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Gross old men

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  • Gross old men

    A girl I work with told me this story last night.

    Background info: We work in a supermarket who has a carry-out policy. Basically, we have to attempt to carry out each order that has over 3 bags. "A" (my coworker) is a cashier right now, but she was a bagger when this happened.

    She was bagging an order for this large, fat, gross, old guy (her words), and she took him out. While she was bagging for him, he was staring at her weird. Then, when they got to his vehicle, he sat there and watched her load the groceries into the vehicle. He proceeds to say "man...I love watching a woman work". She just at him, but was too naive to do anything about it. Turns out this guy was so bad that one of the male baggers was sent out after her to make sure he didn't assault her or anything.

    I told her that if it were me, I would have looked at him, said "thank you very much", and walked away. Watch him try to complain to management (who is amazing and doesn't tolerate sexual harrassment from ANYONE).

    Anyone else have dirty old man stories?
    Last edited by thegiraffe; 08-17-2006, 04:35 PM.
    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Proverbs 22:6

  • #2
    I didn't have any gross old men I recall. Most of the unpleasant old men I encountered at my job were unpleasant for different reasons.

    No, the gross award goes to several MIDDLE AGED men, and in at least one case, a youngish man who wasn't bothering me, but he was bothering one of my younger coworkers (this would be Chickenman,who called me Scum of the Earth and was mentioned in some other posts).

    Funkstain was a bona fide gross old man, but he wasn't a sucky customer. He was a sucky co worker, so he doesn't really count.

    Oh, wait. Just thoughta one. How could I forget this? Get this...dude was the father of a drunken, nasty room mate I once had and threw out (and sued for money owed, but that's another story). He was crazy, and when I say that, I mean it. They had just let him out of the Home, no lie. So he comes into the store and starts hanging around where I was working, talking about his erectile disfunction. I dont' even want to entertain the idea that this choad might have a penis. I wanted to cut off my ears and drop them into a bucket of bleach. This went on for a couple days, actually, and the crazy talk was escalating (he didnt' come out of the gate with the dick stories, but he worked up to that.). When he came out with " smell nice." I said, okay that's it. Get out of the store. My husband, brother in law, and several large male friends who worked there escorted him out into the parking lot and had a Come To Jesus meeting with him.

    He didnt' come back in again, but he harrassed me via fax and phone for a week or two after that. Gaaah.

    What scared me was that the crazy f$%ker knew where I lived. But I think he was too out of it to remember, thank God.

    Turns out, I wasn't the only one who had to listen about his equipment. He had regaled several lucky co-workers, and had even gotten thrown out of one of the other Kinko's in town doing it to them. Ick!


    • #3

      can't you ban creeps like this? refuse them service...something?

      my worst came from when i worked in a pool hall, making sandwiches, cleaning tables and serving drinks; this old, drunk, filthy lecher kept proposing to me. i feel dirty just for remembering it.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        I once had an old man knudge his son, motion at my breats and mouth "yummy" the son nodded and leered as well while I was cutting their "1st place" etc winners ribbons

        I was 16 at the time

        It was one of those moments that I was too shocked to say anything about it...

        then there was the stripper who offered me a free lapdance if I gave him a discount on the velcro he wanted to buy... again 16 at the time, it was one of the only times my manager stepped in and told the guy to get the hell out of the store

        and the old guy with black teeth who offered to smash the till computer for me when it froze "I have a hammer in the car, would make you smile again, you have a beautiful smile"

        UGH sleaze there were few men in my craft store, but we scrapped the bottom of the barrel when they did come in
        Last edited by Kiwi; 08-17-2006, 06:38 PM.
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


        • #5
          One of my coworkers told me about an older guy she was helping who asked her out to dinner and told her his wife wouldn't be anywhere around.

          There was also the "ugly pills" guy, but I've told that story so many times here I don't feel the need to tell it again.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Ugh. Working at the major grocery store in town, I get a lot of these. Most are just creepy, but don't really do anything. They're old and hairy and sweaty and smile at me a little TOO much, but thankfully they usually don't make comments.

            However. There was this one. I was bagging at the only open checkstand, and this guy comes up. He wasn't even really that old or gross-looking. The transaction goes by pretty normally, but when I finish bagging his stuff, he leans in real close, stares at my nametag (and, I'm assuming, the female body parts situated quite close to the nametag) and thanks me very lavishly, using my name. I really, really hate when people do that. And then, of course, working where I work, I have to ask if the guy wants help out with his groceries. He declines, and starts to walk away, but not before telling me..."Your hair smells good!"

            Dude, you're like 50. I am legally a minor. EWWWW.
            Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


            • #7
              When my sister was 16 and I was 13, we went to work to rent a movie. Some old guy was there shopping and kept bothering my sister about her shirt, such as where to get one and all that crap. It wierded us out but whatever. Then he asked my sister if she wanted to go with him to a wedding, as that was where he was heading. WTF is wrong with these people?
              "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


              • #8
                Okay, this isn't a story per say but it made me think of something.

