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To my good friends at Nintendo

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  • #46
    Quoth edible_hat View Post
    Around here there are plenty of Wiis in stock, and stores are offering deals... AU$395 buys you a Wii (with wiimote and nunchuk), Wii Sports, Wii Play (with a second wiimote) and a bonus extra nunchuk. Or at least it did a couple of weeks ago.
    I was just thinking that myself. We have plenty in OZ. Just send them our way to get some. They might have issues with the whole NTSC/PAL thing though...


    • #47
      Quoth Bluenomi View Post
      I was just thinking that myself. We have plenty in OZ. Just send them our way to get some. They might have issues with the whole NTSC/PAL thing though...
      Most TVs these days can handle both.


      • #48
        For those who might be interested, they had plenty of Wiis in Canadian stores when I was in New Brunswick. I realize you pay about $100 more than the normal $250 price, with the exchange rate and the ridiculous Canadian sales tax (14% in NB). BUT all the shelves were fully stocked when I was up there. I told my dad to buy one a day and sell it online, but he didn't think they would sell. After all, the stores are fully stocked. But, anyway, Canada is the place to go for your Wii if it's not too far out of the way. Or if you know someone near the border who'll ship it to you.


        • #49
          As bad as customers have been asking about Wii's retailers haven't been much better.

          I've been in countless toy stores, general stores that are know to sell them and have been told that yes they are in stock. But they can't be sold until the weakly circular comes out sunday morning since it "wouldn't be fair to the sunday customers" Well what about the customers that are there right now? Doesn't seem pretty fair to them.

          My mother went to get my little brother one for xmas last year. Closest she got was when the person in front of her was sold the last 2 in the store. Not 1 per customer as is fair to all but the last 2.

          Lets look at he small video game boutiques too. They almost never have them in stock but their website always has hte system available when you also purchase 4 games (usually 2 movie based) and a plethora of accessories.

          I even have a friend who was in a popular electronics store the other day. Girl came out from behind the customer service area saying "Last Wii in the store. Who wants the last Wii in the store" It sold nearly instantly. About half an hour later he saw the same girl come out from back with another Wii and do the same thing over again.

          It seems like as crappy as customers trying to get them are the retailers are just as guilty of withholding product to create artificial demand.


          • #50
            Fiance works for a game company thats researching development for the wii, and he's in charge of that research. My aunt was desperately looking for a wii for my cousin, and he was able to slip it in with his order for the company. I know we've had ours for ages, I think a friend of ours who works at an EB put it aside for us. If you can get ahold of one I really recommend it. Not only is it super fun and interactive, it's a really clever console. I definately favor it out of the next gen consoles because it's the only one that's done something really innovative. With the PS3 and 360, you get lovely graphics and some neat features, but there's only so far you can get with pretty graphics. Nintendo has actually done something to further video game design with the wii, which is no mean feat.

            Sorry. Rant done! I loves me some video games


            • #51
              I do have a Wii & I love it. I did not, however, act like a flippin lunatic to get one. Just had another 20 questions today. It's really comical that these folks stand outside for hours not even knowing whether we have any or not.
              Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


              • #52
                Quoth Gerrinson View Post
                Canada is the place to go for your Wii if it's not too far out of the way. Or if you know someone near the border who'll ship it to you.
                Hmmmmm, Ontario is just a 30 minute drive and maybe I can go hang out in Windsor and go to Terra Cotta Pizza and just enjoy myself and get a Wii. *Loves hanging out in Canada*
                The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                • #53
                  I was in wal-mart a while back and i was shocked sockless to find a Wii STILL on the shelf! i quickly phoned my dad and asked him if i should buy one for my brother (he has Autism and is very anti social, yet he loves video games and playing video games with other so the wii is perfect for him) and my dad said no.

                  now that Christmas is coming up guess what they want to buy my brother. i just shake my head.
                  it's said that no sane person could bite another person and draw blood. I've done it before, but then again sanity has always been questionable in our family.


                  • #54
                    I know from experience that the whole "Are you SURE you don't have any more in the back?" thing is obnoxious, but unfortunately I've seen the stockpiling with the Wiis occur as well.

                    I was in Wally World one day buying groceries and decided to peek into the gaming section. I noticed that there was one -one!- Wii in the glass case. It was entirely not in my budget, but my boyfriend and I had been searching for one for weeks and I decided that the opportunity might not come by again. I decided to snatch it up, and the young guy helping me and I got to chatting while he waited for the keys to the case. He said, excited, "We sold the two we had in under twenty minutes! You got the second one!" We kept talking for a few minutes and I asked if he knew when they'd be getting another shipment in. He kind of glanced around and said (not verbatim, but close enough) "Well, to be honest, we have twelve more in the back." He basically told me that they go faster when it looks like they only have one or two in stock. He's right, though. It did work... it got me to purchase one.


                    • #55
                      My wife wanted one, so I got her one for her birthday. I couldn't find any in stock in any regular store or online site, so I ordered one thru a reseller on Amazon, paying about an extra $100 for it. After I gave it to her, I told her she better use the damn thing.
                      Sometimes life is altered.
                      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                      Uneasy with confrontation.
                      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                      • #56
                        Pardon me.....

                        What's a Wii?

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #57
                          Nintendo's most recent console offering...

                          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                          • #58
                            or that yellow stuff that comes our of your wiggley.
                            Ma'am, I could care less about the time your precious Fifi found a baby squirrel and raised it as her own, I just want to know if you've ever been told you had diabeetus.


                            • #59
                              Please pray for us....

                              In an upcoming ad for my store, the Wii is featured on the front page, along with the following blurb: "Guaranteed 10 units per store"

                              Two Wiis came in tonight and were sold right away, because the dumbasses who unload the trucks took them to electronics right away instead of taking them to the cash office where they have belonged ever since they came out (It surprises me sometimes that those guys aren't wearing helmets and drooling on themselves )

                              When we found out about this, we told the manager who proceeded to hit the roof. There is now a decent chance we will not have the 10 Wiis corporate has guaranteed in writing for the sale. Any more Wiis that do come in will go straight to the store manager's office.

                              So, fewer than 10 Wiis+a long line of folks waiting overnight for the store to open on the day the ad breaks=mucho pissed-off customers, complaints to corporate, and loads of butthurt from corporate.
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                              • #60
                                Quoth Jacen View Post
                                Why are those things so popular anyway? A computer can do more, better.

                                And in the case of thPS3 (nearly 1000 dollars), cheaper.
                                My ps3 was bought off a shelf at zellers for 399$ and came with a blu ray movie
                                (spiderman 3)

                                They've come down in price.

                                And I had to get something to keep me away from the computer.

                                The warcraft addiction is almost kicked I think , 2 months clean

                                lvl seventy epic'd warrior 4 sale btw 2kgold and netherdrake ! LOL

                                seriously I should sell that character tho.....

                                wait ? wii's? what ? oh ya I want one of those too, would go nicely with my recently purchased n64 lol , damn the urge to play zelda

