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Since when can they read?

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  • Since when can they read?

    All the stories I've read on here, and I thought SC's couldn't read signs and such...turns out they can... First story is iffy, second...well...

    Scanner Hijinks
    My store FINALLY put in price check machines around the store. Big convenience for us, cause we don't have to do price checks on everything in the store. So a lady is over near Big and Tall, and is trying to scan a pair of pants, which aren't scanning for some reason. I walk over...

    H= Suitman!
    SL= Kinda sucky lady

    H: Hi, do you need help with something?
    SL: These won't scan for some reason, I want to know how much they are.
    H: *after trying a few times on the machine* Hm...well, they aren't scanning... *looks not ten feet away at the sign sitting on the shelf, which is on all the pant shelves over there* Oh, these are buy one get one 50%.
    SL: *in the most snotty tone* they are on that sale...
    H: *Thinking "You mean you read the sign, didn't like the sale, and thought scanning it would mean the sale would change just for you?"* Yes, they are...

    False advertising

    We had a flier today advertising our suits on sale. The ad said, and I quote, as I read it from the paper, "All mens jackets, trousers, and topcoats on sale, 50% off. Original prices $50 - $350, on sale for $24.99 - $174.99" A man comes in, looks at the paper, then starts looking around. After a few minutes...

    H: Suitman again!
    M: Suitman's sidekick (co-worker :P)
    SM: False Advertising man

    SM: *Walking up to M* Where are the jackets for $24.99?
    M: Sir?
    SM: *pointing to the flier* This says you have jackets for $24.99
    M: No, sir, we don't have jackets for $24.99. We have pants for that price.
    SM: *Pointing at the flier again* I don't want pants, I want a jacket...
    This went on for 20 minutes before I got there. M called my manager and talked it over with her, as well as he. I came in to hear this...
    SM: I'm not angry at you, I came in so I could get a suit jacket for 24.99. You know it's false advertising, right? I mean, you know as well as I do that this should be worded better...
    H: *walking up, after having heard him try and get M on her side* Sir, may I see the flier? *reads the flier* Sir, this says Jackets, PANTS, and top coats. We don't have any jackets or topcoats at a normal price of 50 dollars, that's the original price of our trousers.
    SM: It doesn't say anything about pants. It gives a price range.
    H: Yes sir, and the price range is for everything on the list, the pants being the lowest, the suits and such being the highest.
    SM: I don't know about that, this is false advertisement... *walks off*

    False advertisement = Advertisement that doesn't say what you want it to say...
    "Ohhh, they're so greedy." John Steed, the Avengers.

  • #2
    speaking of false advertising, i get that line all the time, that I have to honor rates listed in the AAA book (btw, AAA is one of the most evil entities on the planet, I think it may have surpassed Al Queda with how much it has harmed my well being), because if I don't it's false advertising... ok, 2 things, first AAA's rate book says rates "STARTING at", so as long as one room for one day of the year is at that rate we aren't lying... and that's beside the point because, and let me say this slowly We. Are. Not. Responsible. For. What. AAA. Publishes. If. There. Is. A. Mistake. You. Must. Complain. To. AAA. Not. Me.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Oh my GOD I hate 'false advertising'.

      The signs say '3 for 2 on all top 50 paperbacks!' This does NOT translate as '3 for 2 on EVERY BOOK INSTORE'.

      The sign says 'UP TO half price' so if a book has £3 off instead of being half price, IT IS NOT FALSE ADVERTISING. My god, do you people practice selective reading or something?
      Enslaved by WhSmith's since 2005


      • #4
        The one time someone got nasty with me about "false advertising" at Macy's had to do with watches. Before the store opened, my manager told me that the paper had run ads for Diesel watches selling for $29.99, this applied to watches in the clearance case, but we'd sold what we'd had the day before. So, if I got any customers asking about the ad, to explain the situation, and offer them another clearance watch for that price. Most people were understanding about this, (and I sold quite a few watches this way) but one older guy did NOT believe me that we'd sold out of the said Diesel watches, and pretty much came out and said that I was clueless and had no idea what was in our watch cases.

