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Thanksgiving Suckiness

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  • Thanksgiving Suckiness

    I hated work the last few days. I work in a grocery store, so we were extremely busy with the holiday this week. We always give out coupons for free turkeys with $250 in purchases over a two month period.

    On Wednesday a lady came through my line with a fresh turkey and the coupon. It specifically states on the coupon that it must be a frozen turkey that's free, or 99 cents off a pound for fresh turkeys. She argured with me that she didn't want to pay for the 50 cents a pound the fresh turkey would have been after the coupon, and she wanted it for free. I told her that wasn't possible, only the frozen turkeys were free, and she started with how she couldn't have a frozen turkey since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and it wouldn't defrost in time. So apparently she wanted a free fresh one since A) she's cheap, and B) she couldn't plan ahead and pick up a turkey a few days ago.

    There were also customers complaining Wednesday night that we were out of the brand they wanted, or that the turkeys were "picked over." Well duh, it's the night before Thanksgiving, what did they expect?

    I also love the one bagger at work, who always bags for me. Every time a turkey came through the line, she'd complain because the turkey was too heavy, and she couldn't lift it. Now I get the older retired part-time ladies not being able to handle the turkeys to well, but they did, and without complaining, but this is a twenty-some year old girl who is in fine physical condition, who can pick them up without complaining, I mean, the heaviest turkeys were only 20 pounds or so.

  • #2
    I also work in a department store that sells groceries. Last night we only had frozen turkeys left. A number of people commented, but all were kindof joking about it. They knew why the selection was picked over.

    Gotta love the coupons though. It boggles my mind why people think they should get a different type, different quantity, or, if this forum is any clue, a different BRAND for their coupon. Read the fine print, people. This is a simple coupon, not the mumbo jumbo from a credit card or loan.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      you can defrost a frozen turkey in 10-12 hours.
      Use thermodynamics.
      Submerge in cold water and have nice cold water slowly being run in to the tub you us (best done in the bath tub. Dump the water once every 2-3.5 hours. flip the turkey fill it up again. after 8 hours remove the turkey from the webbing and plastic. Clean submerge again in fresh clean water. Your ready to cook in 10-12 hours.
      I love science.


      • #4
        Actually, a better way is to get a tub/pot/whatever that can completely contain the item to be defrosted, and put it under the tap. Fill container with cool water, and then run the faucet at a stream that's only a half step above dripping (you know what I mean, right?), and have the water slowly replaced that way, so that the container is technically constantly overflowing. Less muss, less fuss, faster results.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Or.... You could always buy a turkey a week ahead of time and leave it in your fridge so it defrosts by Thanksgiving!

          Oh, wait, I think I not only just defied sucky customer logic, thus defeating the purpose for this post, but I actually made sense to us thinking folk.
          Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


          • #6
            actually seeing as my dad physically and financialy could not get his turkey until the tuesday before thanksgiving and had to defrost it in 10 hours to get it smoked (yum smoked turkey) sometimes you can get it deforsted slow.

            broom.... isnt that what i said?
            Unless you ment dont mess with it at all.
            Because ive tried it without roataing or eventually cleaning it and it took an extra 6 hours, because the middle of the turkey couldnt get unthawed.
            Unless you unwrap it right away.
            Then you have a slipper turkey bomb... that hurts... alot... on your hand when you drop it and try to catch it.


            • #7
              Thanksgiving day I went out to pick up my turkey from Safeway. For $44 dollars they give you a pre-cooked turkey and all the trimmings. All you have to do is warm it up in the oven Big enough to serve 8-10 people.

              That turkey was so tender the damn thing was falling apart under it's own weight and it was beyond delicious.

              What really rocked was the fact that I had to cook almost nothing (I had to make my own stuffing since everyone was demanding it and there were no veggies in the meal).

              The funny part was when we were in the store getting some other odds and sods we saw a woman talking about this turkey she had just purchased. This was a monster of a 20 pound bird and she was talking about how good it was going to taste when dinner came around at 3pm. It was 11am by that time and the bitd was still frozen.

              We're talking "bash down a brick wall" frozen here.

              My my estimates, they would be lucky to eat that turkey on thanksgiving (figuring about 1am for it to be ready with cooking times of large poultry) or would burn down their house because they dropped a frozen bird into the deep fat frier.

              Not that I thought they could do that since there is no cooker that could handle the massive girth of that bird.

              I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


              • #8
                We picked up a few last minute items the night before while the kids were in their karate class. There were a few people who gave me the impression that they were stressed and hurried and everyone needed to move out of their way as if they would part the crowds like the Red Sea if they could but no outright suckiness. I was in no hurry and knew enough to expect this the night before.

                The cashier was a bit on the sucky side though. They were obviously busy so instead of planting my ass at the end of the register doing nothing, I started bagging while my husband paid. I could see that all the baggers were busy and I know what I'm doing and that should have been obvious. I'm fast since I do it at work as well but she seemed irritated at me for doing it. I did her a favor by getting us out of there faster.
                At least I know I wasn't an sc and I just chalked it up to overworked and tired of people, heck I certainly understand that but while I don't expect undying gratitude I didn't expect her to act so irritated at it.

                "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                • #9
                  Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                  broom.... isnt that what i said?
                  Unless you ment dont mess with it at all.
                  Because ive tried it without roataing or eventually cleaning it and it took an extra 6 hours, because the middle of the turkey couldnt get unthawed.
                  no, you said dump it out every so often. My way, you don't have to, but you have to leave the water running. That's what makes the difference. You can't just leave it sit. But you also can't leave the water on full or anything. Just a trickle.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                    Gotta love the coupons though. It boggles my mind why people think they should get a different type, different quantity, or, if this forum is any clue, a different BRAND for their coupon. Read the fine print, people. This is a simple coupon, not the mumbo jumbo from a credit card or loan.

                    Some years ago when I worked for a more corporate chain of gas stations some corporate genius decided to run a special promotion: Spend $5 in store, get a $10 gift card for a now-defunct online department store!

                    the number of idiots who thought it was a $10 fuel voucher was astonishing. Also the woman who reacted to "You qualify for this internet shopping voucher" as if I'd said "you qualify for a free rape". Seriously, she was shocked an horrified at the idea of going near a computer.