                Stories like these are why I worry about the car hops at Sonic. Every time I go there I see those cute little 16-17 year old girls on roller skates and have horrible thoughts of some creep pulling one of them into a van and speeding off.

                My husband says I have way too much "Mothering Instinct".
                "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                ~TechSmith 314
                HellGate: London


                • #9
                  This wasn't at a job, but it was two creepy, nasty gross old men.

                  I was working out at the gym in college, doing my circuit, when two really old nasty farts came into the gym. I had my headphones on and was concentrating, so I was ignoring them, until I noticed that the guys were regularly on the machine right next to me. I have pretty good peripheral vision, and turned down the headphones so I could hear them, while they didn't realize I was aware of them. They were following me around, hoofing each other into a testosterone frenzy. They were just hopping onto the machines and lifting whatever I had been doing and jeering about how much stronger they were than the "little lady".

                  Well, that was easy enough to fix. The next machine exercised inner thigh, where you put your legs in the little stirrups, pushed them apart, and pulled them back together, so I did that exercise (ignoring the commentary), and when I hopped off the machine, idly reached down and cranked the weight up about fifteen levels (from about 100 pounds to somewhere in the range of 350). They didn't notice this quick movement, so first old fart jumped onto the machine, started to push with his usual gusto, and promptly fell off the machine, grabbing at his nuts and screaming. I found out later that apparently, something herniated that I wasn't aware could herniate. Oops? Guess that's why you're supposed to check your weights before you start...
                  "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                  • #10
                    Um, I don't think you have too much mothering instinct, especially being in FL. I've been there once, and I don't really wanna go back. Well, let me rephrase that, I've been to Miami once, and I don't wanna go back.

                    Ft. Myers was quite nice though. I did like it there.

                    If it helps, some of us guys get the same thing. When I worked at a hotel I had some creepy OLDER lady, now when I say old, I'll actually define it here, must have been in her early 60s, and she was sitting outside drunk off her rocker. I went outside for a few seconds to see what the temp. was and she starts just making small talk. I figured it was harmless and didn't think much of it. About 2 minutes into the conversation I get a "You're cute, you can't be what, 18, 19?" I'm laughing because at this time I was 25 and had tried my best to not look younger. I tell her my age and she proclaims to flash me asking what I thought of those.

                    I'm like....uh....please....don't do that again. She then says, "How bout we go up to my room? I just said, no, thats ok, I'm on duty and would lose my job for it. (I didn't want to be rude or anything) I dunno what the heck that was all about.....Maybe it was the Security Uniform I was wearing at the time?

                    But I've said it before and I'll say it again, I can't go into a bar, food joint, or pretty much any place that has some good looking girls in it without thinking of I'm 30 now, and everytime I check out one of the pretty gals all I can think about is posts like this, I get red and ashamed. Thanks gals.
                    "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright


                    • #11
                      urgh we had a doozey last christmas, this skanky old guy came in every day for a week and waited until we had a queue and were dealing with queries before cornering our saturday girl and asking if he could have a kiss with his book The only reason we didn't ban him sooner was because the kid was new to the job and just figured it was something she had to put up with!

                      Needless to say we disabused her of that notion, had security escort the dirty old man from the premises the next time we saw him. As he's being dragged out the door, he's STILL shouting that all he wanted was a kiss from the pretty girl


                      • #12
                        I am a dirty old man, but in a nice way.
                        Bow down before me for I am ROOT

                        Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


                        • #13
                          The Drug Store From Hell was a magnet for gross old men. It did not help that I was 18, slender, cute and very naïve at the time. I've been propositioned more times than I care to remember, and always by some guy at least 40 years older than me.

                          I had one repeat arsehole who kept coming through my line and asking me to watch pornos with him! He even once did it when his WIFE was there! She said, "Oh, he's just got a weird sense of humor."

                          One time, my jerk manager introduced me to some older guy. He leered at me and said, "You suuuure are beautiful!" Okay, I would not have minded hearing that from someone my own age (which never, ever happened!), but from someone old enough to be my grandfather? No freaking way!
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            I had an opposite experience. This middle aged taxi driver used to some in and I always waited on him. We would chat some when he came in...turned out we had a bit in common. He was always friendly, but never took the joking too far.

                            Dont' know how it came up, but he found out that I am considerably older than he though I was. Or more specifically, old enough for him to date without him feeling like a perv. After expressing shock and suprise, he paused, looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time, and said, and I quote, "Okay, feel like having an affair with a fat old bald man?"

                            Well, no, but thanks anyway! That was cute.


                            • #15
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                              "Okay, feel like having an affair with a fat old bald man?"
                              You know, that line never works for me either.


