you'll be receiving a call from (name) and YOU'LL be cashing this check!
    Me: I'm looking forward to it.
    Mom: How do you still have a job?

    Well the customer snatched up his stubs, his id, and check and storms out of the store. Needless to say my manager never called and he never came back. I get on the phone and tell my mom to hold. I call all the other competitor stores on my side of town and proceed to email all the other stores in our corporation with his name and ID. Needless to say this guy didn't get his check cashed that night at all. And recently I received an "above and beyond" award for service to the company for turning down fraudulent checks and notifying other stores about it.

    Its going to be a GREAT holiday season.
    Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store

  • #2
    Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
    And recently I received an "above and beyond" award for service to the company for turning down fraudulent checks and notifying other stores about it.

    Its going to be a GREAT holiday season.
    Nicely done! Not only did you prevent an Asshat from wreaking havoc, you got recognised for it too!! ^5!
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      It took me a few moments to understand the title of your thread!

      Congratulations on the "above and beyond" award.

      But what I don't get is that:
      A) You still get "paychecks" in the US.
      B) You can cash those checks in stores instead of banks.

      Here in Australia, while technically an employer can pay wages by any method, nearly all decent-sized business pay by direct deposit into the employee's bank account. And the only place I'm aware of (other than banks) where you can cash cheques would be pawnbrokers/second hand dealers/cash advance type places. Just curious, that's all.


      • #4
        Most larger employers do use direct deposit, but smaller places (my office only has 4 employees) or fast food type places will do paychecks. As far as check cashing, I know my local grocery store will cash payroll checks, although they charge a fee.


        • #5
          I know one reason for handing out checks is that some people don't have bank accounts. Also, I prefer them or direct deposit because the only other means of payment I've seen have been ComData cards, which, when you get those, it means you can only get the money out of an ATM, so you can never get out your full paycheck (hey, sometimes I need that extra 15 bucks..) and on top of theat, they charge like a two dollar fee eveytime you try to get your hard earned cash out.
          Would you like a Stummies?


          • #6
            Here in the US you can get direct deposit too...In fact I have it at both my jobs. Even the unemployment system in our state has gone to debit cards due to the amount of fake checks people try to make.

            I'm hoping that sometime they'll migrate the Social Security system from checks to debit cards...but we all know how much old people love technology. Even something as simple as sliding a piece of plastic and remembering a 4 digit PIN.

            The one thing that amazes me is the amount of work that people put in to scamming, when they could apply that to a real job and make some money.

            My favorite response to when I turn down a check is this:

            "Where can I go to cash it?"

            Well I hear there are these wonderful places called banks...and they literally have a room filled with money. But I say that in my mind...because as much as I hate my job, I love money
            Telling Stories from the Front Line a.k.a Customer Service at a Grocery Store


            • #7
              I know Social Security does direct deposit because I had to help my grandma get it straightened out when they forgot to deposit her money in her account.


              • #8
                My state even does direct deposit for unemployment. I like that, because my checking account is free, as long as I have at least 1 direct deposit per month.

                On a happy note, only 1 more unemployment payment coming, 'cause I start my new job on Monday.

                I do remember having to teach my Mom how to use an ATM card when we went to Elko, NV years ago. She was a quick learner, and is now quite proficient at using ATMs.
                Last edited by Sonoma; 11-09-2007, 05:09 PM. Reason: Brain is not yet awake
                That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


                • #9
                  Quoth matty View Post

                  But what I don't get is that:
                  A) You still get "paychecks" in the US.
                  Large companies that have their own payroll departments do that. Medium companies that use payroll services do that. Small businesses don't for good reason. The payroll services charge a lot.

                  Quoth matty View Post
                  B) You can cash those checks in stores instead of banks.
                  In every large city there are these small stores all owned by one ethnic group that cash checks, sell money orders, cigs, liquor, snacks, have internet terminals. They also sell cheap tacky watches and jewellry. They pretty much cater to people who are living on the edge. I mention the one ethnic group because it is a different one in every city. It's the brother-in-law effect gone mad.
                  Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                  • #10
                    I get direct deposit, but for people who don't want to do that, they let employees cash their check out of the register in the store. I never used to be able to do cash pickups on Fridays until I made sure everyone who wanted to had cashed their check.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
                      my job not only offers the 'company card' (for our if you get it all out at once no charges HA! no, direct depost and paper checks, i actually like paper checks because it allows me to control where my money goes each month. or at least, each week.
                      But i would never cash it anywhere but my bank, ever, you got to be kidding me.
                      if i didnt like going to my bank, i would just do direct depost.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                        But i would never cash it anywhere but my bank, ever, you got to be kidding me.
                        if i didnt like going to my bank, i would just do direct depost.
                        when I used to get checks I only cashed them at the store or the bank. Besides those check cashing places take a percentage in fees. But I get direct deposit now and I use my check card to take out a hundred bucks a week in cash for incidentals and whatnot, and whatever I have leftover at the end of the week goes in a jar for something fun later.
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                        • #13
                          Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post

                          ***I look down and the first no-no is noticed...this guy's ID address and his address on the check are different***

                          Me: Sorry I cannot take this...
                          SC: Call (name), Call him!
                          Mom: Tell this guy to go away!
                          Me: He is not in the building.
                          SC: CALL HIM AT HOME.
                          Since I typically just do direct deposit, I'm curious about a couple things.

                          First, why is it a "no-no" that the two addresses were different? Is that something standard or your store's policy?

                          Secondly, what did the guy think he was going to accomplish by having you call whoever it was he kept mentioning? Wouldn't that person have backed you up?

                          Quoth AmericanZero8503 View Post
                          And recently I received an "above and beyond" award for service to the company for turning down fraudulent checks and notifying other stores about it.

                          Its going to be a GREAT holiday season.
                          Congrats! Nice to see a company not only backing up their employees but rewarding them for service!
                          Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                          • #14
                            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                            But I get direct deposit now and I use my check card to take out a hundred bucks a week in cash for incidentals and whatnot, and whatever I have leftover at the end of the week goes in a jar for something fun later.
                            My dad gets a check, but he doesn't handle money (at all). It gets split for groceries, etc and he gets a certain amount a week for work stuff, etc. Then he puts left over change into a plastic holder. Makes up to 300$ every summer when we count it out
                            Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


                            • #15
                              Quoth matty View Post
                              Here in Australia, while technically an employer can pay wages by any method, nearly all decent-sized business pay by direct deposit into the employee's bank account.
                              Two really small businesses (5 and 11 employees, respectively) that I've worked for paid me in cash. And the electoral commission payed me by cheque for the election I worked on (not bad money for one day of work, but it was a pretty long day)
                              Last edited by edible_hat; 11-10-2007, 12:02 AM.

