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Bad Dream, Bad Day, Bad Times

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  • Bad Dream, Bad Day, Bad Times

    Okay Hello btw I think I posted once before if not, my apologies.

    I am a devoted reader at least Love to see people in the same shoes with the same crap stuck to the foot.

    I just had an excrutiating day today at work. I work at a fast food restuarant, there are a few of you out there that can relate and understand, so I hope my posting helps you to not feel alone.

    I had a dream of work last night. I seem to do that often, it sucks. I hate dreaming of working and then working a nice full shift going stir crazy. As you do.

    I dreamed I took an order from a lady and she kept whinging she was waiting 15 mins blah blah blah and I had the gall to say "Sorry what was your order?" and then back and forth, whinging and then my repeat request for her order. In the end she realised that her whinging held up the queue and people had to wait longer for her, so fictional dream character had her epiphany.

    Anyways. Clocked on. The whole shebang. Had a nice moderate rush that was well articulated and friendly patient customers galore. Lunch time came around, all good. Suddenly no meat was availiable. They didn't cook enough. I took a fair bit of orders, all of us out front did. Did nothing to satiate the people towards the door. What could we do? People were waiting in total of 10 mins to 30mins plus. First two waiting were okay. The rest? Rude and crude and didn't give a damn that it wasn't YOU that was responsible, someone had to pay. Fine. I accept that. I understand very much how it feels to be waiting so long because I have many times. But I was brought up to "Treat others the way you would like to be treated". It really hurts when you have the abuse hurled at your face and you know you could never ever do something like that no matter what.

    Sure, they see you as just "A face". Like, you ARE the company. Still, gives them no right. I'm a real person and despite knowing that they're only upset for waiting and they take it out on me, their insults etc actually effect me deeply. I treat them like a decent person, I expect the same, you know?

    Anyway, one woman handed me her order and I enquired as to what gender she would like the toy for her child's meal to be and she grunted and ignored me. So I did the un-me like thing, seeing I had enough of being abused because someone didn't care about their job and didn't have food cooking, I said "Okay No Worries!" and got her order for her regardless of the toy. I asked loud and clear and never got anything out her except for a grunt and the sauce she required.


    But I tell you what. An awful day and by golly I had some sweet customers today that nearly brought me to tears. I kept expecting the next customer was going to go off at me because they could and some of them were so sweet and gentle, and so so patient I wish I could have walked from behind the counter and shook their hands. It's people like that, that seem to make it all tolerable.

    Geez, I have so much to say but so little energy, but glad I vented a bit. Thank you to those who have read.

  • #2
    First of all, Welcome

    When I used to work fast food, I always appreciated the nice ones. I have to believe these lovelies have been employed working with the general public. As a customer, If I see you running your tail off and doing what you can, I find that I swallow my irritation and act pleasant. If you are a little twerp, act rude or lazy and disregard your customers, well, let's just say the words may be polite but the tone leans to SC. I have little respect for people who don't respect their jobs or others.

    May the upcoming work week go better for you. Hopefully someone will light a grill under you coworkers arses.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      Don't worry, I'm currently working fast food and I know exactly how you feel. Luckily they had me in the back window but I had some assholes but really nothing unexpected for a Friday. May you have many stories to tell us of fast food lore. ^^

