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A new low

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  • A new low

    Hello again all! I'm not sure if I should be pleased or saddened that I have another story for you all, but here it is (as much as I can remember anyways). I can honestly say this was the worst customer I've ever dealt with.

    To refresh your memories (i'm so forgettable ) I work at a wendy's in a business district.

    SC: truly sucky customer
    DTM: drive through manager
    me: ^.^

    I was taking orders in the drive through (i do that a lot, i'm the only native english speaker who works weekdays) and a customer entered the drive through around noonish.

    me: hi, can I take your order?
    SC: Sure, I'd like a frosty float.
    me: alrite, anything else?
    sc: A double junior deluxe meal.
    me: and what kind of drink?
    sc: I just TOLD you, a frosty float.
    me: ok...
    DTM: Oh, sorry about that sir, we thought you'd ordered the float and the combo separately...
    sc: get off the line, b*tch.
    me: ok, *repeats order back* first window please.
    sc: tell that lady to shut the f*ck up.
    dtm: ....add another dollar to his meal.
    me: with pleasure.

    by this time everyone who understands english and has an intercom is in dumbfounded silence. the customer pulls up the second window (where I take orders and the DTM passes them out), snatches his food, and throwing a last "b*tch!" as he drives off, with my manager hollering "have a nice thanksgiving!" after him (week of thanksgiving).

    If there were justice in the world that would have been the last we saw of him. However, a while later he showed up. We were in the same positions, but this time he pulls into the drive through already cursing at us. I swiftly told him to pull up to the second window (where we correct all drive-through errors) before things got out of hand. It goes without saying that correcting HIS problems wasn't that easy.

    He started cursing out the woman in the first window--who understands more than enough english to collect money, but not enough to really converse--then comes up to the first window already warmed up for his tirade. It turns out that he'd wanted the chicken sandwich version of our value meal (double junior deluxe meal, crispy chicken deluxe meal, or most people just use "deluxe value meal"); same price, similar wording, and over the drive through speaker we misunderstand that distinction just often enough that the replacement is routine.

    Of course this sc doesn't let us go that easily. I was taking orders from REAL customers the entire time, but I'm almost certain his cursing was audible both over my speaker and in the front of the restaurant. It didn't end until we'd a) offered to replace his meal b) actually done so and c) refunded his money when he nearly threw the food at the DTM. He drove off (still cursing, of course) as my manager once again wished him a happy thanksgiving.

    And there you have it. They say it takes all kinds to make a world; I think we could have a world without THAT kind and things would still run quite smoothly
    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.

  • #2
    Ouch! I don't blame your manager for adding a $1 PITA tax, but I think it would have been a lot better if that jackass customer would have been refused service, or better yet, banned permanently.
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #3
      I agree, I like that you're manager was so civil about it (to his face), that makes them angrier than if you're not. But I would have asked him to leave and never return.
      "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


      • #4
        Ban him and ask the nice officers of the Irvine PD to come visit when Asshat is expected. He could be charged with assault (throwing food)


        • #5
          what the hell is the matter with some people?! honestly, there should be a study about what causes SC behavior. then we can determine which SCs are just having really shitty days and which ones should be put on a desert island with only the pleasure of each others company.


          • #6
            I don't know about this. Everyone is saying this SC should have been turned away, but some places like this also look at the revenue they would lose by turning away someone like this. Freedom of speech is out there, so I guess people can do and say what they want.

            On the other hand, kudos to charging this bastard the extra $1. I'm only surprised he did not notice this before driving away.


            • #7
              How much does pride and decency cost? It's what weighs on the other side of the scale.



              • #8
                Quoth greensinestro View Post
                I don't know about this. Everyone is saying this SC should have been turned away, but some places like this also look at the revenue they would lose by turning away someone like this. Freedom of speech is out there, so I guess people can do and say what they want.

                On the other hand, kudos to charging this bastard the extra $1. I'm only surprised he did not notice this before driving away.

                Freedom of Speech has nothing to do with private business. And even if it did, that doesn't extend to letting customers treat other people like garbage or being abusive little ass-clowns.

                As far as losing revenue: since the Wendy's in question ended up refunding the SC's money as well as giving him food, they were in the red from the very get-go. Turning this guy away eliminates potential problems, and more imporantly stops him from abusing store employees, which is often worse then the lost money.
                Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.


                • #9
                  Man, I'd love to see what it was listed as on the bill. "Unruly customer fee"?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Alpha Strike View Post
                    Freedom of Speech has nothing to do with private business. And even if it did, that doesn't extend to letting customers treat other people like garbage or being abusive little ass-clowns.

                    As far as losing revenue: since the Wendy's in question ended up refunding the SC's money as well as giving him food, they were in the red from the very get-go. Turning this guy away eliminates potential problems, and more imporantly stops him from abusing store employees, which is often worse then the lost money.
                    Sorry, I must have misread the thread itself where he had his money refunded. I do not justify behavior like this at all, because I myself deal with a few of the same customers that I have told my supervisor are not worth keeping.

                    In my experience, I have had managers look at the loss of revenue issue. Many don't care how abusive the customer is to the rep, and they don't care that the customer, not the rep or employee, actually provoked the problem. In the end, the customer, like this asshole, won in the end, and the situation in these cases is always grim. They win, you lose.


                    • #11
                      Freedom of speech is a protection from the Government abusing you, there are also caveats (I'm sure) that prevent you from abusing your fellow man (if for example chappie had come in with a racist diatrabe then I'm sure he would have been arrested (Racially aggrevated section 5 Public Order Act in the UK))

                      The business already has lost money due to this male having a refund and getting free food, I personally beleive he should have been banned for his language, simply unacceptable.
                      Last edited by crazylegs; 11-29-2007, 01:16 PM. Reason: clarification
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        Quoth greensinestro View Post
                        In my experience, I have had managers look at the loss of revenue issue. Many don't care how abusive the customer is to the rep, and they don't care that the customer, not the rep or employee, actually provoked the problem. In the end, the customer, like this asshole, won in the end, and the situation in these cases is always grim. They win, you lose.
                        Then your managers are not looking at the full picture. If they condone behavior like this, they risk losing revenue due to employee issues. Employees take time and money to train. If you allow customers to abuse the help, the employees are going to get frusterated and quit. Sometimes quite spectacularly at the workplace, which will turn off any customers there at the time. Even worse, the abused employees will have attitude issues that will come accross to the customers they serve, also turning the customers off of the place. In the long run, you have to treat your customers and emplyees right to run a good business. Sometimes that will mean kicking out a particularly awful customer.
                        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                        Hoc spatio locantur.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Geek King View Post
                          Then your managers are not looking at the full picture. If they condone behavior like this, they risk losing revenue due to employee issues. Employees take time and money to train. If you allow customers to abuse the help, the employees are going to get frusterated and quit. Sometimes quite spectacularly at the workplace, which will turn off any customers there at the time. Even worse, the abused employees will have attitude issues that will come accross to the customers they serve, also turning the customers off of the place. In the long run, you have to treat your customers and emplyees right to run a good business. Sometimes that will mean kicking out a particularly awful customer.
                          Right on the money with this. There are so many corrosive, negative side-effects to letting customers get away with bad behavior.

                          One other thing that happens in situations like this: the customer, who has now been rewarded for his foul behavior, will continue to act like a jack-ass at both this and other places. Personally, I think banning the guy would have a been a win-win for everyone involved - except the SC, and that's okay.
                          Be a winner today: Pick a fight with a 4 year old.

